Releases: almarklein/timetagger
Releases · almarklein/timetagger
- Fix sorting search results - #388
- Improvements to report grouping - #389
- Snap to today when resuming from a record earlier than today - #377
- In the search dialog you can now go to the date of each search result - #378 and #382
- Enable representing long durations as e.g. 1d3h20m - #379
- Enable showing today as 12h range - #380
- Clicking the sync button now shows the error (if there is one) - #373
- Implement a read-only mode (for when the trial has expired) - #374
- Add docker image for arm64 - #365
- Fix and improve display of durations - #376
- Fix that using uppercase chars in the search field breaks the search - #352
- Improvements to datetime input dialog - #353
- Add a space before 0h to avoid mental concat with the date that preceeds it - #354
- Fixes to autocompletion - #339
- Date range improvements - #340
- The pdf and csv export filenames now include the date range - #324
- Fixed that linebreaks in pdf report swallowed a word - #325
- Better support for running records with a negative duration- #327
- Refactor / improve autocompletion behavior - #330
- Small fixes to Pomodoro - #331
- Put quotes around env var in readme - #328
- Create repo.rpi.Dockerfile - #329
- Use iptools to allow specification of CIDR IP ranges - #311
- CSV report adheres better to SCV spec - #309
- Wrap long descriptions in PDF report - #310
- Fix: snap to dayoffset by default - #300
- Fix that clicking on autocomp did not work if dquotes are in the description - #296
This release focuses on configurable time representations, which can be set in an improved settings dialog.
- Support for setting the first day of the week - #288
- Support for displaying durations as 2h30m (new default) - #290
- Support for am/pm time notation (auto-detects based on locale) - #292
- Support for a "day snap offset" - #291
- More powerful search - #293
- Fix that bottom of buttons were not clickable - #287