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Day Twenty-Three: Crab Cups

Another day, another game to play with our friendly neighborhood crab. This time, we're playing multiple rounds of picking up cups and moving them around in a circle. This puzzle is all about finding a good data structure to represent the data, and while my solution for part 2 isn't the fastest (30-40 seconds), I feel it's workable to pass.

Part 1

To start off, let's consider our data structure. In Java, I'd use a simple LinkedList to represent the circle of cups, since it's trivial to mutate the data. And to be honest, that works just fine in Clojure too, at least in part one. The biggest problem with using a LinkedList is that we have to do a linear scan when we look for the destination cup, and we increase the number of cups in the circle and/or the number of rounds in the game, that O(m*n) algorithm, where m=size-of-circle and n=number-of-rounds slows down quickly. To change the runtime to O(n), we need to use an associative data structure, so I've chosen a map, where each key is a cup-id and its value is the cup-id that's next in the circle.

To start, let's parse the input. First we'll do a simple integer parse of the input String, using (partition 2 1 cup-ids cup-ids) to make the mapping. The (partition 2 1...) part says to break the input into groupings of size 2, such that the step allows the first tuple's value to overlap with the second tuple's key. I use cup-ids twice; the second instance is the collection we want to partition, while the first collection is padding to apply to complete any incomplete groupings. Because the last element in the collection will be incomplete (there's no value after the last one), we pad it with the first value of the collection itself, thus making this a circular list. Finally, the data structure includes the newly-constructed :cups map, the :current player (first in the list), and the number of records in the circle, for a simple optimization.

(defn init-cups [input]
  (let [cup-ids (map #(Integer/parseInt (str %)) input)
        data-map (->> (partition 2 1 cup-ids cup-ids)
                      (map vec)
                      (into {}))]
    {:current (first cup-ids) :cups data-map :size (count cup-ids)}))

Next, I made a simple helper function called next-cup, which takes in a cup ID and looks up the next cup in the circle. It's just a simplification to make the rest of the code more expressive.

(defn next-cup [state id]
  (get-in state [:cups id]))

We've represented the data as a map, but there are times when we'll want to treat it as a linked list, such that we can pull out a number of values in ID order as a sequence. For this, I created the lazy sequence function cup-seq. This function looks up the next value using next-cup, defaulting to starting at the current cup, returning that value, and then lazily recursing.

(defn cup-seq
  ([state] (cup-seq state (:current state)))
  ([state lookup]
   (let [v (next-cup state lookup)]
     (lazy-seq (cons v (cup-seq state v))))))

The destination-cup will help us figure out the ID of the cup after which we'll place the three that we remove. This is just a simple loop-recur that looks for a value starting from 1 less than the current cup, looping from 0 up to the max cup size, and skipping over any cup in the disallowed set.

(defn destination-cup [{:keys [current size]} disallowed]
  (loop [v (dec current)]
      (zero? v) (recur size)
      (disallowed v) (recur (dec v))
      :else v)))

With that infrastructure in place, let's write the next-turn function to play out one turn of the game. Using the cup-seq function, we'll pull out the next four values -- the first three will moved after the destination, and the next one will become the next current value on the next turn. We then calculate the destination and the cup currently next to the destination. We can provide the new state with a single assoc call. The big change is to the :cups, and everything in there is the stuff we'd normally do with a mutable LinkedList:

  1. Because we removed the three picked cups, the current cup is now next to the next-current, meaning the one four cups away.
  2. The destination cup now points to pick1, as it's the start of the three selected cups.
  3. The last selected cup, pick3, now points to next-dest, which is the cup that dest used to point to.

We don't need to make any changes to pick1 or pick2, pick1 still points to pick2, and pick2 still points to pick3.

(defn next-turn [{:keys [current cups] :as state}]
  (let [[pick1 pick2 pick3 next-current] (cup-seq state)
        dest (destination-cup state #{pick1 pick2 pick3})
        next-dest (next-cup state dest)]
    (assoc state :current next-current
                 :cups (assoc cups current next-current
                                   dest pick1
                                   pick3 next-dest))))

Now that we can play a single turn, let's play a full game! This one is a breeze - use iterate to keep playing turns indefinitely, and use nth to pull out the turn number we want. One thing I should mention is that I usually use the thread-last macro ->> as a way of applying functions to each element in a collection. While the iterate function returns a sequence of results, nth acts on the sequence itself rather than every element, which is why it accepts the collection as its first parameter instead of its last. Therefore, we use the thread-first macro -> here.

(defn play-game [state turns]
  (-> (iterate next-turn state)
      (nth turns)))

We're almost done. For part 1, we'll need to assign a label to the final state, but concatenating the list of all cups starting clockwise from cup 1. Once again, we can use out magic cup-seq to start from ID=1 instead of current, use take-while to keep all the values until we hit ID 1, and then string it all together.

(defn label [state]
  (->> (cup-seq state 1)
       (take-while #(not= % 1))
       (apply str)))

Finally, to solve part 1, we'll initialize the cup state, play the game, and return the label. Note again the use of the thread-first macro.

(defn part1 [input num-turns]
  (-> (init-cups input)
      (play-game num-turns)

Part 2

Given what we've written for part 1, in part 2 we just throw a whole lot more data at the problem. There's really only one large function we need to implement here, and that is a way to extend the original cup state to support a large number of additional cups being added. The extend-cups function will accept an already-created cup state and the value of the largest cup we want to hold. Mental note - cups are numbered from 1 to max but most functions like range operate from 0 to (- count 1), so we'll have to watch out for that.

First, I made a tiny helper function called tail, which returns the ID of the cup that points to the head of the state. In theory I could have kept the original input String and picked up the last character, but I thought it cleaner to the algorithm flow to use the input once and then throw it away, so this little function just finds the first (and only) value that points to the "current" value.

(defn tail [{:keys [current cups]}]
  (->> cups
       (keep (fn [[k v]]
               (when (= current v) k)))

Then the extend-cup function does a lot, but it's all reasonable. First, we want to make a map of items we want to add to the existing :cups map. We'll again use the four-argument partition function, starting from one more than the largest existing cup ID, and ending with (inc max-cup), since range uses the last parameter as an exclusive upper bound, and we use the current value, the head of the list, as the padding value. We throw those tuples into a map of {tail extension-start} so the final value of the initial state will join over to the first new value. Finally, in addition to extending the size of the new state, we use merge to overwrite any values in the original :cups map with the new values. In practice, this should only overwrite the old tail value, and then add in a bunch of new ones.

(defn extend-cups [state max-cup]
  (let [{:keys [current cups]} state
        extension-start (inc (apply max (keys cups)))
        extension-end (inc max-cup)
        extensions (->> (partition 2 1 [current] (range extension-start extension-end))
                        (map vec)
                        (into {(tail state) extension-start}))]
    (assoc state :cups (merge cups extensions)
                 :size max-cup))) 

And then for the part2 function, we take the initial state and extend the cups, and then we play the game until the intended turn number. Finally, we have to multiply the two successive values after cup ID 1, so once more we use cup-seq, take the next two values, and multiple them. There ya go!

(defn part2 [input max-cup num-turns]
  (let [state (-> (init-cups input) (extend-cups max-cup))
        answer (play-game state num-turns)]
    (->> (cup-seq answer 1)
         (take 2)
         (apply *))))

So again, this isn't the fastest algorithm, but the first several attempts were much slower, so I'll buy it! We're almost done with Advent of Code!