diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 5679c2ae..0a102227 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
/.gitignore export-ignore
/.phpcs.xml export-ignore
/.phpcs.xml.dist export-ignore
-/.travis.yml export-ignore
/phpcs.xml export-ignore
/phpcs.xml.dist export-ignore
/phpunit.xml export-ignore
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd7c7191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Contributing to YoastCS
+## Acceptance testing
+There are various ways to acceptance test a sniff change:
+1. Based on the tests included with the change.
+2. Based on a code sample with "good" and "bad" code.
+3. Based on an existing plugin code base.
+Note: the above list is ordered by difficulty. Testing via method 1 will generally be easiest, method 3 most complicated.
+In the fold-outs below are step by step instructions on how to acceptance test via each of these methods.
+ Step by step: acceptance test based on the integration tests included with the change
+1. Check out a local copy of this repo using your favourite git tool.
+2. Check out the branch containing the change.
+3. Run `composer install`.
+4. Revert the changes to the sniff file (do not commit!), but leave the changes to the test file(s) in place.
+5. Run the tests using `composer test`. The tests should fail in the expected places (see the commit message of the change for what to expect and the line numbers to expect errors and warnings on in the `*Test.php` file for the sniff).
+6. Reset the sniff file to its committed state.
+7. Run the tests again using `composer test`. The tests should now pass.
+ Step by step: acceptance test based on a code sample with "good" and "bad" code
+1. Check out a local copy of this repo using your favourite git tool.
+2. Check out the `develop` branch.
+3. Run `composer install`.
+4. Create a simple PHP file with some code which should be flagged and some code which shouldn't be flagged.
+5. Save this file in a `temp` subdirectory in your local YoastCS copy and make sure to add this `temp` directory to your `.git/info/exclude` file.
+ Do not commmit this file!
+6. Run `vendor/bin/phpcs -ps ./temp/yourfilename.php --standard=Yoast --report=full,source`.
+ This should fail in the expected places (see the commit message of the change for what to expect), i.e. things not getting flagged which should get flagged or things getting flagged, which shouldn't get flagged.
+ Pro-tip: if the test is just for a single sniff, you can limit the output to just that sniff by adding `--sniffs=Yoast.Category.SniffName` (replace `Category` and `SniffName` with the applicable names).
+7. Check out the branch containing the change.
+8. Run the command from [6] again. The sniff should now flag things correctly.
+If the sniff change includes changes to/adding of auto-fixers, the fixing should also be tested.
+9. Check out the `develop` branch again.
+10. Run `vendor/bin/phpcbf -ps ./temp/yourfilename.php --standard=Yoast --suffix=.fixed`.
+ This will create a copy of your test file named `yourfilename.php.fixed`.
+ Pro-tip: you can use the `--sniffs=Yoast.Category.SniffName` addition to the command for this step too.
+11. Examine the fixes made and expect them to be incorrect.
+12. Check out the branch containing the change.
+13. Repeat step 10 and 11. The sniff should now fix things correctly.
+If you like, you can now delete the `temp` directory and your test file(s), but leaving them in place for the next round of testing shouldn't do any harm.
+ Step by step: acceptance test based on a existing plugin code base
+1. Create a simple PHP file with some code which should be flagged and some code which shouldn't be flagged (or adjust an existing file).
+2. Save this file somewhere in the plugin.
+ Do not commmit this file (or the changes made to an existing file)!
+3. Run `vendor/bin/phpcs --report=full,source`.
+ This should fail in the expected places (see the commit message of the change for what to expect), i.e. things not getting flagged which should get flagged or things getting flagged, which shouldn't get flagged.
+ Pro-tip: if the test is just for a single sniff, you can limit the output to just that sniff by adding `--sniffs=Yoast.Category.SniffName` (replace `Category` and `SniffName` with the applicable names).
+4. Run `composer update yoast/yoastcs:"dev-featurebranchname"` from the root of the plugin in which you are testing the change.
+ I.e. a branch in YoastCS named `feature/sniffname-change` should be referenced as `dev-feature/sniffname-change`.
