diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7055d66..c01c3dd 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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-# ADeus: Open-Source AI Wearable Device
-In the upcoming world of AI devices like [Tab](https://mytab.ai/), [Pin](https://hu.ma.ne/aipin), [Rewind](https://www.rewind.ai/pendant), that are with us all the time, **literally** listening to everything we say, and know much about us as our closest friends - it is crucial to be able to own this setup, to own our data, to have this completely open source, managed by the user itself.
+# **Adeus**
-**This is Adeus, the Open Source AI Wearble device -** and in this repo, you will be guided on how to set up your own! From buying the hardware (~$100, and will be cheaper once we finish the Raspberry PI Zero version) to setting up the backend, the software, and start using your wearable!
-- [Introduction](#introduction)
-- [Setup](#setup)
- - [Prerequisite](#prerequisite-110)
- - [Supabase](#setup-supabase)
- - [Web / Mobile App](#setup-app-web)
- - [Hardware (Coral AI)](#setup-hardware---coral-ai-device)
- - [Hardware (Rasberry Pi Zero)](#setup-hardware---rasberry-pi-zero-w)
- - [Run with Ollama](#setup-run-with-ollama)
-- [Areas to Contribute](#areas-to-contribute)
-- [CTA for the Community](#cta-for-the-community)
+Open-Source AI Wearable Device, the future depends on it!

-> p.s. any contribution would be amazing, whether you know how to code, and want to jump straight in to the codebase, a hardware person who can help out, or just looking to support this project financially (can literally be $10) - please reach out to me on X/Twitter [@adamcohenhillel](https://twitter.com/adamcohenhillel)
-### Introduction:
-Adeus consists of 3 parts:
-1. **A mobile / web app:**
- an interface that lets the user to interact with their assistant and data via chat.
-2. **Hardware device (Currently Coral AI, but soon a Rasberry-Pi Zero W worth $15):** this will be the wearable that will record everything, and send it to the backend to be processed
-3. **Supabase :** Our backend, and datavase, where we will process and store data, and interact with LLMs.
- Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative, a "backend-as-a-service" - which allows you to setup a Postgres database, Authentication, Edge Functions, Vector embeddings, and more - for free (at first) and at extreme ease!
- - [!!] But more importantly - **it is open source, and you can choose to deploy and manage your own Supabase instance** - which us crucial for our mission: A truly open-source, personal AI.
-This will look something like:
-## Setup
-> Note: I'm working on an easy setup.sh file that will do everything here more or less automatically, but it is still in the making
-A'ight, let's get this working for you!
-#### Prerequisite: ($110)
-1. [Dev Board Micro](https://coral.ai/products/dev-board-micro/) ($80)
-2. [Wireless/Bluetooth Add-on](https://coral.ai/products/wireless-add-on/) ($20)
-3. [A case](https://coral.ai/products/dev-board-micro-case/) (Optional, 10$)
-4. Either an OpenAI key, or a Ollama server running somewhere you can reach via internet
-> Note: We are working on a version of this working with Raspberry PI Zero W, which will cost ~$20, stay tuned
-First - cloning the repo:
-git clone https://github.com/adamcohenhillel/ADeus
-#### Setup: Supabase
-We will use Supabase as our database (with vector search, pgvector), authentication, and cloud functions for processing information.
-1. Go to [supabase.co](https://supabase.co), create your account if you don't have one already
-2. Click "New Project", give it a name, and make sure to note the database password you are given

-3. Once the project is created, you should get the `anon public` API Key, and the `Project URL`, copy them both, as we will need them in a bit.

-4. Now, go to the authentication tab on the right navbar (
), note that it can take a few moments for Supabase to finish setup the project
+[Homepage](https://www.adeus.ai/) | [Documentation](https://docs.adeus.ai/) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/N5c6KXBgWW)
-5. There, you will see the "user management" UI. Click "Add User" -> "Add new user", fill an email and password, and make sure to check the "auto-confirm" option.

-6. From there, go to the SQL Editor tab (

) and paste the [schema.sql](/supabase/schema.sql) from this repo, and execute. This will enable all the relevant extensions (pgvector) and create the two tables:
+Adeus is a wearable device that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes and stores it on your own server. You can then chat with Adeus using the app, and it will have all the right context about what you want or need to talk about - **a truly personalized, personal AI.**

-7. By now, you should have 4 things: `email` & `password` for your supabase user, and the `Supabase URL` and `API Anon Key`.
+## Table of contents
-8. If so, go to your terminal, and cd to the supabase folder: `cd ./supabase`
+- [Why Adeus?](#why-adeus)
+- [How Adeus is built](#how-adeus-is-built)
+- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ - [Supabase](#setup-supabase-↗)
+ - [Web / Mobile App](#setup-app-↗)
+ - [Hardware (Coral AI)](#setup-hardware-coral-ai-device-↗)
+- [How to Contribute](#how-to-contribute)
-9. Install Supabase and set up the CLI. You should follow thier [guide here](https://supabase.com/docs/guides/cli/getting-started?platform=macos#installing-the-supabase-cli), but in short:
- - run `brew install supabase/tap/supabase` to install the CLI (or [check other options](https://supabase.com/docs/guides/cli/getting-started))
- - Install [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) on your computer (we won't use it, we just need docker dameon to run in the background for deploying supabase functions)
-10. Now when we have the CLI, we need to login with oour Supabase account, running `supabase login` - this should pop up a browser window, which should prompt you through the auth
-11. And link our Supabase CLI to a specific project, our newly created one, by running `supabase link --project-ref