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File metadata and controls

172 lines (113 loc) · 3.91 KB

Set up for example

Generate an express server

npm install -g express-generator
express {name of file} --hogan -c less

then install dependencies npm install

Once I have my basic express server set up I will install sendgrid

npm install -S sendgrid

Go to to register for an account. (takes a couple hours to get provisioned...good though because less emails go to spam)

Go to npm to view the sendgrid package that we just installed.

I grab the starter route code they have listed and enter it in my index.js main route

var sendgrid  = require('sendgrid')(sendgrid_api_key);
  to:       '[email protected]',
  from:     '[email protected]',
  subject:  'Hello World',
  text:     'My first email through SendGrid.'
}, function(err, json) {
  if (err) { return console.error(err); }

Generate sendgrid API Key

npm install dotenv

Create a global variable in .env file to save API key

require the following in your index.js file

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var dotenv = require('dotenv');

var sendgridAPI = process.env.sendgridAPI;

var sendgrid  = require('sendgrid')(sendgridAPI);

set up your main route and sendgrid.send email object

  to:       '[email protected]',
  from:     '[email protected]',
  subject:  'Hello World',
  text:     'My first email through SendGrid.'
}, function(err, json) {
  if (err) { return res.send('Oh no there was an error'); }
  res.send('Email sent succesfully. Very nice!');  

save your files and start your server

npm start

go to localhost:3000

wait about 5-8 seconds and boom! email in your box!

Now to send rich HTML emails...

Workflow / tools for responsive emails 1 - Create a new route in index.js

router.get('/preview', function(req, res){
	res.render('email', {firstName: 'Adam'});

2 - Create new view email.hjs

<!DOCTYPE html>
		h1 {
			font-weight: bold;
		<h1>Thanks, {{ firstName }}</h1>

3 - Start my server npm start 4 - Go to localhost:3000/preview you will see your email template

Setting up hogan complier

1- npm install --save hogan.js 2- include these packages in index.js

var Hogan = require('hogan.js');
var fs = require('fs');

// get the file
// compile the template

// get the file
var template = fs.readFileSync('./views/email.hjs', 'utf-8');
// compile the template
var compiledTemplate = Hogan.compile(template);

3- add compiled template into html of sendgrid.send main route in index.js

Problems... Developing and formating emails can be a pain. You basically will have to code and then send emails to tell how your email is looking etc.

To solve... We need a tool to help develop professional emails that are clean accross all email providers.

To add styles you need to inline all your css...which is a giant pain so use an inliner tool.

Gives you: Responsive classes - columns etc. Templates Inliner

<!DOCTYPE html>
		h1 {
			font-weight: bold;
		<h1>Thanks, {{ firstName }}</h1>

Install Zurb foundation cli stack npm install --global foundation-cli

Create a new email project

foundation new --framework {filename}

cd into your new project structure

paste in your desired template into /src/pages/index.html

you can then begin to develop your email in nice HTML structure

$ foundation watch

will launch your email in a browser to have a live environment development workflow

$ npm run build

this will build your file structure and create a build file in the route of your file.

from there we will copy the entire inlined html file and paste it into our sendgrid server.