+ Again: do not commit this change to the `composer.json` and `composer.lock` files!
+5. Run the command from [3] again. The sniff should now flag things correctly.
+If the sniff change includes changes to/adding of auto-fixers, the fixing should also be tested.
+6. Reset the changes to the `composer.json` and `composer.lock` file, but do **not** reset the changes to your test file.
+7. Run `composer install`.
+8. Run `vendor/bin/phpcbf --suffix=.fixed`.
+ This will create a copy of your test file with `fixed` at the end. So a file originally named `src/admin/classname.php` will now have a second copy named `src/admin/classname.php.fixed`.
+ Pro-tip: you can use the `--sniffs=Yoast.Category.SniffName` addition to the command for this step too.
+9. Examine the fixes made and expect them to be incorrect.
+10. Run `composer update yoast/yoastcs:"dev-featurebranchname"` again from the root of the plugin in which you are testing the change.
+ Again: do not commit this change to the `composer.json` and `composer.lock` files!
+11. Repeat step 8 and 9. The sniff should now fix things correctly.
+Clean up: make sure to reset all the file changes made during testing!
+### Gotcha's when testing sniff changes
+#### Public properties
+Some sniffs will behave differently based on the value of the sniff's `public` properties.
+These properties can be set [from a custom ruleset](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/wiki/Annotated-Ruleset) or in a test situation, in-line using `// phpcs:set Yoast.Category.SniffName propertyName propertyValue`.
+If the results you are getting when testing are different from what you expected, first thing to do is to check whether the sniff has `public` properties, what those properties are set to (in your custom ruleset or in a test file in-line) and whether that setting is interferring with the results.
+#### Severity
+The default severity level in PHPCS to show notices is `5`.
+Occassionaly (not very often), certain notices will be given a lower severity to prevent "noise" in the CI, while still allowing for something to be (manually) checked.
+If the results you are getting when testing are different from what you expected, check if the `$severity` is set for the error message you are missing (fifth parameter in a call to `addError()` or `addWarning()`) and if so, add `--severity=1` to the command line command you are running to get those messages to show up.
+### For regular sniff testers
+If you regularly test sniffs and/or want to contribute to YoastCS with sniff additions or sniff changes, all the setup needed for the above testing methods can get tedious.
+In that case, I'd recommend adding the `vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/bin` directory within `YoastCS` to your system path. This should make the `phpcs` and `phpcbf` commands available anywhere on your system. You can then use those commands anywhere and whichever branch you have checked-out in your YoastCS clone will be used to run the requested scans.
+In effect, this means that if you run a scan using `phpcs` within a plugin directory, the ruleset of that plugin will still be respected, but instead of using the YoastCS install in the `vendor` directory of the plugin, your cloned YoastCS install will be used.
+If you also (want to) contribute to WordPressCS, PHPCS and/or other standards, contact [@jrfnl](http://github.com/jrfnl/) to discuss an even more robust setup.
diff --git a/.github/workflows/basics.yml b/.github/workflows/basics.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1631ec74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/basics.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+name: CS
+ # Run on all pushes and on all pull requests.
+ # Prevent the build from running when there are only irrelevant changes.
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - '**.md'
+ pull_request:
+ # Allow manually triggering the workflow.
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ checkcs:
+ name: 'Basic CS and QA checks'
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ env:
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Install PHP
+ uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
+ with:
+ php-version: '7.4'
+ coverage: none
+ tools: cs2pr
+ # Validate the composer.json file.
+ # @link https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#validate
+ - name: Validate Composer installation
+ run: composer validate --no-check-all --strict
+ - name: 'Composer: adjust dependencies'
+ run: |
+ # The sniff stage doesn't run the unit tests, so no need for PHPUnit.
+ composer remove --no-update --dev phpunit/phpunit --no-scripts
+ # Using PHPCS `master` as an early detection system for bugs upstream.
+ composer require --no-update --no-scripts squizlabs/php_codesniffer:"dev-master"
+ # Using WPCS `master` (=stable). This can be changed back to `dev-develop` after the WPCS 3.0.0 release.
