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A web application that builds a social coding platform upon CMS.

This repository aims to be the successor of oii-web, by cleaning up the codebase and by using a saner dependency model. Since right now this is in alpha stage, you may want to refer to the old repository in the meantime.

Installing cmsocial

Run make to build the web application (make ONLINE=1 if you don't need local copies of the used libraries). Then run python ./ install.

Create a configuration file config/cmsocial.ini (you can find an example in config/cmsocial.ini.sample) and install it by running cp config/cmsocial.ini /usr/local/etc/cmsocial.ini as root.

Add service PracticeWebServer to /usr/local/etc/cms.conf in the core_services section.

Database creation instructions

Here are the needed steps (after installing both cms and cmsocial). You'll need an empty DB. If you initialized it when installing cms, clear it with cmsDropDB (obviously, you will loose all the data by doing so).

python -c "import cmsocial.db; from cms.db import metadata; metadata.create_all()"
psql cmsdb -U cmsuser < sql_scripts/create_triggers.sql

Update for multicontest

Run the following:

python -c "import cmsocial.db; from cms.db import metadata; metadata.create_all()"
psql cmsdb -U cmsuser < sql_updaters/multicontest_update.sql

An analog procedure works for other updates. Note: update scripts consist of a transaction ending with ROLLBACK - to actually run the script, you should change that to COMMIT.

Also note that if you installed cmsocial fom scratch, you don't need to run the updates.