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aef3d09 · May 9, 2024


This branch is 1310 commits behind dusty-nv/jetson-containers:master.




Ollama Server

First, start the local Ollama server as a daemon in the background, either of these ways:

# models cached under jetson-containers/data
jetson-containers run --name ollama $(autotag ollama)

# models cached under your user's home directory
docker run --runtime nvidia -it -rm --network=host -v ~/ollama:/ollama -e OLLAMA_MODELS=/ollama dustynv/ollama:r36.2.0

You can then run the ollama client in the same container (or a different one if desired). The default docker run CMD of the ollama container is /start_ollama, which starts the ollama server in the background and returns control to the user. The ollama server logs are saved under your mounted jetson-containers/data/logs directory for monitoring them outside the containers.

Setting the $OLLAMA_MODELS environment variable as shown above will change where ollama downloads the models to. By default, this is under your jetson-containers/data/models/ollama directory which is automatically mounted by jetson-containers run.

Ollama Client

Start the Ollama CLI front-end with your desired model (for example: mistral 7b)

# if running inside the same container as launched above
/bin/ollama run mistral

# if launching a new container for the client in another terminal
jetson-containers run $(autotag ollama) /bin/ollama run mistral

Or you can run the client outside container by installing Ollama's binaries for arm64 (without CUDA, which only the server needs)

# download the latest ollama release for arm64 into /bin
sudo wget$(git ls-remote --refs --sort="version:refname" --tags | cut -d/ -f3- | sed 's/-rc.*//g' | tail -n1)/ollama-linux-arm64 -O /bin/ollama
sudo chmod +x /bin/ollama

# use the client like normal (outside container)
/bin/ollama run mistral

Open WebUI

To run Open WebUI server for client browsers to connect to, use the open-webui container:

docker run -it --rm --network=host --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway

You can then navigate your browser to http://JETSON_IP:8080, and create a fake account to login (these credentials are only stored locally)

Memory Usage

Model Quantization Memory (MB)
TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-GGUF llama-2-7b.Q4_K_S.gguf 5,268
TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-GGUF llama-2-13b.Q4_K_S.gguf 8,609
TheBloke/LLaMA-30b-GGUF llama-30b.Q4_K_S.gguf 19,045
TheBloke/Llama-2-70B-GGUF llama-2-70b.Q4_K_S.gguf 37,655
   Requires L4T ['>=34.1.0']
   Dependencies build-essential cuda
   Dependants llama-index
   Dockerfile Dockerfile
   Images dustynv/ollama:r35.4.1 (2024-04-25, 5.4GB)
dustynv/ollama:r36.2.0 (2024-04-25, 3.9GB)
Repository/Tag Date Arch Size
  dustynv/ollama:r35.4.1 2024-04-25 arm64 5.4GB
  dustynv/ollama:r36.2.0 2024-04-25 arm64 3.9GB

Container images are compatible with other minor versions of JetPack/L4T:
    • L4T R32.7 containers can run on other versions of L4T R32.7 (JetPack 4.6+)
    • L4T R35.x containers can run on other versions of L4T R35.x (JetPack 5.1+)


To start the container, you can use jetson-containers run and autotag, or manually put together a docker run command:

# automatically pull or build a compatible container image
jetson-containers run $(autotag ollama)

# or explicitly specify one of the container images above
jetson-containers run dustynv/ollama:r35.4.1

# or if using 'docker run' (specify image and mounts/ect)
sudo docker run --runtime nvidia -it --rm --network=host dustynv/ollama:r35.4.1

jetson-containers run forwards arguments to docker run with some defaults added (like --runtime nvidia, mounts a /data cache, and detects devices)
autotag finds a container image that's compatible with your version of JetPack/L4T - either locally, pulled from a registry, or by building it.

To mount your own directories into the container, use the -v or --volume flags:

jetson-containers run -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container $(autotag ollama)

To launch the container running a command, as opposed to an interactive shell:

jetson-containers run $(autotag ollama) my_app --abc xyz

You can pass any options to it that you would to docker run, and it'll print out the full command that it constructs before executing it.


If you use autotag as shown above, it'll ask to build the container for you if needed. To manually build it, first do the system setup, then run:

jetson-containers build ollama

The dependencies from above will be built into the container, and it'll be tested during. Run it with --help for build options.