- opacity as a function of Ye, compare kNEC and Tanaka et al.
- Heating rate trajectories as obtained by SkyNet
- Heating rate fitted trajectories
- SkyNet and fitted, 5 different representative sets of thermodynamic variables
- SFHo/BLh/DD2: Ye, density, velocity as a function of enclosed mass (2+ figures)
- uniform/wind3/wind310/wind310T6(optimal wind): density, velocity, temperature as a function of radius (2+ figures)
- Question
- ignore wind-ex profiles?
- compare hydro and homologous expansion here to explain why we use wind310, or leave this in code validation?
final velocity as a function of enclosed mass, wind310Tx profiles, no heating
final velocity as a function of enclosed mass, wind310Tx profiles, with heating (thermalization efficiency 0.5)
final velocity as a function of enclosed mass, blh profile, no heating
Do we need to mention that blh (with heating) boundary velocity exceeds speed of light?
(Comparison with blh-with-modified-vel profile shows that this makes little difference to light curves. For the part of ejecta whose vel > 0.6c, mass and kinetic energy are negligible compared to the whole ejecta.)
- Lbol: effects of mean molecular weight
$\mu$ , mean degree of ionization$\bar{y}$
- Lbol: compare hydro and homologous expansion, using wind/optimal wind profiles
- Lbol: compare hydro and homologous expansion (v = kr ?) , using blh-with-modified-vel profile
- velocity fit: blh and blh-with-modified-vel
- AB Mags: compare hydro and homologous expansion (?) , using blh-with-modified-vel profile
- density of ejecta: compare hydro and homologous expansion
E1 = Eejecta = Ekin + Egrav + Eint; E2 = Einitial + Eheating - Eradiation + boundary pdV work
E1, E2 as a function of time; optimal wind/blh profiles
- Lbol: kNEC VS Ricigliano's model, uniform/optimal wind, Ye = 0.1 ~ 0.4
- Photospheric radius Rph, AB mags, Teff
- kNEC VS Rahul's model
- ? Lbol, AB Mags, Energy, Rph, Teff
Lbol/heating rate: wind/optimal wind, heating x3, x3 (0-10 sec), x0.3, x0.3 (0-10 sec), high Ye 0.4, low Ye0.1
Lbol/AB Mags: blh profile, heating x3, x3 (0-10 sec), x0.3, x0.3 (0-10 sec)
? combine this with piston shock results
- blh/sfho extrapolation method: density/mass as a function of time
- AB Mags: blh and extrapolated blh