+ composer require --no-update --no-scripts wp-coding-standards/wpcs:"dev-master"
+ # Install dependencies and handle caching in one go.
+ # @link https://github.com/marketplace/actions/install-composer-dependencies
+ - name: Install Composer dependencies
+ uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1
+ - name: Install xmllint
+ run: sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y libxml2-utils
+ # Show XML violations inline in the file diff.
+ # @link https://github.com/marketplace/actions/xmllint-problem-matcher
+ - uses: korelstar/xmllint-problem-matcher@v1
+ # Validate the ruleset XML file.
+ # @link http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html
+ - name: Validate ruleset against XML schema
+ run: xmllint --noout --schema ./vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/phpcs.xsd ./Yoast/ruleset.xml
+ # Validate the Docs XML files.
+ # @link http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html
+ # For the build to properly error when validating against a scheme, these each have to be in their own condition.
+ - name: Lint the XML sniff docs
+ run: xmllint --noout ./Yoast/Docs/*/*Standard.xml
+ # Check the code-style consistency of the XML ruleset files.
+ - name: Check XML ruleset code style
+ run: diff -B --tabsize=4 ./Yoast/ruleset.xml <(xmllint --format "./Yoast/ruleset.xml")
+ # Check the codestyle of the files within YoastCS.
+ # The results of the CS check will be shown inline in the PR via the CS2PR tool.
+ # @link https://github.com/staabm/annotate-pull-request-from-checkstyle/
+ - name: Check PHP code style
+ continue-on-error: true
+ run: composer check-cs -- --report-full --report-checkstyle=./phpcs-report.xml
+ - name: Show PHPCS results in PR
+ run: cs2pr ./phpcs-report.xml
+ # Check that the sniffs available are feature complete.
+ - name: Check sniff feature completeness
+ run: composer check-complete
diff --git a/.github/workflows/quicktest.yml b/.github/workflows/quicktest.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca98c0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/quicktest.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+name: Quicktest
+ # Run on pushes, including merges, to all branches except `master`.
+ push:
+ branches-ignore:
+ - master
+ paths-ignore:
+ - '**.md'
+ # Allow manually triggering the workflow.
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ #### QUICK TEST STAGE ####
+ # This is a much quicker test which only runs the unit tests and linting against low/high
+ # supported PHP/PHPCS/WPCS combinations.
+ quicktest:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - php_version: 'latest'
+ phpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ wpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ - php_version: 'latest'
+ phpcs_version: '3.6.0'
+ wpcs_version: '2.3.0'
+ - php_version: '5.4'
+ phpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ wpcs_version: '2.3.0'
+ - php_version: '5.4'
+ phpcs_version: '3.6.0'
+ wpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ name: "QTest${{ matrix.phpcs_version == 'dev-master' && ' + Lint' || '' }}: PHP ${{ matrix.php_version }} - PHPCS ${{ matrix.phpcs_version }} - WPCS ${{ matrix.wpcs_version }}"
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ # On stable PHPCS versions, allow for PHP deprecation notices.
+ # Unit tests don't need to fail on those for stable releases where those issues won't get fixed anymore.
+ - name: Setup ini config
+ id: set_ini
+ run: |
+ if [ "${{ matrix.phpcs_version }}" != "dev-master" ]; then
+ echo '::set-output name=PHP_INI::error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED, display_errors=On'
+ else
+ echo '::set-output name=PHP_INI::error_reporting=E_ALL, display_errors=On'
+ fi
+ - name: Install PHP
+ uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
+ with:
+ php-version: ${{ matrix.php_version }}
+ ini-values: ${{ steps.set_ini.outputs.PHP_INI }}
+ coverage: none
+ - name: 'Composer: adjust dependencies'
+ run: |
+ # Set the PHPCS version to test against.
+ composer require --no-update --no-scripts squizlabs/php_codesniffer:"${{ matrix.phpcs_version }}"
+ # Set the WPCS version to test against.
+ composer require --no-update --no-scripts wp-coding-standards/wpcs:"${{ matrix.wpcs_version }}"
+ # Install dependencies and handle caching in one go.
