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Creating the parser for ptuc

In the final section of this two-part tutorial we will tackle the creation of our actual parser which checks if our matched input tokens (coming from flex) are emitted in a syntactically correct order against our ptuc specification. We will use (gnu) bison in order to create our parser and this implementation was tested with versions of bison >= 3.0.4. Although bison originates from yacc it's a superset of its features so I don't know if the code here is compatible with yacc -- I would assume that it isn't by default, but I have not tested against it.

Basic anatomy of a bison (.y) file

As with flex, bison has again a similar layout which is as follows:

    user code
    bison declarations
    bison grammar rules
    more user code

Bison user code

The code that resides here is copied verbatim in the resulting .c file; this might include custom libraries, constants, includes and so on. Most includes and function prototype declarations happen at the top while their actual definition happens at the bottom user code section.

Bison stack types

bison tokens and types are allowed to have an accompanied value; that value can be used for emitting text or treating it as a return value in order to do a specific task later on. If we need this functionality we have to tell bison the type of that particular tag by declaring it inside a special union like this:

    char* tagA;
    double tagB;

This union tells bison that when we use a token or a type that is accompanied by tagA then we can use its value like a normal C string literal; on the other hand if its accompanied by tagB then that value will be treated as a double instead. It has to be noted that being a union and not a struct it also means the values use shared memory and not separate segments as opposed to struct fields. We can have as many different tags as we want inside the union and both tokens and types can have the same tag.

Bison tokens

As we previously said in our flex part the tokens must be firstly defined in our parser so that we can then generate the include .tab.h which we use in flex. Tokens are also called terminal symbols because we cannot break them into simpler entities. Token declarations must be inside bison's declaration section. Additionally tokens can have "tags", which basically says to bison that this token can accompanied by a particular value; hence a token definition has the following syntax:

%token <tagA> TOK_NAME_A
%token <tagB> TOK_NAME_B

You can also group for convenience tokens that have the same tag inside the same declaration like so:

%token <tagB> TOK_NAME_B

The tagB, tagB must be defined inside the union which was described in the previous section. So using the union shown in the previous section we can use inside rules tagA as a string while tagB as a double.

Bison types

bison types are used to indicate that a bison state can have a return value, much like tokens. The same rules apply but these have to be declared using a different directive like so:

%type <tagA> TYPE_NAME_A
%type <tagB> TYPE_NAME_B

Again as with tokens, you can also group for convenience types that have the same tag inside the same declaration like so:

%type <tagA> TYPE_NAME_A

The tags are again defined inside the union as is the case with the tags used by tokens -- basically the same rules apply here as well.

Constructing grammar rules

In bison we create a grammar which syntactically evaluates if the tokens that flex generated are emitted in a syntactically correct order. In order to do that we will have to take a good look at our language specification and break it down to building blocks that we then have to express using bison rules. In ptuc abstractly we have a program which can have modules, declarations and a body ending with a dot. This skeleton already gives us an intuition of how to express our language in a rule.

Concretely the rule for our whole program is the following:

  incl_mods program_decl decls body KW_DOT

We see that the grammar rule program is satisfied if and only if incl_mods, program_decl, decls, body and KW_DOT are satisfied in that specific order. In bison a rule is matched from left-to-right and all of the sub-rules must be satisfied as well. So for this particular example the matching order is the following:

  1. incl_mods
  2. program_decl
  3. decls
  4. body
  5. KW_DOT

These rules can be tokens or other grammar rules that have their own constraints, which as said previously have to be satisfied as well -- think of it like a pre-order tree traversal. Grammar rules in general have the following syntax:

    | caseB
    | caseN

A rule starts by typing its unique name then a colon (:) followed by a number of cases which are separated with a dash |; the last rule must be followed by a semicolon (;). Also rules don't have to be separated by lines so this would be perfectly legal as well:

rule_name: caseA | caseB | ... | caseN;

Additionally, grammar rules can have return values and (indirectly) take arguments. In order for a rule to return a value of type tag it has to be declared in the stack type union and use the type directive to inform bison that we expect that particular rule to return a value of type tag. With that in mind, let's go and show how to create a simple rule.

Simple rules

A simple rule, is one that comprises only our of terminal symbols... so an example of a simple rule would be one that describes all of the scalar values in ptuc, so let's go ahead and implement it. By our language specification (here) we see that the scalar values are comprised out of the following:

  • positive constant integers (token: POSINT)
  • and real numbers (token: REAL)

So a rule that would match these is the following:

      POSINT    {$$ = $1;}
      | REAL    {$$ = $1;}

A lot is happening here, but the main thing to note is that if flex returns to bison either a POSINT or REAL token this rule will be matched, this or is indicated by the dash (|) separating each case. The other important thing is that this particular rule returns a value; this is indicated by the assignment of $1 to $$ as $$ is a symbol that indicates the return value of that rule (if any) and the $1 indicates the value that accompanies the first rule or token. Let's look at another example.

