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--config value path the a configuration file PROXY_CONFIG_FILE
--listen value Defines the binding interface for main listener, e.g. {address}:{port}. This is required and there is no default value PROXY_LISTEN
--listen-http value interface we should be listening to for HTTP traffic PROXY_LISTEN_HTTP
--listen-admin value defines the interface to bind admin-only endpoint (live-status, debug, prometheus...). If not defined, this defaults to the main listener defined by Listen PROXY_LISTEN_ADMIN
--listen-admin-scheme value scheme to serve admin-only endpoint (http or https). PROXY_LISTEN_ADMIN_SCHEME
--discovery-url value discovery url to retrieve the openid configuration PROXY_DISCOVERY_URL
--client-id value client id used to authenticate to the oauth service PROXY_CLIENT_ID
--client-secret value client secret used to authenticate to the oauth service PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET
--redirection-url value redirection url for the oauth callback url, defaults to host header if absent PROXY_REDIRECTION_URL
--revocation-url value url for the revocation endpoint to revoke refresh token PROXY_REVOCATION_URL
--skip-openid-provider-tls-verify skip the verification of any TLS communication with the openid provider false PROXY_SKIP_OPENID_PROVIDER_TLSVERIFY
--openid-provider-proxy value proxy for communication with the openid provider PROXY_OPENID_PROVIDER_PROXY
--openid-provider-timeout value timeout for openid configuration on .well-known/openid-configuration 30s PROXY_OPENID_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT
--base-uri value common prefix for all URIs PROXY_BASE_URI
--oauth-uri value the uri for proxy oauth endpoints /oauth PROXY_OAUTH_URI
--scopes value list of scopes requested when authenticating the user
--upstream-url value url for the upstream endpoint you wish to proxy PROXY_UPSTREAM_URL
--upstream-ca value the path to a file container a CA certificate to validate the upstream tls endpoint PROXY_UPSTREAM_CA
--resources value list of resources 'uri=/admin*|methods=GET,PUT|roles=role1,role2'
--headers value custom headers to the upstream request, key=value
--preserve-host preserve the host header of the proxied request in the upstream request false PROXY_PRESERVE_HOST
--request-id-header value the http header name for request id X-Request-ID PROXY_REQUEST_ID_HEADER
--response-headers value custom headers to added to the http response key=value PROXY_RESPONSE_HEADERS
--enable-self-signed-tls create self signed certificates for the proxy false PROXY_ENABLE_SELF_SIGNED_TLS
--self-signed-tls-hostnames value a list of hostnames to place on the self-signed certificate
--self-signed-tls-expiration value the expiration of the certificate before rotation 3h0m0s PROXY_SELF_SIGNED_TLS_EXPIRATION
--enable-request-id indicates we should add a request id if none found false PROXY_ENABLE_REQUEST_ID
--enable-logout-redirect indicates we should redirect to the identity provider for logging out false PROXY_ENABLE_LOGOUT_REDIRECT
--enable-default-deny enables a default denial on all requests, you have to explicitly say what is permitted (recommended) true PROXY_ENABLE_DEFAULT_DENY
--enable-encrypted-token enable encryption for the access tokens false PROXY_ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN
--force-encrypted-cookie force encryption for the access tokens in cookies false PROXY_FORCE_ENCRYPTED_COOKIE
--enable-logging enable http logging of the requests false PROXY_ENABLE_LOGGING
--enable-json-logging switch on json logging rather than text false PROXY_ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING
--enable-forwarding enables the forwarding proxy mode, signing outbound request false PROXY_ENABLE_FORWARDING
--enable-security-filter enables the security filter handler false PROXY_ENABLE_SECURITY_FILTER
--enable-refresh-tokens enables the handling of the refresh tokens false PROXY_ENABLE_REFRESH_TOKEN
--enable-session-cookies access and refresh tokens are session only i.e. removed browser close true PROXY_ENABLE_SESSION_COOKIES
--enable-login-handler enables the handling of the refresh tokens false PROXY_ENABLE_LOGIN_HANDLER
