On top of these resources, check out:
- the many (and growing) Stack Exchange sites
- Mozilla Science Group lessons
- Software Carpentry training modules
- MIT free online classes
- A collection organized by function of Digitial Research Tools (DiRT)
Github also have lists of resources via their 'Awesome' tag. They are usually lists of curated resources of a specific topic that people have recommended. For example, https://github.com/edobashira/speech-language-processing is a list of Speech Language Processing resources.
Here is a list of 'Awesome' lists https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/readme.md
The following is a list of resources I've collated. Feel free to add more or suggest some. If you feel a resource is unsuitible for this area, please also remove it. https://github.com/amandamiotto/HackyHourBookmarks