// union entry
    int add_tag;

// token entry
%token <add_tag> POSINT REAL
// type entry
%type <add_tag> pos_real_add

// actual rule
      POSINT REAL {$$ = $1 + $2;}

Assuming that this rule returns a double and both POSINT and REAL are accompanied by numeric arguments then the above is perfectly valid. Please be careful, this rule is only matched if POSINT is followed by a REAL token -- not the other way around. So if flex returns a POSINT, then a REAL this rule will be matched and the resulting value would be the addition of the two.

Complex rules

We talked above on how to construct really basic rules, now we will see how to create more complex rules -- which (normally) will comprise most of your real world grammars. I personally separate these rules into two main categories, which are:

  1. composition rules
  2. lists (or recursive rules)

Composition rules

Composition rules are basically rules that are composed from one or more rules (complex or simple). We have already seen one such rule previously, which was:

  incl_mods program_decl decls body KW_DOT

This a composition rule as it has a case which is comprised out of four complex rules and one terminal symbol (KW_DOT). Generally speaking a complex rule is one that has at least one case which is composed with at least one non-terminal terminal symbol.


Lists are a special composition rule type which is very interesting due to it property of letting us do recursive matches. In order to understand this a bit better let's look at the definition of one such rule:

/* identifiers (left recursion) */
    | ident_list KW_COMMA IDENT

Usually lists have two (2) cases, one that is responsible for the recursion and one handles the singular (terminal) case of that rule. The recursion happens in the above example when we match the second case. That particular case allows us to match the terminal symbols KW_COMMA and IDENT as well as ourselves -- so that essentially means that we can reduce the terminal symbols and re-enter the same rule until we can match the first case which ends the recursion.

It has to be noted that there two types of recursion, left and right; the above rule we just showed is an example of a left recursion. The same identical rule using right recursion would the be following:

/* identifiers (right recursion) */
    | IDENT KW_COMMA ident_list

Although you have the option to use right instead of left recursion, due to how bison works internally you should avoid that and opt to use only left recursion. That's because in the case of a right recursion in order to parse that rule bison has to shift onto its stack all of the tokens that might be a potential match in the current context for that rule without even applying it once (thus performing a reduce operation, which "eats up" the stack).

Grammar conflicts

When parsing tokens bison tries to match them into one of the given grammar rules that can be potentially applied in the current context. To do that bison supports two (2) basic operations, shift and reduce; shift means that the tokens are shifted to the stack while reduce means that tokens are consumed from the stack. Depending on how you have created your rules you might have introduced ambiguities in the grammar; this means that bison in at least one occasion does not know precisely which singular rule to apply. This creates a conflict, which bison (thankfully) reports at compile time as a warning. There can be two (2) different types of conflicts:

  • shift/reduce
  • reduce/reduce

Shift/Reduce conflicts

This type of conflict happens when bison does not know which operation to perform, shift or reduce. An example of such rule would the following:

/* identifiers */
    | ident_list KW_COMMA IDENT

The introduction of this second case, creates an ambiguity in our grammar which in turn creates a shift/reduce conflict. In order to better understand that we have to explain a bit more how bison parses the tokens and selects to either shift or reduce. As bison parses the tokens even if it matches a rule it does not immediately reduce, even if a rule is matched; what instead happens is that bison always has stored one token ahead to a special variable called the lookahead token. The value of the lookahead token is stored in yychar and (if any) its semantic value and its location in yylval and yylloc respectively.

Now in our case when we parse the IDENT token and we have in our lookahead token the KW_COMMA, we can either use the second case and reduce or use the third rule and shift as we can match the first two parts of the third case. This would happen if we matched IDENT as ident_list, reduced it using the first case and shifted the result, then matched the KW_COMMA and we would expect an IDENT in order to complete the rule. Normally shift/reduce conflicts should be resolved and this can be done by either specifying precedence (will be discussed later) or altering your grammar.

Reduce/Reduce conflicts

This type of conflict is more serious than the previous one as bison knows that is has to perform a reduce operation but has more than one way of doing so -- this very bad and indicates a serious problem in the grammar. An example of that rule would be the following:

/* identifiers */
    | IDENT
    | ident_list KW_COMMA IDENT

/* data-types using no cast */
      | KW_BOOLEAN
      | KW_CHAR
      | KW_INTEGER
      | KW_REAL

/* combine them */
    | combs ident_list;
    | combs cdata;

Now in the above segment we have a serious issue; let's assume that we have to parse an empty input, if we try to match it using the above rules we can see that is can be reduced in multiple ways; thus bison does not know reliably which rule to use in order to reduce, hence the conflicts. This can be resolved as with shift/reduce conflicts by altering the grammar itself or using precedence rules, which will be discussed later on.