+ # @link https://github.com/marketplace/actions/install-composer-dependencies
+ - name: Install Composer dependencies - normal
+ if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.php_version, '8' ) == false && matrix.php_version != 'latest' }}
+ uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1
+ # For the PHP 8.0 and higher, we need to install with ignore platform reqs as not all dependencies allow it.
+ - name: Install Composer dependencies - with ignore platform
+ if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.php_version, '8' ) || matrix.php_version == 'latest' }}
+ uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1
+ with:
+ composer-options: --ignore-platform-reqs
+ - name: Verify installed standards
+ run: vendor/bin/phpcs -i
+ - name: Lint against parse errors
+ if: matrix.phpcs_version == 'dev-master'
+ run: composer lint
+ - name: Run the unit tests
+ run: composer test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a57d163b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+name: Test
+ # Run on pushes to `master` and on all pull requests.
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ paths-ignore:
+ - '**.md'
+ pull_request:
+ # Allow manually triggering the workflow.
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ #### TEST STAGE ####
+ test:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ # Keys:
+ # - experimental: Whether the build is "allowed to fail".
+ matrix:
+ # The GHA matrix works different from Travis.
+ # You can define jobs here and then augment them with extra variables in `include`,
+ # as well as add extra jobs in `include`.
+ # @link https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstrategymatrix
+ #
+ # Note: while WPCS 3.0.0 is under development, the matrix will use `dev-master`.
+ # Once it has been released and YoastCS has been made compatible, the matrix should switch (back)
+ # WPCS `dev-master` to `dev-develop`.
+ php_version: ['5.4', '5.5', '5.6', '7.0', '7.1', '7.2', '7.3', '7.4', '8.0']
+ phpcs_version: ['3.6.0', 'dev-master']
+ wpcs_version: ['2.3.0', 'dev-master']
+ experimental: [false]
+ include:
+ # Experimental builds. These are allowed to fail.
+ # PHP nightly
+ - php_version: '8.1'
+ phpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ wpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ experimental: true
+ # Test against WPCS unstable. Re-enable when WPCS is not in dev for the next major.
+ #- php_version: '8.0'
+ # phpcs_version: 'dev-master'
+ # wpcs_version: 'dev-develop'
+ # experimental: true
+ # Test against the next major of PHPCS. Temporarily disabled due to upstream bugs.
+ #- php_version: '7.4'
+ # phpcs_version: '4.0.x-dev'
+ # wpcs_version: 'dev-develop'
+ # experimental: true
+ name: "Test${{ matrix.phpcs_version == 'dev-master' && matrix.wpcs_version == 'dev-master' && ' + Lint' || '' }}: PHP ${{ matrix.php_version }} - PHPCS ${{ matrix.phpcs_version }} - WPCS ${{ matrix.wpcs_version }}"
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.experimental }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ # On stable PHPCS versions, allow for PHP deprecation notices.
+ # Unit tests don't need to fail on those for stable releases where those issues won't get fixed anymore.
+ - name: Setup ini config
+ id: set_ini
+ run: |
+ if [[ "${{ matrix.phpcs_version }}" != "dev-master" && "${{ matrix.phpcs_version }}" != "4.0.x-dev" ]]; then
+ echo '::set-output name=PHP_INI::error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED, display_errors=On'
+ else
+ echo '::set-output name=PHP_INI::error_reporting=E_ALL, display_errors=On'
+ fi
+ - name: Install PHP
+ uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
+ with:
+ php-version: ${{ matrix.php_version }}
+ ini-values: ${{ steps.set_ini.outputs.PHP_INI }}
+ coverage: none
+ tools: cs2pr
+ env:
+ # Token is needed for the PHPCS 4.x run against source.
+ # Set Composer up to download only PHPCS from source for PHPCS 4.x.
+ # The source is needed to get the base testcase from PHPCS.
+ # All other jobs can use `auto`, which is Composer's default value.
