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fanfou-py: a python oauth client for fanfou


$ pip install fanfou


>>> import fanfou

Step 1: Authorize

The module provides several ways to authorize, see more details on Fanfou API OAuth.

Way 1:

>>> consumer = {'key': 'your key', 'secret': 'your secret'}
>>> client = fanfou.OAuth(consumer)    # (1)(2)
>>> request_token = client.request_token()
>>> print(client.authorize_url)    # browse the url to authorize
>>> access_token = client.access_token()    # done

(1). The default callback is 'http://localhost:8080'.

(2). The default authorize_url is '', you can pass auth_host='' to change it.

Maybe you handling the callback elsewhere, create a new client and get access_token, like that:

>>> client = fanfou.OAuth(consumer, request_token)
>>> access_token = client.access_token()    # done
>>> # or
>>> client = fanfou.OAuth(consumer)
>>> access_token = client.access_token(request_token)    # done

Way 2:

>>> consumer = {'key': 'your key', 'secret': 'your secret'}
>>> client = fanfou.OAuth(consumer, callback='oob')
>>> request_token = client.request_token()
>>> print(client.authorize_url)    # browse the url and copy verifier_code
>>> verifier_code = 'your verifier_code'
>>> access_token = client.access_token(oauth_verifier=verifier_code)    # done

You can also create a new client and get access_token, like the way 1 above.

Way 3:

>>> consumer = {'key': 'your key', 'secret': 'your secret'}
>>> access_token =  {'key': 'your key', 'secret': 'your secret'}    # access_token is what you saved before
>>> client = fanfou.OAuth(consumer, access_token)    # done

Way 4:

>>> consumer = {'key': 'your key', 'secret': 'your secret'}
>>> client = fanfou.XAuth(consumer, 'username', 'password')    # done
>>> access_token = client.access_token()    # optional, if you want to save access_token

Using https:

In the lastest edition, you can using https like that:

>>> consumer = {'key': 'your key', 'secret': 'your secret'}
>>> client = fanfou.XAuth(consumer, 'username', 'password', fake_https=True)

The fake_https is available in all authorize ways.

Step 2: Access API

We assume that you've got client on Step 1, now you have two styles to access API.

Style 1:

>>> import json
>>> resp = client.request('/statuses/home_timeline', 'GET')  # resp is a HTTPResponse instance
>>> print(resp.code)
>>> data = json.loads(    # Python 3: data = json.loads('utf8'))
>>> for item in data:
>>>     print(item['text'])
>>> body = {'status': 'update status test 1'}
>>> resp = client.request('/statuses/update', 'POST', body)
>>> print(resp.code)

Style 2:

>>> import json
>>> fanfou.bound(client)    # note the line
>>> body = {'page': 2, 'count': 20, 'mode': 'lite'}
>>> resp = client.statuses.home_timeline()
>>> data = json.loads(    # Python 3: data = json.loads('utf8'))
>>> for item in data:
>>>     print(item['text'])
>>> body = {'status': 'update status test 2'}
>>> resp = client.statuses.update(body)
>>> print(resp.code)

If you want to use style 2, you must fanfou.bound(client) before use. They have the same effect, just two different styles.

Just put all you want to request args to a dict (above is body), and then access a API. If you want to upload a photo, please see pack_image. More API details on Fanfou API Apicategory.

What's new in 0.2.x

>>> fanfou.bound(client)
>>> resp =
>>> data = resp.json()    # equal: data = json.loads('utf8'))

In this update, you can get a Python object directly by using resp.json().

More details

pack_image(args, binary=None)

On /account/update_profile_image and /photos/upload you need to upload a image, pack_image can help you work easily.

>>> # update profile image
>>> args = {'image': 'test.jpg', 'mode': 'lite'}
>>> body, headers = fanfou.pack_image(args)
>>> resp = client.account.update_profile_image(body, headers)
>>> # or, resp = client.request('/account/update_profile_image', 'POST', body, headers)
>>> print(resp.code)
>>> # upload photo
>>> args = {'photo': '', 'status': 'upload online photo'}
>>> body, headers = fanfou.pack_image(args)
>>> resp =, headers)
>>> print(resp.code)

Just put the filename in the args, then pack_image it, and then you can access API. The image file can be local or network file, pack_image will auto read it.

Sometimes you want to provide binary bytes instead of filename when you're writing a webapp, because the data you get from the form is binary. (like

>>> f = open('test.jpg')
>>> args = {'photo': 'test.jpg', 'status': 'upload local photo'}
>>> body, headers = fanfou.pack_image(args,  # note the line
>>> f.close()
>>> resp =, headers)
>>> print(resp.code)


The following code print all api_access_url that be allowed pass to client.request:

>>> fanfou.print_api('plain')

If you type the line and watch the results carefully, you will find two api_access_url have '/:id', they are:

Because these API need id on it's access_url, so we get id from body and replace :id, like that:

>>> body = {'id': 'zFbiu4CsJrw'}
>>> resp = client.request('/favorites/create/:id', 'POST', body)
>>> print(resp.url)

You will see resp.url is (Forget to mention that '.json' will add to the access_url).


>>> fanfou.print_api('bound')

The line like fanfou.print_api('plain') but it will print all available methods that like client.statuses.home_timeline.

Your IDE (or editor) can autocomplete them after fanfou.bound(client).

auth classes

The __init__ method for auth classes is as follows:

class OAuth (oauth_consumer, oauth_token=None, callback=None, auth_host=None, https=False, fake_https=False)

class XAuth (oauth_consumer, username, password, https=False, fake_https=False)


Thank Fanfou and thank you for tolerating my poor English.

If you have any questions, I am here @home2.


MIT © akgnah