--enable-token-header enables the token authentication header X-Auth-Token to upstream true PROXY_ENABLE_TOKEN_HEADER
--enable-authorization-header adds the authorization header to the proxy request true PROXY_ENABLE_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER
--enable-authorization-cookies adds the authorization cookies to the uptream proxy request true PROXY_ENABLE_AUTHORIZATION_COOKIES
--enable-https-redirection enable the http to https redirection on the http service false PROXY_ENABLE_HTTPS_REDIRECT
--enable-profiling switching on the golang profiling via pprof on /debug/pprof, /debug/pprof/heap etc false PROXY_ENABLE_PROFILING
--enable-metrics enable the prometheus metrics collector on /oauth/metrics false PROXY_ENABLE_METRICS
--filter-browser-xss enable the adds the X-XSS-Protection header with mode=block false PROXY_ENABLE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER
--filter-content-nosniff adds the X-Content-Type-Options header with the value nosniff false PROXY_ENABLE_CONTENT_NO_SNIFF
--filter-frame-deny enable to the frame deny header false PROXY_ENABLE_FRAME_DENY
--content-security-policy value specify the content security policy PROXY_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY
--localhost-metrics enforces the metrics page can only been requested from false PROXY_LOCALHOST_METRICS
--enable-compression enable gzip compression for response false PROXY_ENABLE_COMPRESSION
--access-token-duration value fallback cookie duration for the access token when using refresh tokens 720h0m0s PROXY_ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION
--cookie-domain value domain the access cookie is available to, defaults host header PROXY_COOKIE_DOMAIN
--cookie-access-name value name of the cookie use to hold the access token kc-access PROXY_COOKIE_ACCESS_NAME
--cookie-refresh-name value name of the cookie used to hold the encrypted refresh token kc-state PROXY_COOKIE_REFRESH_NAME
--cookie-oauth-state-name value name of the cookie used to hold the Oauth request state OAuth_Token_Request_State COOKIE_OAUTH_STATE_NAME
--cookie-request-uri-name value name of the cookie used to hold the request uri request_uri COOKIE_REQUEST_URI_NAME
--secure-cookie enforces the cookie to be secure true PROXY_SECURE_COOKIE
--http-only-cookie enforces the cookie is in http only mode true PROXY_HTTP_ONLY_COOKIE
--same-site-cookie value enforces cookies to be send only to same site requests according to the policy (can be | Strict|Lax|None) Lax PROXY_SAME_SITE_COOKIE
--match-claims value keypair values for matching access token claims e.g. aud=myapp, iss=http://example.*
--add-claims value extra claims from the token and inject into headers, e.g given_name -> X-Auth-Given-Name
--tls-cert value path to ths TLS certificate PROXY_TLS_CERTIFICATE
--tls-private-key value path to the private key for TLS PROXY_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY
--tls-ca-certificate value path to the ca certificate used for signing requests PROXY_TLS_CA_CERTIFICATE
--tls-ca-key value path the ca private key, used by the forward signing proxy PROXY_TLS_CA_PRIVATE_KEY
--tls-client-certificate value path to the client certificate for outbound connections in reverse and forwarding proxy modes PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE
--skip-upstream-tls-verify skip the verification of any upstream TLS true PROXY_SKIP_UPSTREAM_TLS_VERIFY
--tls-admin-cert value path to ths TLS certificate PROXY_TLS_ADMIN_CERTIFICATE
--tls-admin-private-key value path to the private key for TLS PROXY_TLS_ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY
--tls-admin-ca-certificate value path to the ca certificate used for signing requests PROXY_TLS_ADMIN_CA_CERTIFICATE
--tls-admin-client-certificate value path to the client certificate for outbound connections in reverse and forwarding proxy modes PROXY_TLS_ADMIN_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE
--cors-origins value origins to add to the CORE origins control (Access-Control-Allow-Origin)
--cors-methods value methods permitted in the access control (Access-Control-Allow-Methods)
--cors-headers value set of headers to add to the CORS access control (Access-Control-Allow-Headers)
--cors-exposed-headers value expose cors headers access control (Access-Control-Expose-Headers)
