A collection of helpful resources for writing games in C and OpenGL.
- The C programming language
- Awesome C
- Awesome GLSL
- Awesome OpenGL
- Learn OpenGL
- Quake 3 source code
- Bit Twiddling Hacks
- Distance Functions
- Noise-based RNG
- The Book of Shaders
- Books for Game Developers
- Intersection Routines
- GPU Gems
- 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
- Strings (sds)
- Data structures (c-algorithms)
- Vector math (linmath)
- .ini files (ini)
- Immediate mode UI (Nuklear)
- 2D UI layout library (Clay)
- Audio (miniaudio)
- .png loader (lodepng)
- Logging (log.c)
- Image writing (stb_image_write)
- Noise functions (stb_perlin)
- Unit testing (minunit)
- GL extension wrangler (GLEW)
- Height map utilities (heman)
- C game engine (raylib)
- .obj loader (tinyobjloader-c)
- Height map to normal map
- Panorama to cube map
- Perlin noise generator
- Shadertoy
- Height maps of planet earth
- 3D rotation converter
These resources were a valuable reference while developing my game Impaler. A sincere thank you to the people who make their code and wisdom available to others.