Expected conflicts

In some grammar it is normal to have a small amount of shift/reduce conflicts (but no reduce/reduce conflicts); in order to indicate that this is normal and suppress the warnings generated by bison upon compilation one can use the %expect directive. This is placed inside the bison declaration section and takes an argument of the precise amount of shift/reduce conflicts that we are expecting, like so:

%expect n

If the number of shift/reduce conflicts is not equal to n (less or more) or we have a *reduce/reduce conflicts an error is thrown and compilation is stopped.

Precedence rules

Precedence is a really important aspect of your grammar; that is... if you want to do something meaningful with it you are bound to be affected by it. Let's first show an example; suppose that we have to add three numbers a, b and c (a + b + c). Now also suppose that we have the following grammar rule for addition:

   num `+` num

This rule expects two numbers and a plus sign (+) between them, but upon parsing the input we have the following:

num1 -> `+` -> num2 -> `+` -> num3

This would create a shift/reduce conflict as bison does not now how to precisely parse the input as there is more than one way of parsing the tokens received. This is because we can either parse the input as:

(num1 `+` num2) `+` num3

Which would result in the following operations from bison:

  1. (num1 + num2) match
  2. reduce using add_op
  3. shift result
  4. (res1_2 + num3) match
  5. reduce using add_op
  6. shift result

On the other hand, we could also parse it like this (perfectly legal) way:

num1 `+` (num2 `+` num3)

Which would result in the following operations from bison:

  1. (num2 + num3) match
  2. reduce using add_op
  3. shift result
  4. (num1 + res2_3) match
  5. reduce using add_op
  6. shift result

The first example is how we parse the expression using left operator associativity while the second case shows how we would parse the expression using right associativity. The actual problem lies when we have more than one operators to process in sequence as bison does not know if it should reduce or shift; by default bison elects to shift instead of reduce.

There are four (4) types of precedence types in bison three (3) of which declare both precedence as well as associativity while the last (as its name suggests) declares only precedence. The complete list is the following:

  • left (%left): Indicates that this operator has left associativity (e.g. (a + b) + c is preferred)
    • syntax is: %left symbols
  • right (%right): Indicates that this operator has right associativity (e.g. a + (b + c) is preferred)
    • syntax is: %right symbols
  • nonassoc (%nonassoc): Indicates that this operator cannot be seen in sequence and is considered a syntax error if that's encountered (e.g. a + b + c would throw an error).
    • syntax is: %nonassoc symbols
  • precedence (%precedence): Indicates just precedence not associativity.

In the previous cases, precedence did not actually affect the result but there are some cases that precedence does affect the result; one such example is if we had the following expression:

a * b + c

Here we don't have precedence for sequential operations using the same operator but different ones; again if no precedence is set for the multiplication (*) and addition (+) operators, bison would not be certain which operation to perform first, a * b or b + c and a shift/reduce conflict would again occur. Of course we can easily see that doing (a * b) + c is not the same as a * (b + c). This is solved by determining the precedence of the operator itself against the others. This actually took me quite a while to figure out as I did not spot it right away when reading the documentation.

When declaring precedence groups the group with the higher line number has greater precedence than the previous ones. It's also good practice to group operator of equal precedence in the same declaration. As a final example, the complete precedence rule list for ptuc follows.


/* Class 8 prec. group */
%left KW_OP_OR KW_OR

/* Class 7 prec. group */

/* Class 6 prec. group */

/* Class 5 prec. group */

/* Class 4 prec. group */

/* Class 3 prec. group (for casting) */

/* Class 2 prec. group */

/* Class 1 prec. group (highest precedence) */

/* dangling else lookalikes */
%precedence IF_THEN
%precedence KW_ELSE

Non-operator precedence

Again, sharp readers will see notice in the above code something that I have yet to explain; and they'd be right! As I left that for last. Notice that there is no token defined for IF_THEN or TYPE_CASE_PREC, so it turns out that one can declare precedence for arbitrary symbols and use the term %prec to enforce that precedence into a rule, like so:

   num `+` num %prec IF_THEN

So using the add_op rule we can modify it as follows to enforce that particular rule to have the precedence (and associativity) of IF_THEN or any other symbol. These can be used to also enforce precedence in order to resolve conflicts in our grammar, by using our previous example that created a shift/reduce conflict:

/* in decl. section */
%precedence lower
%precedence higher

/* identifiers */
    | IDENT KW_COMMA                %prec higher
    | ident_list KW_COMMA IDENT     %prec lower

Since higher is declared lower than lower it has higher precedence, thus by using %prec directive we enforce that precedence in our rules, solving the previous ambiguity that was present in our grammar by always favoring the second case. This technique can also be used for resolving reduce/reduce conflicts as well. The reasoning behind the precedence specification for non-token symbols IF_THEN and TYPE_CASE_PREC will be explained when we tackle our ptuc grammar implementation.