+ - name: 'Composer: conditionally prefer source for PHPCS'
+ if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.phpcs_version, '4' ) }}
+ run: composer config preferred-install.squizlabs/php_codesniffer source
+ - name: 'Composer: adjust dependencies'
+ run: |
+ # Set the PHPCS version to test against.
+ composer require --no-update --no-scripts squizlabs/php_codesniffer:"${{ matrix.phpcs_version }}"
+ # Set the WPCS version to test against.
+ composer require --no-update --no-scripts wp-coding-standards/wpcs:"${{ matrix.wpcs_version }}"
+ - name: 'Composer: conditionally remove PHPCSDevtools'
+ if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.phpcs_version, '4' ) }}
+ # Remove devtools as it will not (yet) install on PHPCS 4.x.
+ run: composer remove --no-update --dev phpcsstandards/phpcsdevtools
+ # Install dependencies and handle caching in one go.
+ # @link https://github.com/marketplace/actions/install-composer-dependencies
+ - name: Install Composer dependencies - normal
+ if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.php_version, '8' ) == false }}
+ uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1
+ # For the PHP 8/"nightly", we need to install with ignore platform reqs as we're still using PHPUnit 7.
+ - name: Install Composer dependencies - with ignore platform
+ if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.php_version, '8' ) }}
+ uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1
+ with:
+ composer-options: --ignore-platform-reqs
+ - name: Verify installed standards
+ run: vendor/bin/phpcs -i
+ # The results of the linting will be shown inline in the PR via the CS2PR tool.
+ # @link https://github.com/staabm/annotate-pull-request-from-checkstyle/
+ - name: Lint against parse errors
+ if: ${{ matrix.phpcs_version == 'dev-master' && matrix.wpcs_version == 'dev-master' }}
+ run: composer lint -- --checkstyle | cs2pr
+ - name: Run the unit tests - PHP 5.4 - 8.0
+ if: ${{ matrix.php_version != '8.1' }}
+ run: composer test
+ - name: Run the unit tests - PHP 8.1
+ if: ${{ matrix.php_version == '8.1' }}
+ run: composer test -- --no-configuration --dont-report-useless-tests
+ env:
+ PHPCS_IGNORE_TESTS: 'PHPCompatibility,WordPress'
diff --git a/.phpcs.xml.dist b/.phpcs.xml.dist
index 405c9482..7f70a828 100644
--- a/.phpcs.xml.dist
+++ b/.phpcs.xml.dist
@@ -48,8 +48,23 @@
+ 5
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 02fb4cf9..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-os: linux
-language: php
- apt: true
- directories:
- - .cache
- # Cache directory for older Composer versions.
- - $HOME/.composer/cache/files
- # Cache directory for more recent Composer versions.
- - $HOME/.cache/composer/files
- - 5.6
- - 7.0
- - 7.1
- - 7.2
- - 7.3
- - 7.4
- # Test against the highest/lowest supported PHPCS and WPCS versions.
- # Using WPCS 'master' for the last stable release.
- - PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-master" PHPLINT=1
- - PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="2.2.0"
- - PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="dev-master"
- - PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="2.2.0"
-# Define the stages used.
-# For non-PRs, only the sniff, ruleset and quicktest stages are run.
-# For pull requests and merges, the full script is run (skipping quicktest).
-# Note: for pull requests, "develop" should be the base branch name.
-# See: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/conditions-v1
- - name: sniff
- - name: quicktest
- if: type = push AND branch NOT IN (master, develop)
- - name: test
- if: branch IN (master, develop)
- fast_finish: true
- include:
- #### SNIFF STAGE ####
- - stage: sniff
- php: 7.4
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-master"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - libxml2-utils
- script:
- # Check the codestyle of the files within YoastCS.
- - composer check-cs
- # Validate the xml files.
- # @link http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html
- # For the build to properly error when validating against a scheme, these each have to be in their own condition.
- - xmllint --noout --schema ./vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/phpcs.xsd ./Yoast/ruleset.xml
- - xmllint --noout ./Yoast/Docs/*/*Standard.xml
- # Check the code-style consistency of the xml files.
