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File metadata and controls

115 lines (64 loc) · 9.23 KB
  • Consider using the version that is written in Rust and uses parallel tasks for multi-cored cpus

NAME -- generate multiple responsive images for web and mobile.


./ [-hmz] [-q quality] [—t type] [-l legacysize] [-s sizes] [-o out path] [-f filename] filename
./ [-hmz] [—n findname] [-q quality] [—t type] [-l legacysize] [-s sizes] [-o out path] [-f file hierarchy] file hierarchy


The utility generates multiple (eight) scaled versions of an image at particular breakpoints -- 320,480,640,768,960,1024,1280,1440 pixels wide -- that match common Mobile and widescreen viewports using Imagemagick's convert utility and outputs the needed <img> tag.

A file path, whether filename or file hierarcy is required. The options are as follows:

-f specify a file path (single file or file hierarchy) for to convert. The file path may also be specified as the operands immediately following all the options. The directory will be traversed using the unix find command. The type of file path, whether file or file hierarchy is determined by

-n specify the pattern for to find when converting multiple images. The pattern is passed to unix find and is equivalent to its name primary. The default pattern is *.jpg.

-t specify the type of image conversion used by; defaults to the same type as the input based on the file's extension.

-p specify the prefix that will appear in front of an image within the src and srcset attributes. It is useful for specifying the release web root. The prefix, pixel width and the suffix w is appended to the source filename such that the resulting filenames resembles the format, src="[prefix][filename]-XXXw.[type]" where XXX is the specified pixel width; thus, one of -320w, -480w, -640w, -768w, -960w, -1024w, -1280w, -1440w. The prefix is not added to the converted files as a path. Default is no or empty prefix.

-q specify the quality from 1 (lowest image quality) to 100 (best quality) of compression used by; otherwise use the convert best fit for the source image. See convert's manual.

-l specify the width in pixels set within the src attribute that is utilized by legacy browsers not supporting srcset. The resulting attribute references the specified width filename. Without, the default creates a copy of the original image with no resizing, appends the suffix -srcw such that the attribute resembles src="[filename]-srcw" followed by the extension. No -srcw file is created if a width is specified.

-o specify a destination directory for the files converted by Otherwise the files are saved to the directory of the specified input file path.

-s specify the sizes attribute found in the <img> tag; the default is (min-width: 768px) 50vw, 100vw.

-m a flag with no argument directing to pipe the resulting <img> markup into a file. Without the flag * will print the <img> markup to the console.

-z a flag with no argument directing to run a test or dry run. File paths are traversed but no images are generated and no new file path is created. The <img> markup will be generated to the console, a -m directive will be ignored.

-i a flag with no argument directing to interlace the specified image using convert. Interlacing an image helps the user decide more quickly whether to abort a page download; interlacing is recommended by Google and for speed but is not generally favored for image quality.

-h display the help.


The following examples are shown as given to the shell:

  • ./ images/background1.jpg
    Generate a set of eight responsive images from one source file images/background1.jpg using the compression quality provided by convert. The created files are placed alongside the source files within the images directory. The resulting <img> tag is printed to the console.

  • ./ -q 90 -l 768 images/background1.jpg
    Generate a set of eight responsive images from one source file images/background1.jpg using the compression quality of 90 and pixel size of 768 for the legacy src attribute.

  • ./ images
    Generate a set of eight responsive images for each of all files matching the default *.jpg pattern found in the images directory using the default compression provided by convert. The created files are placed alongside the source files within the images directory. The resulting <img> tag is printed to the console.

  • ./ -n "*.psd" -q 75 -m -o /var/htdocs/my-site images
    Generate a set of responsive images from Photoshop files (files matching the *.psd pattern) found in the images directory using the compression quality of 75. The created files are placed into the /var/htdocs/my-site directory and each <img> tag is saved into a html file within the matching /var/htdocs/my-site output directory.

The problem

Generating multiple responsive images using Photoshop, Lightroom or other GUI application is an irksome and error-prone task. Further, the needed <img> tag referencing multiple images in the srcset attribute is long and tedious to generate. On the other hand, the sweet script is a generator that can be be easily added into a automated build workflow. And that long <img> tag with the full set of srcset images is the standard output which can then be dropped into the target html file(s).

In addition and of interest, permits the use of an image in its largest and highest resolution format including Photoshop's PSD and TIFF format -- that is often the second step after Nikon, Canon and other 'raw' native formats -- from which convert can generate the final HTML-ready images. Or you can stick with the tried JPEG, PNG and GIF. The full list of available formats are found on Imagemagick's site


Images are important UI/UX aspects bu t usually the largest payload of a web site or page. As it turns out, speed is User Experience too. Google suggests that a web page load in under 3 seconds or users will abandon the site. With Mobile the situation is aggravated: the connection is slower and expensive; users are even more likely to not bother waiting.

In comes the HTML5 srcset attribute to help, whether Mobile or desktop Web. The html <img> tag takes an optional set of images that should be scaled versions of the original. The Mobile or Web browser selects an image given its current width and resolution capabilities. 'srcset' recommends images that don't waste expensive Mobile bandwidth yet provide a image suitable for the device's resolution. In desktops the browser will select an image based on its current width (opposed to the device's width). In other words, the srcset attribute permits the use of an image that is not too big yet not too small. The srcset attribute is ignored and src is used in legacy browsers.

In order to speed up the web further it is suggested that images are compressed. There is no hard recommendation; convert uses 92 if it cannot determine a best fit. That runs high on the side of a image quality but low on overall web page download speed; load test a site for a balance between speed and beauty. During conversion can interlace the image versions as suggested by


Imagemagick's convert utility.

Download here

Mac OS X Binary Release

ImageMagick recommend MacPorts which custom builds the executable in your environment (some users prefer Homebrew. Download MacPorts and type:

sudo port install ImageMagick

Useful Resources

Imagemagick list of formats
The srcset tag and responsive design
Common screen sizes
A word about Speed


  • Make sure to chmod u+x for executable permissions
  • Move to a known path such as /usr/local/bin
  • Stick with release v0.0.5 if your shell lacks getops and then use the following for processing directories noting the use of -a -name to prevent file recursion

find . -type f -atime +1s \( -name *.jpg -a ! -name "*-320w.*" -a ! -name "*-480w.*" -a ! -name "*-640w.*" -a ! -name "*-768w.*" -a ! -name "*-960w.*" -a ! -name "*-1024w.*" -a ! -name "*-1280w.*" -a ! -name "*-1440w.*" ! -name "*-srcw.*" \) -exec ./ {} \;