Freeing symbols

This is a very important topic as if you want to produce an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) you'd probably allocate some memory to do that; in languages like C or C++ if you dynamically allocate memory you have to free it yourself; bison has no reasonable obligation to clean-up your mess, that's your job.

Unfortunately most parsers I've seen that allocate memory assume that since that's done inside bison itself somehow they expect that bison (or flex) will take care of that but unfortunately that's not the case. Let's look an example that would produce a definite memory-leak in our program. We will use the above rule we created using the POSINT and REAL tokens; inside flex they have the return the following when they are matched:

                yylval.crepr = strdup(yytext);
                return POSINT;

{REAL}      {
                yylval.crepr = strdup(yytext);
                return REAL;

The line yylval.crepr = strdup(yytext); means that we copy the value of yytext into the yylval.crepr (which is a tag in our bison %union { ... }). This means that both of these tokens are accompanied by a dynamically allocated vale stored in their tag. Hence in the following rule:

// our union decl.
    char* crepr;

// later on...
      POSINT REAL {$$ = strtol($1, NULL, 10) + strtol($2, NULL, 10);}

The $1 and $2 contain the values of POSINT and REAL respectively. The rule does its job (after first converting them to actual numbers using strtol function), which is to add the two and return their result by assigning it to $$ -- there is a catch however. After the rule finishes (returns the $$) memory for $1 and $2 is not free'ed at any point, as after the calls to strtol they are not used anymore; thus they create a definite memory-leak. The correct way to handle dynamically allocated symbols or tags is to free them as soon as we have no use for them -- which is this case is after the calls to strtol; hence a correct implementation that does not create any leaks would be the following:

// our different union
    char* crepr;
    double val;

// token and types
%token <crepr> POSINT REAL
%type <val> pos_real_add

// later on.
      POSINT REAL {$$ = strtol($1, NULL, 10) + strtol($2, NULL, 10); free($1); free($2);}

Now let's look at yet another example of where handling these free's isn't that obvious.

// assume that above we had: %type <crepr> pos_int_num and %type <val> pos_add
    POSINT {$$ = $1; free($1);}

    POSINT `+' POSINT {$$ = strtol($1, NULL, 10) + strtol($3, NULL, 10); free($1); free($3);}

Here we have two rules, one that recognizes POSINT's and one that simply performs an addition if the output is a POSINT followed by a plus sign (+) and another POSINT. Notice that that we should free up the values right after we are finished with them, so naturally one would say that in the pos_int_num rule we are done with the value of POSINT so we should free it. That's incorrect and would most likely cause a segmentation-fault; this is the case because the value of $$ points to that particular string, since we assign $$ to be equal with $1 -- but $1 is a pointer to the string. Thus the value of $$ for each POSINT is the actual value that $1 and $3 will have in the pos_add rule; so if we free it there when strtol tries to use that will most likely fail -- not to mention that free will attempt to free an already free'ed location. The correct way of handling the above scenario would be the one below:

// assume that above we had: %type <crepr> pos_int_num and %type <val> pos_add
    POSINT {$$ = $1;}

    POSINT `+' POSINT {$$ = strtol($1, NULL, 10) + strtol($3, NULL, 10); free($1); free($3);}

Sharp readers will immediately spot that the above segments regardless of the tips provided would be quite prone to double-free, or invalid-free errors and they would be perfectly right. This is why when dealing with such issues I have constructed a wrapper function in order to take care of these issues -- but it requires the user to obey a few simple rules. Let's illustrate the function first and then explain how it actually works.

/*  handy clean-up function */
tf(char *s)
  {if(s != NULL && strcmp(s, "") != 0) {free(s);}}

This is simple but very effective because we can call it freely on any symbol that we might want to free, even those that have already being released. This is done through the first if that checks if s is NULL or equal to "". The first is straightforward as that checks if s is a valid pointer while the second one is a bit weird at first; why check for that particular value you might ask? This is simple, we use that value to indicate that we have an empty string or a symbol that might not have a value inside that rule. Thus the rule is that we always expect s to be a pointer and have a value of NULL or "" at any given point that we don't want to call free on that particular symbol. It's pretty neat and works quite well in practice (and doesn't clutter the codebase as well!).


Another thing that important (that is neglected quite often I am afraid) is how to handle things when something goes bad during parsing -- and oh boy in compilers isn't that usual. Thankfully bison has the ability to clean its own stuff when something does go wrong -- but what about our dynamically allocated symbols. Thankfully, bison has a facility that can help us free-up own resources by calling a destructor on each of the discarded symbols -- but what does bison consider as a discarded symbol? The following list is mostly an extract from bison's manual which defines that bison considers as discarded symbols.

