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Day Eleven: Seating System

Well the problems are officially becoming more difficult. Or perhaps my solutions are just becoming messier. Either way, problem 11 is done and there's something to show for it. Because I like to solve parts 1 and 2 in very similar ways, I'm going to describe both problem statements together up-front, which will explain why some functions are a bit more parameterized (read: complex).

We are given a grid of positions within a floor, where each character is one of three characters: . for a blank/unused space, L for an empty seat, or # for an occupied seat. The program requires looking at every seat (empty or occupied) within the floor, deciding how many seats in each direction are considered occupied, and then decide whether an occupied seat should be emptied, and/or an empty seat should be occupied. There are two parameters that distinguish part 1 from part 2. First, the algorithm to apply to decide which seat to inspect in each direction when deciding if it's occupied. And second, what I call the awkwardness, which says how many neighboring occupied seats is enough to encourage someone in that seat to empty it.

Part 1

The lion's share of the work goes into part 1, given that we're going to parameterize the "looking function" and the awkwardness.

First, I prepare a few simple definitions to make the logic more business-y. Namely, I don't want to pepper the code with the characters . and L and #, so I make constants occupied-seat, empty-seat, and space, and predicates occupied-seat?, empty-seat? and seat? to get that out of the subsequent logic.

(def occupied-seat \#)
(def empty-seat \L)
(def space \.)
(defn occupied-seat? [c] (= occupied-seat c))
(defn empty-seat? [c] (= empty-seat c))
(defn seat? [c] (or (occupied-seat? c) (empty-seat? c)))

Now I've decided not to do any fancy parsing with the data this time. Normally I would consider reading each line, maybe creating a map of each [x y] coordinate to its value, but I found it easier this time to just split the lines and consider a grid to be a list of Strings. Because of this, my coordinates are expressed as [y x] instead of [x y], since (get-in grid [y x]) works naturally, by taking the nth String within the grid as the y value, and then then nth character within the String as the x value.

So the next big task is to take a point within a grid, and return a list of all points seen when looking in each of the 8 directions. First, I defined a var called all-directions, which shows the slopes of lines to follow. Note that [0 0] is not in the list, since we need some movement. I thought about calculating this, but sometimes a constant is just what we want.

(def all-directions '([-1 -1] [-1 0] [-1 1]
                      [0 -1] [0 1]
                      [1 -1] [1 0] [1 1]))

To build out the all-neighbor-paths, we'll use a little for construct. First, I'll count the number of rows and columns in the grid, by looking at (count grid) for the rows, and (count (first grid)) for the columns. Note that these don't change within the program, so in theory I could have calculated them once and made the grid into a more complex data structure, but I thought this is fine. Then, I defined a helper inner function called in-range?, which ensures that any [y x] point is within the grid.

Finally, I loop over all of the directions, and set up a little threading. The key to this is the expression (iterate (partial map + dir) point), which returns a lazy sequence of points. Starting with the point that's passed in to the function, and a direction dir, we call (map + dir point) to add the slope to the point, thus "walking" in the chosen direction. Then we use rest to drop the first value, since it's the originating point, and (take-while in-range?) to keep only the values that fall within the map.

So this should return a list of 8 element, each being a list of [y x] points.

(defn all-neighbor-paths [grid point]
  (let [rows (count grid)
        cols (count (first grid))
        in-range? (fn [[y x]] (and (< -1 y rows)
                                   (< -1 x cols)))]
    (for [dir all-directions]
      (->> (iterate (partial map + dir) point)
           (take-while in-range?)))))

Now that we can look in all directions, we need a function first-in-path to return the first element with a list of [y x] points whose value in the grid passes our "looking function," which we can still abstract away for now. So all we do is start with the path (list of points), map each point into its value on grid using (get-in grid point), filter the values by the looking function f, and return the first value if there is any.

(defn first-in-path [grid f path]
  (->> path
       (map (partial get-in grid))
       (filter f)

Ok, let's recap where we are. Given a map, a starting point, and looking function, return the value of the first point in the map that meets the looking function's needs. Now we need to see how many of these values around the point are occupied, so we'll make occupied-neighbors-by. to start, we'll call all-neighbor-paths to find the 3 to 8 neighboring paths. For each path, map it to first-in-path with the looking function to get back a list of spaces in the grid. Then we select out the occupied ones using (filter occupied-seat? col), and count the results.

(defn occupied-neighbors-by [grid point f]
  (->> (all-neighbor-paths grid point)
       (map (partial first-in-path grid f))
       (filter occupied-seat?)

So next we want to build out the function next-turn, which takes a grid and returns the next grid after calculating each point. The fact that we need to do some logic on each point says we should build a next-point function first. This function models the core business logic about how to change a seat. I won't go line-by-line, but we figure out the current value in the grid as c, find out how many neighbors are occupied using occupied-neighbors-by, and then use those values and the awkwardness factor to either occupy the seat, empty it, or keep it the same. I threw in a little optimization near the top, which says that if the point isn't even a seat (it's a space), then don't do any calculations since spaces never change.

(defn next-point [grid point f awkwardness]
  (let [c (get-in grid point)]
    (if-not (seat? c)
      (let [occ (occupied-neighbors-by grid point f)]
          (and (empty-seat? c) (zero? occ)) occupied-seat
          (and (occupied-seat? c) (>= occ awkwardness)) empty-seat
          :else c)))))

Ok, now we can implement next-turn. I thought about using nested for macros, but opted for nested mapv-indexed functions; mapv-indexed is a utility function I wrote to call map-indexed and then vec to get back a vector. I'm not sure why there's map and mapv, and map-indexed but no mapv-indexed. Anyway, for each point we call next-point to calculate its value, which essentially gives us the next grid.

(defn next-turn [grid f awkwardness]
  (mapv-indexed (fn [y row]
                  (mapv-indexed (fn [x _]
                                  (next-point grid [y x] f awkwardness))

At least, the meat of the problem. We want to run next-turn until the grid from run n is the same as the grid from run n+1. Again, iterate is the work horse, taking the grid we get from just calling (str/split-lines input) and feeding it in to the next-turn function for a lazy sequence. (partition 2 1 col) will return every pair of elements and the next element, which we then filter for equality to see if the grid has stablized. If so, we call ffirst, which is the same as (first (first)) to get the first such pair of identical values, and to then pull out the first grid. Then it's smooth sailing from here - flatten and call str to get one big String, filter every character for only the occupied ones, and count them up.

(defn solve [input f awkwardness]
  (->> (iterate #(next-turn % f awkwardness)
                (str/split-lines input))
       (partition 2 1)
       (filter (partial apply =))
       (apply str)
       (filter occupied-seat?)

Finally, we implement our tiny part1 function by calling solve with a looking function of some? and an awkwardness of 4. We use some? because when we have a list of points in a path and we want the immediate neighbor, some? returns true if the value is not nil, so (first (map some? col)) is the same as (first col).

(defn part1 [input] (solve input some? 4))

Part 2

Whew, that was a lot of work. Was it worth it?

(defn part2 [input] (solve input seat? 5))

It sure was! We use a looking function of seat? because when looking in a path, we'll accept any value that isn't an open space. Other than the awkwardness factor being 5, the rest of the algorithm holds. We're done!