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SCPms Push Notification REST API for ABAP.

These ABAP classes will help you sending push notification from your SAP backend to SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services, right now I only support push notification for iOS but it could easily be extended for Google FCM.

Backend Compatbility

Any SAP Business Suite systems (ERP, HCM, SRM ...) runnning SAP NetWeaver 731 or higher.

Installation & Configuration Steps

Step 1 - Create and configure an RFC destination

Create an RFC destination of type G in transaction SM59

Named it SCPMS_ENHANCED_PUSH as an example or whatever you prefer.

Under the tab Technical Settings enter the target host of your SCP mobile services, the URL pattern should look something like


for the port, enter 443 and the path prefix is /restnotification.

Under the Logon & Security tab, select basic authentication and enter your SAP user.

A good practice is to create a dedicated S-user only for push notification, you could ask your basis team to create this user for you and enter it in the destination.

To conclude, click SSL active at the bottom and make sure the SSL certificate is set to DFAULT SSL Client (Starndard).

Step 2 - Import SCP certificate to the SAP System Trust Store

Make sure the SAP Cloud Platform root certificate has been imported in transaction STRUST under default SSL client (Starndard). If it is not there, go to your mobile services sub-account and download the root certificate to your desktop. If you don't have access to transaction STRUST, ask any basis from your team to import it on your behalf.

In chrome, you can download the certificate by clicking the lock icon in the URL toolbar, then click Certificate.

A popup window will appears with the certificate hierarchy chain of trust. Select the root certificate (the top one) and drag it to your desktop.

After importing the certificate, restart ICM.

Step 3 - Test your connection

Go back to your RFC destination in transaction SM59 and test it.

Click the Connection Test button and you should have an HTTP 404 Not Found, rest assure, that is perfecly fine, this is because of the path prefix.

Step 4 - Install abapGit

Install abapGit.

Step 5 - Import the SCPmsPushNotificationREST_API repo in your system

Run abapGit and clone this repo by installing an online repo.

Step 6 - Configure mobile services

There is 2 things you need to do in mobile services in order to work.

  1. In mobile services, make sure your native app has been configured for push notifications. Your app should have the Push Notification feature assign to it. Under the Push Notification feature, configure the Apple APNS section, I suggest you to use Token-based rather Certificate for authentication.

  2. We need to give permission to our S-user to be able to send notifcations, the same user we have configured in our RFC destination. In SCP, go to Services -> Mobile Services -> Configure Mobile Services -> Roles -> Click the Notification User then assign your S-user that was created in step 1

Step 7 - Use the API to send push notifications

Please consult the API documentation below for examples.

Step 8 - Configure your other systems

You probably want to replicate these configuration in your system landscape (sandbox, development, quality and production). The only thing that should differ is the URL of your subaccount, it should be different in all your RFC destination.

A good strategy and common scenario is to have 1 SCP sub-account per system.


  • SCPms Sub-account A --> SAP Gateway Production --> SAP ERP Production
  • SCPms Sub-account B --> SAP Gateway Quality --> SAP ERP Quality
  • SCPms Sub-account C --> SAP Gateway Development --> SAP ERP Development

API Documentation


Method Description
GET_INSTANCE Factory method
PUSH_TO_APPLICATION Push notification to devices registered to an application
PUSH_TO_APP_USER_DEVICES Push notification to all devices registered to a particular user.
PUSH_TO_APP_USERS Push notification to a list of users.
PUSH_TO_APP_REGISTRATION Push notification to a device using the application registration ID.
PUSH_TO_APP_REGISTRATION_LIST Push notification to a list of registrations


Example: How to create a notification

  DATA(notification) = zcl_scpms_notification=>create_apns_notification( ).

  notification->set_title( alert_title ).

  notification->set_body( alert_body ).

  notification->set_badge( CONV #( badge_value ) ).

Example: How to send a push notification to a list of users

  DATA scp_users TYPE zscpms_user_t.

      DATA(push) = zcl_scpms_push_notification=>get_instance( ).

      <scp_user>-name = 'myUserID'.

      DATA(response) = push->push_to_app_users(
        application_id = application_id
        users          = scp_users
        notification   = notification ).

            code   = DATA(code)
            reason = DATA(reason) ).

        IF code BETWEEN 200 AND 299.
          "Handle network error  

    CATCH zcx_scpms_push_notification INTO DATA(ex).
      "Handle exception error