Valid discarded symbols are the symbols that fall into at least one of the following categories:

  • stacked symbols popped during the first phase of error recovery
  • incoming terminals during the second phase of error recovery
  • the current lookahead and the entire stack (except the current right-hand side symbols) in the case the parser is fail-fast
  • the current lookahead and the entire stack (including the current right-hand side symbols) when the C++ parser catches an exception in parse
  • the start symbol when the parser succeeds

Additionally, bison only calls the destructors for user-defined symbols. If you call a destructor for a tag-less type or token when their destructor expects one to be present a warning notifying the user of that fact should pop during compilation. One such example is when you use the <*> as a tag, which indicates that all of your tokens, types are expected to return a value. Let's first look at the destructor syntax:

%destructor { /* C code */ } symbol_list

The destructor is placed into the declaration section of the bison file and between the brackets {, } any valid C or C++ code can be entered followed by a list of symbols that this destructor should be executed for. So this would be a perfectly legal destructor for the crepr tag:

%destructor { tf($$); } <crepr>

Destructors have the ability to be executed on a per-tag basis or globally; that means we can assign different destructors for different tags. That's the case because some tags might have different types declared for them inside the union, hence a different way of freeing them might be required. For our needs and purposes the above destructor will suffice, but for reference here are a couple more valid examples:

    void *aptr;
    char* crepr;

/* destructor specific for <crepr> tag */
%destructor { tf($$); } <crepr>
/* destructor specific for <a> tag */
%destructor { if(a) {free(a);}; } <a>
%destructor { /* any tag destructor */ } <*>
%destructor { /* tagless symbol destructor */ } <>

Notice the tag-less destructor, which is called on every symbol that is present. This might raise the question on how to select which destructor to call since there might be more than one. Should bison detects that there is a tag-specific destructor for a discarded symbol it will call that and ignore the more generic one, so in case of discarding a symbol that has a semantic value of <crepr> then only the destructor for <crepr> will be called.

Error recovery

In case we encounter a lexer (flex) or parser (bison) error under default conditions our parser will terminate after seeing the first error -- these are called fail-fast parsers, but nobody actually wants them... (except maybe lazy students). This means that if our input has more than one mistake we would only detect the first and exit! This process would get quite tedious as repeated compilations would be required in order to detect and fix all errors instead of reporting all errors in our source at the first parse.

Thankfully bison has error recovery capabilities! They are also quire simple to define and explain but require a lot of skill, practice and a hellish insight in order to be used correctly. Say for example that we have the following rule:


What if an error was encountered inside that rule, say for example we had a valid KW_PROGRAM token as well as an IDENT but not a semicolon (;); then if we didn't have error recovering capabilities our parser would end as we previously said.

In order to allow bison to recover from a syntax error we have to create a rule that recognizes a special bison token called error. It is defined by default and there is no need to explicitly define it. Thus the above rule would be modified as follows in order to allow for error recovery:

    | error KW_SEMICOLON

The above addition does a couple of things, firstly if we detect an error then we will immediately switch to the second (and error handling) case and secondly we will ignore and discard everything encountered up the next semicolon (;). This switch happens by discarding both the value of the current semantic tags in current context (if any) as we as all the tokens on the bison stack until we reach a point where the rule which contains the error token is acceptable -- in our case this happens when we encounter the next semicolon (;). Of course for all of the discarded symbols the appropriate destructors will be run as well, if any.

Additionally, after encountering an error it's likely that this fact will then create much more consecutive errors; to avoid this console spam bison suppresses error messages until three (3) consecutive tokens have been parsed and shifted successfully. If you don't like (or want) this behavior by default you can put the yyerrok inside the error rule like so:

    | error KW_SEMICOLON { yyerrok; }

Later on when defining our ptuc grammar we will give insights regarding the places we elected to put our error recovering states.

Creating ptuc grammar

In this section I will briefly describe ptuc grammar rules and how they are structured while also touching in greater detail some implementation related topics that I find to be quite intriguing. As a general rule you should first understand the grammar you want to create rules for and that's really important (ptuc spec. ref. here); as if you "get-it" then translating these rules into a working grammar should be quite easy. This section will follow the natural structure of the grammar, defining small primitives and using them to build our grammar. Also please be aware that we only copy values when we have to do so (e.g. change the printed format using template function), otherwise we just pass the pointer for the already allocated value to the return value ($$). If in doubt, look at the complete source (ptucc_parser.y).


Primitives are the building blocks that we will use in order to create more complex rules; in this category I included the following language elements:

  • strings
  • scalar/boolean values
  • data-types
  • identifiers
  • expressions
  • statements

The first three are simple rules to implement as well as understand, things start to get a little bit tricky when dealing with statements and expressions. Most rules return a value, and in this language we only have one type, <crepr> that's of type char *; so all of the return values are assumed to be of that type.


Strings are using a very simple rule that just groups the terminal symbols for the two types of strings ptuc supports. The only catch is that when we have a single quoted string we change the single quotes to double using string_ptuc2c function defined in cgen.c.