- - diff -B --tabsize=4 ./Yoast/ruleset.xml <(xmllint --format "./Yoast/ruleset.xml")
- # Check that the sniffs available are feature complete.
- - composer check-complete
- #### QUICK TEST STAGE ####
- # This is a much quicker test which only runs the unit tests and linting against low/high
- # supported PHP/PHPCS/WPCS combinations.
- - stage: quicktest
- php: 7.4
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-master" PHPLINT=1
- - php: 7.4
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="2.2.0"
- - php: 5.4
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="2.2.0" PHPLINT=1
- - php: 5.4
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="dev-master"
- #### TEST STAGE ####
- # Additional builds against PHP versions which need a different distro.
- - stage: test
- php: 5.5
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-master" PHPLINT=1
- - php: 5.5
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="2.2.0"
- - php: 5.5
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="dev-master"
- - php: 5.5
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="2.2.0"
- - php: 5.4
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-master" PHPLINT=1
- - php: 5.4
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="2.2.0"
- - php: 5.4
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="dev-master"
- - php: 5.4
- dist: trusty
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="3.5.0" WPCS="2.2.0"
- # Test against WPCS unstable.
- - php: 7.4
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-develop"
- # Test against PHP nightly.
- - php: "nightly"
- env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-master" PHPLINT=1
- allow_failures:
- # Allow failures for unstable builds.
- - php: "nightly"
- - env: PHPCS_BRANCH="dev-master" WPCS="dev-develop"
- # Speed up build time by disabling Xdebug.
- # https://johnblackbourn.com/reducing-travis-ci-build-times-for-wordpress-projects/
- # https://twitter.com/kelunik/status/954242454676475904
- - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || echo 'No xdebug config.'
- # On stable PHPCS versions, allow for PHP deprecation notices.
- # Unit tests don't need to fail on those for stable releases where those issues won't get fixed anymore.
- - |
- if [[ "${TRAVIS_BUILD_STAGE_NAME^}" != "Sniff" && $PHPCS_BRANCH != "dev-master" && $WPCS != "dev-develop" ]]; then
- echo 'error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini
- fi
- - export XMLLINT_INDENT=" "
- - export PHPCS_DIR=$(pwd)/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer
- - export PHPCS_BIN=$(pwd)/vendor/bin/phpcs
- # Set the PHPCS version to test against.
- - travis_retry composer require squizlabs/php_codesniffer:${PHPCS_BRANCH} --no-update --no-suggest --no-scripts
- # Set the WPCS version to test against.
- - travis_retry composer require wp-coding-standards/wpcs:${WPCS} --no-update --no-suggest --no-scripts
- - |
- if [[ "${TRAVIS_BUILD_STAGE_NAME^}" != "Sniff" ]]; then
- # For testing the YoastCS native sniffs, the rest of the packages aren't needed.
- travis_retry composer remove phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-wp phpcompatibility/php-compatibility --no-update
- fi
- - |
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "nightly" ]]; then
- travis_retry composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction --ignore-platform-reqs
- else
- travis_retry composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction
- fi
- # The DealerDirect Composer plugin script takes care of the installed_paths.
- - $PHPCS_BIN -i
- # Lint the PHP files against parse errors.
- - if [[ "$PHPLINT" == "1" ]]; then composer lint; fi
- # Run the unit tests.
- - vendor/bin/phpunit --filter Yoast --bootstrap="$PHPCS_DIR/tests/bootstrap.php" $PHPCS_DIR/tests/AllTests.php
- # Validate the composer.json file.
- # @link https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#validate
- - if [[ "$PHPLINT" == "1" ]]; then composer validate --no-check-all --strict; fi
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 6f2b4ff2..197e5967 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -4,6 +4,49 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) and [Keep a CHANGELOG](https://keepachangelog.com/).
+### [2.2.0] - 2021-09-22
+#### Added
+* [PHP Parallel Lint] will now be provided via YoastCS.
+ If `php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint` and `php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter` are included in the `require-dev` of your `composer.json` file, you can remove these after updating the version constraint for YoastCS to `"yoast/yoastcs": "^2.2.0"`.
