Sharpening up your CTF skill with the collection. The first volume is designed for beginner.
Can you decode the following?
Go to CyberChef website. Paste the code and use
recipe or you can doecho "VEhNe2p1NTdfZDNjMGQzXzdoM19iNDUzfQ== | base64 -d"
Meta! meta! meta! meta...................................
You can do
exiftool Findme.jpg
and check the owner section orstrings Findme.jpg | grep THM
Something is hiding. That's all you need to know.
When Prompt for passphare just press ENTER.
Huh, where is the flag? RIGHT HERE
Such technology is quite reliable.
Search for QR Code Decoder and feed the QR image. The one I use is -> Upload the image and click on Submit Query.
Both works, it's all up to you.
Create an executable to check what it do.
This can be solved using two ways:
- Using
strings hello.hello | grep THM
- Using radare2 ->
r2 -d -A hello.hello
and thenizz | grep THM
Can you decode it?
Well! Everyone can solve this by looking it to the HINTS but there is way to solve this without looking to HINTS i.e.
Go to CyberChef website. Paste the code and use magic
Left, right, left, right... Rot 13 is too mainstream. Solve this
Go to CyberChef website. Paste the code and use ROT13
recipe. Gradually increase number and at one point you will get the result.
Or you could look at the HINT, which says its caesar cipher
. Visit, paste the code and click on DECRYPT CAESAR CODE
on the left side you will see the results.
No downloadable file, no ciphered or encoded text. Huh .......
Right Click and Inspect the Element. Explore around and you will get the flag in the same task somewhere.
I accidentally messed up with this PNG file. Can you help me fix it? Thanks, ^^
To fix the file we can use xxd
command. First is convert the file to hex
to check the magic number is present in the beginning or not using xxd -p spoil.jpg > hexdump
This is not right the beginning of a PNF file is something with 8. So I checked this list of HEX Codes. I found that PNG has
in the beginning.
So I opened the hexdump
and added the 89504E47
in the beginning saved it and re complie it using xxd -r -p hexdump > fixed.jpg
I checked the file but the file was still not fixed.
So I replaced the eight digits with 89504E47
and re complied it and it worked.
Some hidden flag inside Tryhackme social account.
Search tryhackme rooms reddit
on Google. Its the first link
What is this?
Can you decode it?
Go to and paste the code > click on EXECUTE and on the left side you will see the results.
Exclusive strings for everyone!
S1: 44585d6b2368737c65252166234f20626d
S2: 1010101010101010101010101010101010
Go to ToolSlick. Paste both the strings without the
S[1-2]: and scroll down you will find the flag in reverse order.
Please exfiltrate my file :)
binwalk -e hell.jpg
. You will see there is file calledhello_there.txt
A new folder is created _hell.jpg.extracted
. Check the file.
Download the tool called StegSolve, if haven't yet -> wget -O stegsolve.jar
Make it executable -> chmod +x stegsolve.jar
Start the tool -> ./stegsolve.jar
Click on File and load the image. Play with Arrow keys and you will get the flag.
How good is your listening skill?
P/S: The flag formatted as THM{Listened Flag}, the flag should be in All CAPS
Decode the QR as same before using Go to the URL mentioned. Record the sound and play it with slow speed.
Sometimes we need a 'machine' to dig the past
Targeted website: Targeted time: 2 January 2020
Go to
, search for the website open the snapshot of the time mentioned. Scroll Down to THM Flag article.
Can you solve the following? By the way, I lost the key. Sorry >.<
As the HINT says it is
vigenere cipher
. Go to CyberChef and choose vigenere decode. We are sure that before curly braces it isTRYHACKME
so we can put that as a KEY and get the REAL Key.
So from this we get that THM
is the key as it is repeating.
Decode the following text.
Use RAPIDTABLES.COM to convert decimal
to hex
Then use that hex
on convert to ascii
from here ->
I just hacked my neighbor's WiFi and try to capture some packet. He must be up to no good. Help me find it.
Open the file in Wireshark. Go to
File > Export Object > HTTP
. You will a file namedflag.txt
. Click on the file and click onPreview
. You got the flag.