/* string values */
      STR_LIT   {$$ = $1;}
      | STRING	{$$ = string_ptuc2c($1);}

Scalar/Boolean values

Scalar values rule is again very simple and similar to strings:

      POSINT    {$$ = $1;}
      | REAL    {$$ = $1;}

Boolean values are the same as well, but here we don't just pass the accompanied value as the output but rather we use strdup to copy the string "true" or "false" to the output.

      KW_BOOL_TRUE    {$$ = strdup("true");}
      | KW_BOOL_FALSE {$$ = strdup("false");}

Then both of these are joined into a complex rule that can describe both in one go:

/* scalar/bool values */
      scalar_vals {$$ = $1;}
      | bool_vals {$$ = $1;}


The data-types here are just a collection of the available ones that ptuc has without the custom types.

/* data-types using no cast */
      KW_BOOLEAN {$$ = "bool";}
      | KW_CHAR {$$ = "char";}
      | KW_INTEGER {$$ = "int";}
      | KW_REAL {$$ = "double";}

Here we compose a data-type rule that has all of the default ones and can also accept any custom ones that are treated as an identifier (IDENT).

/* data-types that might use cast to type */
      cdata     {$$ = strdup($1);}
      | IDENT   {$$ = $1;}

Notice here that in the case of cdata we have to copy the string due to the fact that they were statically allocated inside the cadata rule.

Type cast

In ptuc we support type casting, that is we can cast one type into another; this is done in the same way as it's done in C. Additionally we also support infinite nesting, so we allow ((((type)))) var_to_cast as well as (type) var_to_cast, they are treated as equivalents. To allow this we use recursion, the first case recursively strips away the surplus parenthesis pairs up to the point we reach one pair and one type. The template function here is used to return a formatted string and performs a dynamic allocation, thus we have to free up the resources using tf.

/* expression that we use to allow casting with inf. nested pars */
      KW_LPAR type_cast KW_RPAR
        {$$ = template("(%s)", $2); tf($2);}
      | KW_LPAR cdata_with_type KW_RPAR
        {$$ = template("(%s)", $2); tf($2);}


Previously we talked about identifiers, so here is the rule that implements them, which basically joins the terminal case along with a second case that allows us to recursively parse more than one identifiers separated by commas (,):

/* identifiers */
        IDENT {$$ = $1;}
        | ident_list KW_COMMA IDENT
          {$$ = template("%s, %s", $1, $3); tf($1); tf($3);}

Another important identifier rule is the one we have to use for arrays as they are followed by a number of brackets equal to the number of their dimension, so a 3-dimensional array like: array[2][3][4] is followed by three bracket pairs; in our rule this is represented in the brackets_list rule that is also shown below.

/* this is to allow ident[index] scheme */
        IDENT   {$$ = $1;}
        | IDENT brackets_list
            {$$ = template("%s%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}
  handle variable array size, eat up brackets in a
  padding fashion e.g. [] -> [][] -> [][][] ...
        {$$ = template("[%s]", $2); tf($2);}
      | brackets_list KW_LBRA POSINT KW_RBRA
        {$$ = template("%s[%s]", $1, $3); tf($1); tf($3);}


Inside expression we group the three types of expressions we have one-side expressions such as !ident, or +1 and two-side expressions such as a + b, b % c etc. We intuitively composed them into a rule that follows:

    one_side_exp    {$$ = $1;}
    | two_side_exp  {$$ = $1;}

Additionally we consider as expressions also strings, literal values, function calls and so on... so another rule was created to accommodate that:

          type_cast exp_join %prec TYPE_CAST_PREC
            {$$ = template("%s %s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2); }
          | KW_LPAR basic_exp KW_RPAR {$$ = template("(%s)", $2); tf($2);}
          | proc_call
            {$$ = $1;}
          | lit_vals
            {$$ = $1;}
          | string_vals
            {$$ = $1;}
          | expression
            {$$ = $1;}

The important part is that we use precedence here to indicate that the first case, where we match and reduce in case we have a type-cast and an expression using the %prec directive we enforce the precedence and associativity of TYPE_CAST_PREC overriding the the bison inferred precedence; this eliminates a potential ambiguity in our grammar as if we did not enforce that precedence rule bison would not be certain whether to shift using the first case or reduce using the second case.

The final step is to describe exp_join state, which is the following:

    ident_with_bracket  {$$ = $1;}
    | basic_exp         {$$ = $1;}

This is a clever way to pack the identifiers that are followed with an array without causing any ambiguities in our grammar.


