This release is an attempt to fix the permissions issue users discovered in the previous Forge package mentioned in this issue: Wrong rights on lib/puppet/provider/gms_webhook/github.rb
This release is mainly a wrap of fixes and updates prior to a major rewrite
- Deploy Keys
- All Providers
- Removed restriction on SSL port
- Stash
- Fixed issue with initial deploy key not getting created
- All Providers
This release is purely to expose debugging functionality previously assumed as released. ;)
This release introduces Stash support for both deploy keys and webhooks.
The README has been updated to include the usage notes for these parameters.
- New parameters -
v0.0.8 Tarball on Puppet Forge had bad permissions for the Webhook provider. Thanks to @bhechinger for the heads up.
This release is because I simply missed the updated CHANGELOG when packaging the previous module release.
This release is for the purpose of easing the regex on the git_webhook type so Basic HTTP Auth included with an URL is an accepted parameter.
This release has many new parameters enabling the ability to set different triggers for webhooks on GitLab and disabling ssl checks on GitHub. Minor cleanup as well.
The README has been updated to include the usage notes for these parameters.
- New parameters -
- New parameters -