- Have the camras mastodon bot post "good" candidates from fetch
- Send as an email to Max, and Tammo, others as well
- Add a poster outside of the Camras Telescope to include its FRB research (With a QR code to an engaging video!)
- Try 3d DBscan clustering, taking into account the brightness of the detection (right now its time, and DM)
- Probably not a substaintial improvement
- Try out Transientx over PRESTO for the pipeline for speed
- Have Desktop application to click to start program on Mercurius for ease of use
- Auto stop when storage has less then 20Gb left
- update FRB.cat file to be in .key format
- Write a comprehensive observation log, including durations, headers, and clustering info
- When there is a 'hyper-active' FRB, have a camras team try to take many hours of data - I will commute from Amsterdam for this.
- Maybe make a post asking for extra volunteers
- Inject Simulations into .fil files to test how many FRBs the pipeline recovers
- Concern that bright FRB's might be marked as RFI, see unexpectedly low Crab pulses in the bottom right of this plot
In order to use this, you will need to have installed Fetch, and Presto. Our version of presto
uses a modified for ddplan.py
to supress plotting.
Contributions are always welcome!
Reach out to @dijkema
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us.