Statements form the block of our logic, they contain most useful building blocks, that are really not all that interesting in their implementation, just a straight up translation of the rules in the spec. into tokens, then all of them are composed into the complex rule that follows:

    common_stmt     {$$ = $1;}
    | proc_call     {$$ = template("%s;\n", $1); tf($1);}
    | while_stmt    {$$ = $1;}
    | for_stmt      {$$ = $1;}
    | if_stmt       {$$ = $1;}
    | label_stmt    {$$ = $1;}
    | ret_stmt      {$$ = $1;}
    | body          {$$ = $1;}

Then we can define the following two rules, which allows us to parse a lot of statements using recursion while also handling empty input correctly.

    {$$ = "";}
    | statement_list  { $$ = $1; }

    | statement_list KW_SEMICOLON statement
        { $$ = template("%s%s", $1, $3); tf($1); tf($3); }

Command enclosure (body)

Our command enclosure (body) is comprised out of zero or many statements, these include assignments, function/procedure calls and so on. The rule is simple, as the statements are expanded into their respective rules. The body rule is the following:

    KW_BEGIN statements KW_END
        {$$ = template("{%s}", $2); tf($2);}
    | KW_BEGIN error KW_END
        {$$ = "";}

This is handy as we can use it in all places where we want to have multiple statements, like inside if, while statements, function/procedure definitions, modules and so on. There is a catch though, in functions we have to use a different body rule as they require to support the result keyword, this happens by just using the same structure albeit using the special statements rule we introduced for functions above. The resulting rule follows.

    KW_BEGIN func_stmts KW_END
        {$$ = template("{%s}", $2); tf($2);}
    | KW_BEGIN error KW_END
        {$$ = "";}


Modules (as we previously said in our lexer here) are stitched to the input so bison has no idea that we are reading from another file; thus we just see a token sequence. From our spec. inside our modules we only allow declarations of variables, functions and so on thus inside incl_mod we make sure that happens, if not an error is thrown. The 'incl_mods' rule allows us to parse multiple modules while also handling empty input correctly.

      {$$ = "";}
      | incl_mods incl_mod KW_SEMICOLON
        {$$ = template("%s\n%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}

      KW_MODULE IDENT incl_mods KW_BEGIN decls KW_END KW_DOT
        $$ = template("// included module %s\n%s\n%s", $2, $3, $5);
        tf($2); tf($3); tf($5);
      | error KW_SEMICOLON {$$ = "";};

Program header

This is a very simple rule, it just checks if the program header is aligned with the rules in our spec., if not the second case is matched and an error is reported.

    | error KW_SEMICOLON {$$ = "";}

Program declarations

This rule allows us to declare variables, functions/procedures and custom data-types; we can declare none or many of each and at any order -- gotta love recursive rules :).

/* flexible decls allow in any order variable, type, function decls */
      /* in case of no decls */
      {$$ = "";}
      | decls error KW_SEMICOLON {$$ = $1;}
      | decls type_decl
        {$$ = template("%s\n%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}
      | decls var_decl
        {$$ = template("%s\n%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}
      | decls func_decl
        {$$ = template("%s\n%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}
      | decls proc_decl
        {$$ = template("%s\n%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}


Variables are parsed using a recursive rule again, but as with function/procedure arguments that we will see below if we have multiple variables chained against one data-type we cannot transparently convert from ptuc to C thus we created two helper functions ident_to_pointer and ident_to_array which are used to solve this problem. All of these use a similar technique and I'll only explain one of them, ident_to_pointer. In ptuc we have have the following variable declaration:

    a: integer;
    b, c, d: array of char;

Which would translate to C as follows:

int a;
char *b, *c, *d;

But if we see the rule for parsing the variables, due to the order of expansion the value of the data-type is not available upon identifier expansion so it cannot be padded. The rule is the following:

/* variables */
        KW_VAR var_decl_list
          { $$ = template("%s\n", $2); tf($2); }

        var_decl_single {$$ = $1;}
        | var_decl_list var_decl_single
          {$$ = template("%s\n%s", $1, $2); tf($1); tf($2);}

Hence the logic behind ident_to_pointer is to pad the pointer into each identifier that needs it, like so:

/* pointerize identifiers */
char *
ident_to_pointer(char *s) {
    if(s == NULL || strcmp(s, "") == 0)
    {return "";}
    /* find the number of variables */
    uint32_t vars = find_counts(s, ',');
    size_t buf_len = strlen(s)+(4*vars)+1;
    char *cur_tok = cur_tok = strtok(s, ","),
            *new_buf = calloc(buf_len, sizeof(char));
    if(new_buf == NULL)
    {return NULL;}
    while(cur_tok != NULL) {
        strcat(new_buf, " *");
        strcat(new_buf, cur_tok);
        cur_tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
        if(cur_tok != NULL)
        {strcat(new_buf, ",");}
    return new_buf;


Procedures are like our main body, albeit they take arguments; we again use the template function in order to translate ptuc syntax to C as per our spec.