+* PHPCS: A custom `YoastCS\Yoast\Reports\Threshold` report.
+ This commit adds a custom report for use with PHPCS to compare the run results with "threshold" settings.
+ - The report will look in the runtime environment for the following two environment variables and will take the values of those as the thresholds to compare the PHPCS run results against:
+ - If the environment variables are not set, they will default to 0 for both, i.e. no errors or warnings allowed.
+ - After the report has run, a global `YOASTCS_ABOVE_THRESHOLD` constant (boolean) will be available which can be used in calling scripts.
+ - To use this report, run PHPCS with the following command-line argument: `--report=YoastCS\Yoast\Reports\Threshold`.
+ Note: depending on the OS the command is run on, the backslashes in the report name may need to be escaped (doubled).
+* PHPCS: The `PSR12.ControlStructures.BooleanOperatorPlacement` sniff.
+ Enforces that boolean operators in multi-line control structures are always placed at the start of a line.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Commenting.CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecated`: Support for attributes (PHP 8.0+) placed between a function or class declaration and the associated docblock.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Commenting.TestHaveCoversTag`: Support for attributes (PHP 8.0+) placed between a function or class declaration and the associated docblock.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.NamingConventions.ObjectNameDepth`: Support for attributes (PHP 8.0+) placed between a function or class declaration and the associated docblock.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.NamingConventions.ObjectNameDepth`: Support for examining the word count in CamelCaps class names.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName`: Verification that backslashes in namespace-like prefixes in double quoted strings are slash-escaped.
+* An initial CONTRIBUTING file with guidelines on acceptance testing changes to the sniffs in this repository.
+#### Changed
+* PHPCS: The default value for the `minimum_supported_wp_version` property which is used by various WPCS sniffs has been updated to WP `5.7` (was `5.4`).
+* Composer: Supported version of [PHP_CodeSniffer] has been changed from `^3.5.0` to `^3.6.0`.
+* Composer: Supported version of [WordPressCS] has been changed from `^2.2.0` to `^2.3.0`.
+* Composer: Updated the supported versions of dev dependencies.
+* Readme: Minor documentation improvements.
+* Continuous Integration: CI has been moved from Travis to GitHub Actions.
+* Various housekeeping.
+#### Fixed
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Commenting.CoversTag`: `@covers` tags refering to classes and functions which don't follow the WordPressCS naming conventions will now be regarded as valid.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Commenting.TestsHaveCoversTag`: the sniff will now also report missing `@covers` tags for test methods without docblock.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Commenting.TestsHaveCoversTag`: the determination whether a class or method is a test class or method has been made more flexible to allow for different test naming conventions.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Commenting.TestsHaveCoversTag`: will no longer expect a `@covers` tag for abstract test methods.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Files.FileComment`: fixed performance issue.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.Files.FileName`: will no longer throw an error when a class names is an exact match for one of the "removable" prefixes (as there would be nothing left to name the file as).
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.NamingConventions.ObjectNameDepth`: the object name depth for underscore prefixed class names will now be calculated correctly.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName`: will now recognize slash-escaped backslashes in namespace-like prefixes correctly when in a double quoted string.
### [2.1.0] - 2020-10-27
#### Added
@@ -42,7 +85,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) and [Keep a C
* Various housekeeping.
#### Fixed
-* `Yoast.NamingConventions.NamespaceName`: fixed a potential "undefined index" notice.
+* PHPCS: `Yoast.NamingConventions.NamespaceName`: fixed a potential "undefined index" notice.
### [2.0.0] - 2019-12-17
@@ -398,7 +441,9 @@ Initial public release as a stand-alone package.
