- get rid of process_next_beat flag and pattern_start_time
- we can increment the reader to the next pattern line command manually
- just use bpm
- separate synthesizer code from song player
- separate song player sample provider from the synthesizer and song player code it's better to think of the combination of synth and song player as separate from the other two
- bounds-checking
- get rid of process_next_beat flag and pattern_start_time
better song structure
- support notes that release immediately
- change beat_index to line_index; add lines_per_beat to pattern
- support gain per channel
- support gain change command
- support phase change
make it easier to write songs
- update old script that converted text file to a .plist and instead dump out a json file
multi-platform stuff
- Add simple tone playback for Raspberry Pi
- Clean up AudioHAL so it's more functional and uses less mutable data
Write platform-agnostic test that spits out a PCM file that you can play with sox
get simple sine tone working on Mac again
get simple sine tone working on iOS again
Define structures
Play tones
- Set up oscillator code
- write sin, triangle, sawtooth, pulse waves
- set up as envelope
- play tone at 0s
- Set up oscillator code
Play timed tones
- once every 1s on the same channel
Support more than one channel