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Thinkful Project: built a React application by applying my knowledge and skills in state management, APIs, effect hooks, and React Router.

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Flashcard-o-matic is an application intended for both teachers to use to create decks of flashcards for the subjects they teach, as well as for students to use to study the decks their teachers have created.


Built with:

  • JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Open Iconic, and Google Fonts.


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install to install project dependencies.
  3. Run npm run start to concurrently start the project's frontend and backend.


Home Page:

home The home screen has the following features:

  • A Create Deck button that will take the user to the /decks/new page when clicked on.
  • Existing decks are shown with the deck name, the number of cards in that deck, and a View, Study, and Delete button.
  • Clicking the View button will take the user to the Deck screen, /decks/:deckId, where more information about that particular deck is stored.
  • Clicking the Study button will take the user to the Study screen, decks/:deckId/study, where the user can begin to study the cards in that deck.
  • Clicking the Delete button will prompt a warning message to appear, and give the user the option to delete the deck or cancel this action.

Delete Deck Prompt:

When the user clicks on the Delete button associated with a particular deck, a warning message is shown. The user can either click OK or Cancel. If the user clicks OK, the deck is deleted and will no longer be visible on the Home page.

delete deck prompt

Study Screen:

study screen The study screen has the following features:

  • A breadcrumb navigation bar with a link to the Home page, followed by the name of the deck being studied and a link to that deck's screen, and finally, the text: Study.
  • The deck's title is shown on the screen.
  • Cards are shown one at a time, front-side first.
  • A Flip button at the bottom of each card flips it to the other side when clicked on.

Next Button:

After flipping the card on the Study screen, the backside of the card will now include a Next button as well. Clicking on the Next button will prompt the next card in the deck to be shown, front-side first. Clicking on the Flip button will show the front-side of the card again.

study screen next button

Restart Prompt:

Once the user reaches the back-side of the last card in the deck, a warning message will appear. The user is offered the opportunity to restart the deck by clicking on the OK button. If the user chooses not to restart studying this deck, the Cancel button will take the user back to the Home page.

study screen restart prompt

Not Enough Cards:

If a user tries to study a deck with two or fewer cards in it, the Study screen will display a Not enough cards message and an Add Cards button. Clicking on the Add Cards button will take the user to the Add Card page, decks/:deckId/cards/new.

study screen not enough cards prompt

Create Deck:

create deck screen The Create Deck screen has the following features:

  • A breadcrumb navigation bar with a link to the Home page, followed by the text: Create Deck.
  • A form is shown with the appropriate fields for creating a new deck.
  • If the user cliks on the Submit button, the user is taken to this new deck's Deck screen.
  • If the user clicks on the Cancel button, the user is taken back to the Home page.

Deck Screen:

deck screen The Deck screen has the following features:

  • A breadcrumb navigation bar with a link to the Home page, followed by the name of the deck.
  • This screen includes the deck's name and description.
  • Below the description, there are Edit, Study, Add Cards, and Delete buttons. Each button results in a different outcome when clicked on:
    • Edit --> Edit Deck screen, /decks/:deckId/edit.
    • Study --> Study screen, /decks/:deckId.
    • Add Cards --> Add Card screen, decks/:deckId/cards/new.
    • Delete --> Shows a warning message before deleting the deck
  • Each card in the deck:
    • is listed on the page under the Cards heading.
    • has a Front and Back side to the card.
    • has an Edit button that takes the user to the Edit Card screen, /decks/:deckId/cards/:cardId/edit.
    • has a Delete button that allows that card to be deleted.

Delete Card Prompt

When the user clicks on the Delete button associated with a card, a warning message appears. The user can either click on OK or Cancel. If the user clicks on OK, the card is deleted and will no longer appear on the Deck screen. Clicking Cancel will return the user to the Deck screen.

deck screen delete card prompt

Edit Deck:

edit deck screen When the user navigates to this page, /decks/:deckId/edit, they are able to modify information on an existing deck. The Edit Deck screen has the following features:

  • A breadcrumb navigation bar with a link to the Home page, followed by the name of the deck being edited, which is also a link to that deck's Deck screen, and lastly, the text: Edit Deck.
  • It displays the same form as the Create Deck screen, except it is pre-filled with information for the existing deck.
  • The user can edit and update the form.
  • If the user clicks on the Cancel or the Submit button, the user is taken back to the Deck screen.

Add Card:

add card screen The Add Card page, /decks/:deckId/cards/new, allows the user to add new cards to the deck. This screen has the following features:

  • A breadcrumb navigation bar with a link to the Home page, followed by the name of the deck to which cards are being added, which is also a link to that deck's Deck screen, and finally the text: Add Card.
  • The screen displays a form with the Front and Back fields for a new card. Both fields use a <textarea> tag that can accommodate multiple lines of text.
  • If the user clicks on the Done button, the user is taken to the Deck screen.
  • If the user clicks on the Save button, a new card is created and associated with the relevant deck. Then, the form is cleared and the process for adding a new card is restarted.

Edit Card:

edit card screen The Edit Card page, /decks/:deckId/cards/:cardId/edit, allows the user to modify information on an existing card in a deck. This screen has the following features:

  • A breadcrumb navigation bar with a link to the Home page, followed by the name of the deck of which the edited card is a member of, a link to that deck's Deck screen, and finally the text: Edit Card :cardId.
  • It displays the same form as the Add Card screen, except it is pre-filled with information for the existing card. It can be edited and updated.
  • If the user clicks on either the Cancel or Submit button, the user is taken back to the Deck screen.


Thinkful Project: built a React application by applying my knowledge and skills in state management, APIs, effect hooks, and React Router.






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