/* proc. decl. */
        KW_LPAR type_only_arguments KW_RPAR KW_SEMICOLON
        decls body KW_SEMICOLON
            $$ = template("void %s(%s) {\n%s\n%s}\n",
                $2, $4, $7, $8);
            tf($2); tf($4); tf($7); tf($8);

Interestingly enough, there is a catch here; due to the way arguments are structured in ptuc there is not an elegant way of performing the conversion using just bison's magic. Let's illustrate this with an example; imagine that we had the following ptuc procedures:

procedure evalA(f: real; v: integer);
    (* proc. body *)

procedure evalB(f, c: real; v, l: integer);
    (* proc. body *)

Both are perfectly valid; but C requires the data-type of each variable that is part of a function argument to have its type as well, so the above functions would translate into C like this:

void evalA(double f, int v) {
    // proc. body

void evalB(double f, double c, int v, int l) {
    // proc. body

The following rule correctly and reliably parses the ptuc arguments but fails to translate into C transparently; that's because ident_list does not know what the value of cdata_with_type is and the time of expansion and inside the type_only_arguments rule we have the complete parsed strings from both ident_list as well as cdata_with_type. This becomes an issue when we have more than one variable assigned to the same data-type (like in evalB), so in order to remedy this issue we created ident_to_data that does exactly that... combines the identifiers with their type and returns the correct C equivalent syntax.

/* type only arguments */
    {$$ = "";}
    | ident_list KW_COLON cdata_with_type
          char *s = ident_to_cdata($1, $3);
          if(s == NULL) {
            tf($3); yyerror("No memory to pad cdata to ident");
          } else
            {$$ = s; tf($1); tf($3);}

    | type_only_arguments KW_SEMICOLON ident_list KW_COLON cdata_with_type
          char *s = ident_to_cdata($3, $5);
          if(s == NULL) {
            tf($3); tf($5); yyerror("No memory to pad cdata to ident");
          } else {
            $$ = template("%s, %s", $1, s);
            tf($1); tf($3); tf($5); tf(s);



Functions are like procedures, with one exception -- they have a return value; as per our spec. this return requires us to have also a special variable inside our function called result which we assign our resulting value to. In the end we can either result the result value or one of our own. The func_body rule is altered to accommodate for that fact as it uses a modified statements rule.

/* function-decl. */
        KW_LPAR type_only_arguments KW_RPAR
        KW_COLON cdata_with_type KW_SEMICOLON
        decls func_body KW_SEMICOLON
            $$ = template("%s %s(%s) {%s result;\n%s\n%s\nreturn result;}\n",
                $7, $2, $4, $7, $9, $10);
            tf($2); tf($4); tf($7); tf($9); tf($10);

Special bison commands

Here is a simple summary of the bison special commands and a brief description on what they do -- a cheat-sheet if you'd like to call it that.

  • %union: indicates the available tags and their types.
  • %token: a numerical value that indicates a specific input is matched -- they originate usually from flex.
  • %type: is used to indicate that a bison state returns a value.
  • %right: used to indicate right precedence (e.g. a + b + c -> a + (b + c)).
  • %left: used to indicate left precedence (e.g. a + b + c -> (a + b) + c).
  • %nonassoc: used to indicate that the operators are not-associated and using it like so would indicate a syntax error.
  • %start: used to indicate our starting rule (or you could call it state as well).
  • %expect: used to indicate that we expect our grammar to have a specific number of shift/reduce conflicts (not reduce/reduce conflicts). If the number of errors differ, then a compilation error is thrown (e.g. %expect n if shift/reduce count is not exactly n, we fail to compile).
  • %pure_parser: used to indicate that we want our parser to be a reentrant; this means that it will not use global variables to communicate with flex. This option is useful when we want to create a thread-safe parser.
  • %raw: this is to enable token compatibility with yacc; yacc starts numbering multi-character tokens sequentially from 257 while bison normally starts from 3. Single character tokens in yacc use their ANSI value.
  • %no_lines: this option doesn't inform the C compiler regarding the line numbering scheme (thus they don't generate the #lines pre-processor commands). Don't turn this off, as that enables to map your source code to the resulting .c file produced by bison; this helps debugging a lot.
  • %token_table: this generates an array of token names in the parser file. The generated array is named yytname and each token name is located as yytname[i] where i is the number bison has assigned to that token. Along with the table bison generates some macros that are provide some useful information, these are:
    • YYNTOKENS: Returns the number of defined tokens plus one (for the EOF).
    • YYNNTS: Returns the number of non-terminal symbols (basically is the number of tokens).
    • YYNRULES: Returns the number of grammar rules.
    • YYNSTATES: Returns the number of (generated) parser states.
  • %define: allows us to tweak some parser parameters by defining some configuration properties (more here); the most common of which would be: %define parse.error verbose that enables more verbose syntax error information output.


I had a blast creating this project and writing this guide. Due to my recent dabblings I don't get to play much with these tools so it was a nice escape. Hopefully you learned something through all of this ;).