- 1 x onion
- 1 x lemon (for juice)
- 0.5 lb chicken (breast or thighs), optional if you don't want meat
- 2 x medium carrots
- 1 tbsp oregano
- 1 tbps parsley
- 1 cup orzo, or 1/2 cup rice?
- 2 eggs
- olive oil
- ~2 quart water
- Fine chop onion
- Quarter and dice carrots
- Dice chicken, ~1/3 inch cubes
- Beat eggs and set aside
- Saute onions ~6 mins on medium heat till translucent
- Add chicken pieces, carrots, cook till chicken is more cooked on the outside, ~3 mins 2.5 Meanwhile, cook orzo ~8 mins, strain water at the end and add to the main pot
- Add oregano to the onion/carrot/chicken mix
- Add water, lemon juice, bring to boil and then simmer, 10 mins
- Scoop ~1 cup broth and mix with eggs while beating eggs, this tempers the egg mix
- Add the egg mix back to soup, heat ~4 mins while stirring. It should be more on smooth side with no egg chunks, salt to taste.