This document will provide you simple step by step guide to run the project locally and see your changes take effect immediately while you're editing.
- Download and install android studio, We will not use android studio but it will install all needed SDK and environment variables we may needed.
- Install XCode, This step is optional, you will need it only if you intend to run on iPhone.
- Install flutter by following the guide of your OS, As a brief, you can follow this Section.
- Install VSCode.
Clone your fork of the repository, open the folder zold_wallet
in vscode (by chossing file>open or file>open folder).
open a terminal(Terminal>new terminal) and run the command flutter packages get
If you want to run on an emulator, run flutter emulators
to see the list of available emulators.
Run flutter emulators --create
to create a new emulator or flutter emulators --launch {emulator name ex. Apple}
to run the emulator.
Then use the command flutter run
to run the app on your emulator, go to the view and edit anything, then press r in the terminal and see the design changes in your screen.
- Download the SDK.
- Execute the following commands.
mkdir ~/development
cd ~/development
tar xf ~/Downloads/flutter_linux_v1.2.1-stable.tar.xz
# execute the next command or append it to your .bashrc to avoid the need of executing it again
export PATH="$PATH:~/development/flutter/bin"
flutter doctor # provide us the output of this command when something is not going okay with you
- Download the SDK.
- execute the following commands.
mkdir ~/development
cd ~/development
tar xf ~/Downloads/
# execute the next command or append it to your .bash_profile to avoid the need of executing it again
export PATH="$PATH:~/development/flutter/bin"
flutter doctor # provide us the output of this command when something is not going okay with you
- Download the SDK.
- Extract the zip file and place the contained flutter in the desired installation location for the Flutter SDK (eg. C:\src\flutter; do not install Flutter in a directory like C:\Program Files\ that requires elevated privileges).
- Locate the file flutter_console.bat inside the flutter directory. Start it by double-clicking.
- Open the CMD and run
flutter doctor
, provide us the output of this command when something is not going okay with you.