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Day Eighteen: Operation Order

I'm going to declare right now that I had a ton of fun with this problem. As is becoming the case, it's a little hard to talk about Part 1 without also looking at Part 2, since I tend to refactor the code so much to be reusable between both parts. And since this is my blog post, I make the rules!

The problem states that we are given several lines of text, each representing an arithmetic equation we need to solve. The operations are +, *, and parentheses, but the order of operations is all wacky. While parentheses always take priority, in part one we apply addition or multiplication based strictly on the left-to-right ordering, and in part two we prioritize addition over multiplication. My Dear Aunt Sally feels an excuse is quite in order!

Planning ahead

Let's start with the end in mind. We know that parts 1 and 2 differ only in how we prioritize which operation to perform at a time, so let's figure that out. I know I'm going to handle the parentheses especially, so I think at some point I'm going to have an expression without parentheses, and I'll make a pass through the data to decide whether or not to apply any given operation. So that means I need to look at each mathematical line as a sequence of tokens, and I need to decide whether to take action on any single token.

Let's parse the data. I want to take a String like 1 + (2 * (3 * 4) + 5) and see it as a simple vector of values. The parentheses are always next to a number, but everything else is space delimited. For the numeric strings, let's turn them into BigIntegers right away, since we'll get overflow if we use Longs. The regex is a little ugly, but it's not bad. If I put in artifical spaces to get \d+ | \( | \) | \*, you can see it's essentially one big or, and re-seq returns a sequence of tokens that match the regex. The mapv only attempts to parse values that aren't symbols; in theory, I could have done a try-catch parse for each token instead.

I won't spend any time going over Clojure-Java interop, but suffice it to say that (BigInteger. "123"), with that extra period, calls the constructor of BigInteger with the parameter "123".

(defn parse-mathematical-string [line]
  (->> (re-seq #"\d+|\(|\)|\+|\*" line)
       (mapv #(if (#{"+" "*" "(" ")"} %) % (BigInteger. %)))))

Now let's zip to the very end. I'm going to have a solve function that takes in my data file and the ordered operations for non-parenthetical vectors. It's going to parse each line, run some calculation with those operations, and then add the results together. Since we're dealing with BigIntegers, we can't use (apply + values) and instead have to reduce the result using the Java method .add.

(defn solve [input operations]
  (->> (str/split-lines input)
       (map parse-mathematical-string)
       (map #(calculate % operations))
       (reduce #(.add %1 %2))))

; Helper functions for order-of-operations
(def only-add (partial = "+"))
(def only-mul (partial = "*"))
(def add-or-mul (partial #{"+" "*"}))

(defn part1 [input] (solve input [add-or-mul]))
(defn part2 [input] (solve input [only-add only-mul]))

Now that we have an idea of the overall structure, we can fill in the details.

Calculation functions

Now that I'm getting more comfortable with Clojure, I'm trying to focus more on business-looking functions. The calculate function should take in the vector of tokens and the sequence of operations, and return the BigInteger result. When looking at a list of tokens, we should apply a simple priority. If there's only one value, return it. If there are parentheses, handle them. Otherwise, do "ordered-arithmetic" with the operation filters that were passed in.

(defn calculate [tokens operations]
  (or (unpack-simple-expression tokens)
      (apply-parentheses tokens operations)
      (ordered-arithmatic tokens operations)))

The unpack-simple-expression function is, well, simple. If there's only one token, return it. Remember that when will return nil if its predicate is false, and the or in calculate will return the first non-nil value.

(defn unpack-simple-expression [tokens]
  (when (= 1 (count tokens)) (first tokens)))

Next I want to get to apply-parentheses, but first we need to helper functions. We are going to need Java's indexOf and lastIndexOf functions, but they return -1 if the value is not found, and magic constants are evil. So I'll start with an index-of-or-nil to make this easier to read and use in Clojure. Second, I need a function that takes in a vector of tokens, removes several of them, and replaces them with a new value, so replace-subvec will handle that for us.

(defn index-of-or-nil [coll v]
  (let [idx (.indexOf coll v)]
    (when (>= idx 0) idx)))

(defn replace-subvec [v low high new-value]
  (apply conj (subvec v 0 low) new-value (subvec v high)))

Ok, let's handle apply-parentheses. The easiest way to handle the nesting is to find the first closed paren, and the last open paren before it, because that will represent the range of an expression without additional parentheses. when-let will only process if we find an index for close-paren, and if it's there, we can assume we'll find one for open-paren. Then we extract the subvector between these two indices and call calculate on it. Armed with that simplification, we call replace-subvec to create our new vector of tokens, and we call back to calculate with the new simplified vector.

One thing to note is that I've set up a mutual dependency between the functions calculate and apply-parentheses. My initial one-function-to-rule-them-all solution didn't have this, but I'm making little functions. Clojure requires function definitions to appear in order, so we need to use declare to create a definition for calculate that apply-parentheses can hook into, before we define it later in the file. It's a little ugly, but at least it brings to light something that generally we don't want, so maybe that's a hidden benefit of this limitation!

; Forward declaration, needed for mutual dependent functions.
(declare calculate)

(defn apply-parentheses [tokens operations]
  (when-let [close-paren (index-of-or-nil tokens ")")]
    (let [open-paren (.lastIndexOf (subvec tokens 0 close-paren) "(")
          new-value (-> (subvec tokens (inc open-paren) close-paren)
                        (calculate operations))]
      (-> (replace-subvec tokens open-paren (inc close-paren) new-value)
          (calculate operations)))))

At this point, we've handled parentheses and single element vectors, so it's time to handle addition and multiplication. Let's make a little function called simple-math that takes in a vector and the index of the operation, and it returns a reduced vector having applied the operation to the values on either side. Nothing fancy here.

(defn simple-math [tokens idx]
  (let [[op tok-a tok-b] (map #(tokens (+ idx %)) [0 -1 1])
        new-val (case op
                  "*" (.multiply tok-a tok-b)
                  "+" (.add tok-a tok-b))]
    (replace-subvec tokens (dec idx) (+ idx 2) new-val)))

Then the last piece to handle is the so-called "ordered arithmetic." Remember that the operations from part 1 will be [add-or-mul] while part 2 will be [only-add only-mul], so we've got a vector of unary predicates. I'll implement this as a recursive function, since we need to look at all of the operations, and all of the tokens. Each time through, we'll short-circuit if this is a simple expression with only one value. If not, see if we can find the index of a token that passes the current predicate. If so, call simple-math and recursively call this function with the new value. Otherwise, drop the current operation and recursively call back in with the next one. Note that we assume the expressions are all valid, so we don't have to worry about running out of operations.

(defn ordered-arithmetic [tokens [op & other-ops :as operations]]
  (or (unpack-simple-expression tokens)
      (when-let [idx (->> tokens
                          (keep-indexed (fn [idx tok] (when (op tok) idx)))
        (-> (simple-math tokens idx)
            (ordered-arithmetic operations)))
      (ordered-arithmetic tokens other-ops)))

So yeah, I had a ton of fun with this problem!