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Package configuration for Application Single Sign-On

In most cases, the Application Single Sign-on (commonly called AppSSO) package installation is configured by using the meta package installation of Tanzu Application Platform (commonly called TAP). The Tanzu Application Platform package has a shared top-level configuration key for sharing common configuration between the packages it installs.

Application Single Sign-on inherits the shared.{ingress_domain, ingress_issuer, ca_cert_data, kubernetes_distribution} configuration values from Tanzu Application Platform. You can override these values with Application Single Sign-On specific values under appsso. Application Single Sign-On specific configuration has precedence over the shared values of Tanzu Application Platform.

For example:

#! my-tap-values.yaml

# Shared configuration goes here.

# AppSSO-specific configuration goes here.

Configuration values

The package installation of has the following configuration values:


You can configure trust for custom CAs by providing their certificates as a PEM bundle to ca_cert_data. As a result, all AuthServers trust your custom CAs.

This is useful if you have Identity providers serving certificates from a custom CA and configuring AuthServer storage.

Alternatively, you can configure trust for a single AuthServer.

Note Application Single Sign-on specific ca_cert_data is concatenated with shared.ca_cert_data. The resulting PEM bundle contains both.


This setting designates the target namespace when the cluster-scoped APIs reconcile into namespace-scoped resources.

In particular, the cluster-scoped ClusterUnsafeTestLogin reconciles into namespace-scoped resources such as an AuthServer. These resources are placed in the cluster_resource_namespace.

The default value of cluster_resource_namespace is appsso.

Note Updating the cluster_resource_namespace of an existing package installation delete or create namespace-scoped resources in the new namespace. This causes downtime for the impacted resources momentarily.


You can denote a as a default issuer for AuthServer.spec.tls.issuerRef and omit AuthServer.spec.tls. When the value of AuthServer.spec.tls.issuerRef is the empty string "", no default issuer is assumed and no AuthServer.spec.tls is required.

If you configured shared.ingress_issuer and omitted default_authserver_clusterissuer while installing Tanzu Application Platform, Application Single Sign-on uses the ingress issuer of Tanzu Application Platform and sets default_authserver_clusterissuer to shared.ingress_issuer.


This is the default template from which WorkloadRegistration renders redirect URIs. It is used when WorkloadRegistration.spec.workloadDomainTemplate is omitted.

This is a golang text/template. The default is "\{{.Name}}.\{{.Namespace}}.\{{.Domain}}".

The domain template is applied with the configured workload_domain_name and the name and namespace specified in WorkloadRegistration.spec.workloadRef. For more information, see Redirect URI templating.

VMware recommends maintaining consistency between the values of default_workload_domain_template and Cloud Native Runtimes' domain_template. Both values share the same default configuration. However, for customization purposes, using the same value for both settings ensures that Workloads get the expected redirect URIs templated.


The Application Single Sign-on package has one required configuration value, its domain_name. It templates the issuer URI for AuthServer. domain_name must be the shared ingress domain of your Tanzu Application Platform package installation. If your Tanzu Application Platform installation is configured with shared.ingress_domain, Application Single Sign-on inherits the correct configuration.

If omitted, domain_name is set to shared.ingress_domain.


You can customize how Application Single Sign-on template's issuerURIs with the domain_template configuration. This is a golang text/template. The default value is "\{{.Name}}.\{{.Namespace}}.\{{.Domain}}".

The domain template is applied with the given domain_name and the AuthServer's name and namespace:

  • \{{.Domain}} evaluates to the configured domain_name
  • \{{.Name}} evaluates to
  • \{{.Namespace}} evaluates to AuthServer.metadata.namespace

To use a wild-card certificate, consider "\{{.Name}}-\{{.Namespace}}.\{{.Domain}}".

VMware recommends keeping the name and namespace sections of the template to avoid domain name collisions.


This setting toggles behavior for specific Kubernetes distributions. Currently, the only supported values are "" and openshift.

It is processed in combination with kubernetes_version.

Application Single Sign-On installs OpenShift specific RBAC and resources. For more information, see Application Single Sign-On for OpenShift clusters.

If omitted, kubernetes_distribution is set to shared.kubernetes_distribution.


This setting toggles behavior for specific Kubernetes distributions. Currently, the only supported values are "" or semantic versions in the form of \d*\.\d*\.\d*.

It is processed in combination with kubernetes_distribution.

Application Single Sign-On installs OpenShift specific RBAC and resources. For more information, see Application Single Sign-On for OpenShift clusters.

If omitted, kubernetes_version is set to shared.kubernetes_version.


This is used as the value for \{{.Domain}} in WorkloadRegistration's domain template.

workload_domain_name defaults to the value of domain_name.

In most cases, the value of workload_domain_name matches the value of Cloud Native Runtimes' domain_name.


The controller is run with this many replicas. The default value is 1.

The controller uses leader election so that there is only a single active replica at a time. Increasing this value does not improve the controller's performance.


This is the value for the controller's Deployment.spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources.

See Configuration schema for more information about its structure and default values.


This is the duration after which the controller re-synchronizes all resources. That means that every instance of a Application Single Sign-On API is reconciled at this point.

The default value is 2h.

VMware does not recommend customizing this value in all practical scenarios.

Configuration schema

The package installation of has the following configuration schema:


#@schema/desc "Optional: Kubernetes platform distribution that this package is being installed on. Accepted values: ['','openshift']"
kubernetes_distribution: ""

#@schema/desc "Optional: Kubernetes platform version that this package is being installed on. Accepted format: ['x.x.x']"
kubernetes_version: ""

#@schema/desc "Domain name for AuthServers."
domain_name: ""

#@schema/desc "Optional: Golang template/text string for constructing AuthServer FQDNs."
domain_template: "\{{.Name}}.\{{.Namespace}}.\{{.Domain}}"

#@schema/desc "Optional: A for defaulting AuthServer TLS."
default_authserver_clusterissuer: ""

#@schema/desc "Optional: Domain name for Workloads. Defaults to the value of domain_name."
workload_domain_name: ""

#@schema/desc "Optional: Golang template/text string for defaulting Workload FQDNs templating."
default_workload_domain_template: "\{{.Name}}.\{{.Namespace}}.\{{.Domain}}"

#@schema/desc "The namespace which children of cluster-scoped resources are located in."
cluster_resource_namespace: "appsso"

#@schema/desc "Optional: PEM-encoded certificate data for AuthServers to trust TLS connections with a custom CA."
ca_cert_data: ""

#@schema/desc "Optional: Interval at which the controller will re-synchronize applied resources."
resync_period: "2h"

#@schema/desc "Optional: Number of controller replicas to deploy."
replicas: 1

#@schema/desc "Optional: Resource requirements of the controller deployment."
    #@schema/desc "CPU request of the controller."
    cpu: "20m"
    #@schema/desc "Memory request of the controller."
    memory: "100Mi"
    #@schema/desc "CPU limit of the controller."
    cpu: "500m"
    #@schema/desc "Memory limit of the controller."
    memory: "500Mi"