--cors-credentials credentials access control header (Access-Control-Allow-Credentials) false PROXY_CORS_CREDENTIALS
--cors-max-age value max age applied to cors headers (Access-Control-Max-Age) 0s PROXY_CORS_MAX_AGE
--hostnames value list of hostnames the service will respond to
--store-url value url for the storage subsystem, e.g redis://, file:///etc/tokens.file PROXY_STORE_URL
--encryption-key value encryption key used to encryption the session state PROXY_ENCRYPTION_KEY
--no-redirects do not have back redirects when no authentication is present, 401 them false PROXY_NO_REDIRECTS
--skip-token-verification TESTING ONLY; bypass token verification, only expiration and roles enforced false PROXY_SKIP_TOKEN_VERIFICATION
--skip-access-token-issuer-check according RFC issuer should not be checked on access token, this will be default true in future false PROXY_SKIP_ACCESS_TOKEN_ISSUER_CHECK
--skip-access-token-clientid-check according RFC client id should not be checked on access token, this will be default true in future false PROXY_SKIP_ACCESS_TOKEN_CLIENT_ID_CHECK
--skip-authorization-header-identity skip authorization header identity, means that we won't be extracting token from authorization header, only from cookie or fail if even no cookie present (e.g. if authorization header is used only by application behind gatekeeper)"` false PROXY_SKIP_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_IDENTITY
--upstream-keepalives enables or disables the keepalive connections for upstream endpoint true PROXY_UPSTREAM_KEEPALIVES
--upstream-timeout value maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect to complete 10s PROXY_UPSTREAM_TIMEOUT
--upstream-keepalive-timeout value specifies the keep-alive period for an active network connection 10s PROXY_UPSTREAM_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT
--upstream-tls-handshake-timeout value the timeout placed on the tls handshake for upstream 10s PROXY_UPSTREAM_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
--upstream-response-header-timeout value the timeout placed on the response header for upstream 10s PROXY_UPSTREAM_RESPONSE_HEADER_TIMEOUT
--upstream-expect-continue-timeout value the timeout placed on the expect continue for upstream 10s PROXY_UPSTREAM_EXPECT_CONTINUE_TIMEOUT
--verbose switch on debug / verbose logging false PROXY_VERBOSE
--enabled-proxy-protocol enable proxy protocol false PROXY_ENABLE_PROXY_PROTOCOL
--max-idle-connections value max idle upstream / keycloak connections to keep alive, ready for reuse 0 PROXY_MAX_IDLE_CONNS
--max-idle-connections-per-host value limits the number of idle connections maintained per host 0 PROXY_MAX_IDLE_CONNS_PER_HOST
--server-read-timeout value the server read timeout on the http server 10s PROXY_SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT
--server-write-timeout value the server write timeout on the http server 10s PROXY_SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT
--server-idle-timeout value the server idle timeout on the http server 2m0s PROXY_SERVER_IDLE_TIMEOUT
--use-letsencrypt use letsencrypt for certificates false PROXY_USE_LETS_ENCRYPT
--letsencrypt-cache-dir value path where cached letsencrypt certificates are stored ./cache/ PROXY_LETS_ENCRYPT_CACHE_DIR
--sign-in-page value path to custom template displayed for signin PROXY_SIGN_IN_PAGE
--forbidden-page value path to custom template used for access forbidden PROXY_FORBIDDEN_PAGE
--error-page value path to custom template displayed for http.StatusBadRequest PROXY_ERROR_PAGE
--tags value keypairs passed to the templates at render,e.g title=Page
--forwarding-grant-type value grant-type to use when logging into the openid provider, can be one of password, client_credentials password PROXY_FORWARDING_GRANT_TYPE
--forwarding-username value username to use when logging into the openid provider PROXY_FORWARDING_USERNAME
--forwarding-password value password to use when logging into the openid provider PROXY_FORWARDING_PASSWORD
--forwarding-domains value list of domains which should be signed; everything else is relayed unsigned
--disable-all-logging disables all logging to stdout and stderr false PROXY_DISABLE_ALL_LOGGING
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
