Welcome to the Market Trade Processor Worker subproject!
This subproject is a part of Market Trade Processor project.
Perhaps it is not the best solution but it is good enough for our purpose. Modern PHP has an amazing number of different frameworks, libraries, components and so on. PHP programs also could be easily covered by tests.
I've implemented the worker with validation, colorized console output, with ability to configure output verbosity level, etc.
The result program is able to process 30k messages for less than a minute. It needs ~7 Mb of memory for execution.
Thus the result is good enough, I think.
I had a desire to learn coroutines which became available in the last PHP versions. Despite the fact that the using of coroutines for this project is quite controversial decision I used an opportunity to learn them.
Thus, the worker has an ability to process multiple csv files simultaneously via "cooperative multitasking". It means that messages are aggregated in "parallel" processes.
All invalid messages are filtered. It means that messages with wrong dates, currencies or countries are ignored by workers. Unfortunately violation messages are not logged. It is quite possible that nobody reads these logs.
Download sources, then:
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php --
php composer.phar install --no-dev
Alternately, you could update all components and install development dependencies:
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php --
php composer.phar update
Check config/config.yml
, copy required certificates. That's all, you are ready to start it.
php worker.php
or in order to have some output:
php worker.php -v
php worker.php -vv
php worker.php -vvv
You should use a tool for monitoring of workers. For example, you can use forever CLI tool or PM2. I prefer PM2.
sudo yum install npm
sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
for i in {1..2}; do pm2 start --interpreter=php -n worker$i -f -e logs/err$i.log -o logs/out$i.log worker.php -- -v --no-ansi; done
sudo pm2 startup centos
This command starts 2 worker processes, passes " -v" verbosity level to the worker application and disables it's ANSI output. Please use the number of processes depending on available CPUs (cluster mode).
Once apps are started you can list and manage all running processes easily:
pm2 list
Monitoring all processes launched:
pm2 monit
You can provide messages in CSV files instead of RabbitMQ queue. Just provide the list of files in arguments.
php worker.php messages.csv
php worker.php messages.csv messages2.csv
php worker.php messages.csv messages2.csv messages3.csv
Disable ANSI output:
php worker.php --no-ansi messages.csv
List of additional options:
php worker.php help worker:run
List of supported commands:
php worker.php list
php worker.php help
You could specify additional levels of verbosity:
php worker.php -v messages.csv
php worker.php -vv messages.csv
php worker.php -vvv messages.csv
#How to test
Before executing of unit tests please install development dependencies as it was described above. After that you could run tests by the following command: