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Day Fourteen: Docking Data

Ok, I'm back to liking Advent Of Code again, after the Day That Must Not Be Named. Today we're writing another program that acts as a program, and while not always the most challenging problems, I find them relaxing and fun.

I gave a hint in Day 12 that whenever we see a program with an instruction set, that means the instructions are probably going to change between parts 1 and 2, or in a future day's puzzles. Today was no exception, so the code was structured to prepare for it.

Part 1

We're introduced to a bitmask system, wherein our instruction set contains lines that set a 36-bit bitmask, and a set of instructions on how to update memory registers. The goal is to mask the data against the mask before setting it into the register. When we're done, we add up the values of registers.

First, let's get the state to pass around from instruction to instruction, which will be a map of :mask as a String, and :memory as a map of memory address to its numeric value. Even though the addresses look like numbers, we're not manipulating them as such, so the keys of :memory will be strings. So let's get our initializers ready.

; State: {:mask "", :memory {"n" v}}
(def empty-state {:mask empty-mask :memory {}})

Next, let's get some helper functions to convert numeric Strings into 36-character, zero-padded binary representations. We're mostly going to use Java's Long class here, first parsing the String into a Long, converting it its its binary form with toBinaryString, and finally applying a String formatter. Java really puts up a fight with formatting numeric Strings, so I had to pad with spaces, and then use str/replace to turn them into zeros. A little yucky, but that's why we make small functions!

After that, just to keep things clear, binary-to-long just turns a binary string back into a Long.

(defn zero-pad [s]
  (let [space-padded (->> s Long/parseLong Long/toBinaryString (format "%36s"))]
    (str/replace space-padded \space \0)))

(defn binary-to-long [b]
  (Long/parseLong b 2))

I then need one more function to move this along - mask-value takes in a numeric String value v and the current mask, and returns the Long value after applying the mask. Nothing fancy here - turn the decimal String into a binary String, overwrite all values with non-X mask characters, and turn that back into a Long.

(defn mask-value [v mask]
  (->> (zero-pad v)
       (map (fn [m v] (if (= \X m) v m)) mask)
       (apply str)

I've got a cool function coming up, but for now, let's think about the two operations our input can take - update the mask and set the bitmasked value into a register. update-mask and set-bitmasked-value hit the spot, simply associating the correct values into the state.

(defn update-mask [state mask]
  (assoc state :mask mask))

(defn set-bitmasked-value [state addr v]
  (assoc-in state [:memory addr] (mask-value v (:mask state))))

I want to add a little suspense, so let's get to the solve function first. Looking ahead a tiny bit to Part 2, we learn that the mem command is going to be different between parts 1 and 2, so let's figure out the overall algorithm. We're going to parse the input data and reduce the state through each line, calling process-line each time. At the end, we'll grab the :memory of the final state, strip away the values, and add them all together.

(defn solve [input mem-command]
  (->> (str/split-lines input)
       (reduce #(process-line %2 %1 mem-command) empty-state)
       (apply +)))

Ok, now for the fun part -- the process-line function. Given the current line of text, the state of the application, and the mem-command (function to apply to a mem operation), process the line and return the new state. For this, we want to use re-matches to find which regular expression matches the line of text. There are only two possible regexes to use, but let's pretend there could be more. In my advent_2016_clojure day 21 solution, I would have used a bunch of when-let blocks, thrown together with an or to return the first non-nil value, as such:

(or (when-let [args (re-matches #"regex1" line)]
      (first-function args))
    (when-let [args (re-matches #"regex2" line)]
      (second-function args)))

But I recently learned about the condp function, which is a perfect match. It takes the form (condp f arg2 arg1-a fun-a arg1-b fun-b ... arg1-n fun-n). It applies the function f to arg1-a and arg2, and if the result is non-nil, then it runs the next clause. If it's nil, then try again with arg1-b. It's like a normal condp, but it defines the structure to apply each time for each condition. In this case, we want to apply a different regular expression to the line argument, and whichever one matches, we should apply a different function. Then :>>, which I think I'll call the "double-chin," just feeds the result of the left-hand side to the right-hand expression. So all together, process-line takes in the line, runs condp to identify the matching regular expression, and then calls either update-mask or mem-command on the arguments.

(defn process-line [line state mem-command]
  (condp re-matches line
    #"mask = (\w+)" :>> (fn [[_ mask]] (update-mask state mask))
    #"mem\[(\d+)\] = (\d+)" :>> (fn [[_ addr v]] (mem-command state addr v))))

Last step -- part1 calls solve, using set-bitmasked-value as the function to call when the line matches the mem operation.

(defn part1 [input] (solve input set-bitmasked-value))

Part 2

As already stated earlier, part 2 is just like part 1, except that the mem operation now masks the mem address into 1 or more addresses, and sets them all to the value on the mem line. I won't go into the details of the rules, but suffice it to say we're going to define a function called set-bitmasked-addresses, in contrast with part 1's set-bitmasked-value, to feed into the solve function. Let's do this backwards, and start from the higher-order function and work our way down.

(defn part2 [input] (solve input set-bitmasked-addresses))

set-bitmasked-addresses needs to apply some masking function, masked-addresses, based on the incoming address and the current state's mask, to get the list of "real" addresses. Then for each one, we map the new address to the value v from the line. Then we update the current state's memory by applying the into function to merge the old map with the new.

(defn set-bitmasked-addresses [state addr v]
  (->> (:mask state)
       (masked-addresses addr)
       (map #(vector % (Integer/parseInt v)))
       (update state :memory (partial into))))

On to the masked-addresses function. This actually works in two steps. First, we apply the mask to the incoming address, to come up with a new 36-character address that's made of 0, 1, and x characters. Once we have that, we will need to explode out all of the so-called "floating" addresses. masked-addresses is nothing special - pad the input, apply the mask, reassemble into a new String, and then delegate to the upcoming floating-addresses function.

(defn masked-addresses [address mask]
  (->> (zero-pad address)
       (map (fn [m v] (if (= m \0) v m)) mask)
       (apply str)

Last function coming up - floating-addresses. Given a String that might contain any number of X characters, return all possible Strings where each X is replaced with a 0 or a 1. There are a bunch of ways to do this, but ultimately it's a choice between an iterative loop-recur approach or a recursive approach. I wrote both but like using recursion in Clojure. If the function finds a String with no X characters, then we return the single-element list containing that String. If there are any X characters, replace the first one with a 0 and then a 1, recursively grabbing the floating-addresses with each. Then we combine the 0 list with the 1 list using mapcat, which again is Clojure's flat map function.

(defn floating-addresses [s]
  (if-not (str/index-of s \X)
    (list s)
    (mapcat #(floating-addresses (str/replace-first s \X %))
            [\0 \1])))

All in all, this felt like a very organized and structured little program. I dig it!