[PHP Mess Detector]: https://github.com/phpmd/phpmd/blob/master/CHANGELOG
[DealerDirect Composer PHPCS plugin]: https://github.com/Dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer/releases
[Parallel-Lint]: https://packagist.org/packages/jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint
+[PHP Parallel Lint]: https://github.com/php-parallel-lint/PHP-Parallel-Lint/
+[2.2.0]: https://github.com/Yoast/yoastcs/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0
[2.1.0]: https://github.com/Yoast/yoastcs/compare/2.0.2...2.1.0
[2.0.2]: https://github.com/Yoast/yoastcs/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2
[2.0.1]: https://github.com/Yoast/yoastcs/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 74bc766a..295626de 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -24,6 +24,30 @@ composer require --dev yoast/yoastcs:^2.0
Composer will automatically install dependencies and register the YoastCS and other external standards with PHP_CodeSniffer.
+## Tools provided via YoastCS
+* PHP Parallel Lint
+* PHP_CodeSniffer and select standards for PHP_CodeSniffer, including a number of Yoast native sniffs.
+## PHP Parallel Lint
+[PHP Parallel Lint](https://github.com/php-parallel-lint/PHP-Parallel-Lint/) is a tool to lint PHP files against parse errors.
+PHP Parallel Lint does not use a configuration file, so [command-line options](https://github.com/php-parallel-lint/PHP-Parallel-Lint/#command-line-options) need to be passed to configure what files to scan.
+It is best practice within the Yoast projects, to add a script to the `composer.json` file which encapsules the command with the appropriate command-line options to ensure that running the tool will yield the same results each time.
+Typically, (a variation on) the following snippet would be added to the `composer.json` file for a project:
+ "scripts" : {
+ "lint": [
+ "@php ./vendor/php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint/parallel-lint . -e php --exclude vendor --exclude .git"
+ ]
+ }
## PHP Code Sniffer
Set of [PHP_CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer) rules.
@@ -54,7 +78,7 @@ To obtain a list of all sniffs used within YoastCS:
Not all sniffs have documentation available about what they sniff for, but for those which do, this documentation can be viewed from the command-line:
-"vendor/bin/phpcs" --standard=Yoast --generator=text
+"vendor/bin/phpcs" --standard=Yoast --generator=Text
### Running the sniffs
@@ -69,7 +93,7 @@ For more command-line options, please have a read through the [PHP_CodeSniffer d
#### Yoast plugin repositories
-All Yoast plugin repositories contain a `[.]phpcs.xml.dist` file contain the repository specific configuration.
+All Yoast plugin repositories contain a `[.]phpcs.xml.dist` file which contains the repository specific configuration.
From the root of these repositories, you can run PHPCS by using:
diff --git a/Yoast/Reports/Threshold.php b/Yoast/Reports/Threshold.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..024359a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Yoast/Reports/Threshold.php
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ $error_threshold ) {
+ $color = self::RED;
+ }
+ echo "{$color}Coding standards ERRORS: $totalErrors/$error_threshold.", self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ $color = self::GREEN;
+ if ( $totalWarnings > $warning_threshold ) {
+ $color = self::YELLOW;
+ }
+ echo "{$color}Coding standards WARNINGS: $totalWarnings/$warning_threshold.", self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ echo \PHP_EOL;
+ $above_threshold = false;
+ if ( $totalErrors > $error_threshold ) {
+ echo self::RED, 'Please fix any errors introduced in your code and run PHPCS again to verify.', self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ $above_threshold = true;
+ }
+ elseif ( $totalErrors < $error_threshold ) {
+ echo self::GREEN, 'Found less errors than the threshold, great job!', self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ echo 'Please update the ERRORS threshold in the composer.json file to ', self::GREEN, $totalErrors, '.', self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ if ( $totalWarnings > $warning_threshold ) {
+ echo self::YELLOW, 'Please fix any warnings introduced in your code and run PHPCS again to verify.', self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ $above_threshold = true;
+ }
+ elseif ( $totalWarnings < $warning_threshold ) {
+ echo self::GREEN, 'Found less warnings than the threshold, great job!', self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ echo 'Please update the WARNINGS threshold in the composer.json file to ', self::GREEN, $totalWarnings, '.', self::RESET, \PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ if ( $above_threshold === false ) {
+ echo \PHP_EOL;
+ echo 'Coding standards checks have passed!', \PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ // Make the threshold comparison outcome available to the calling script.
+ \define( 'YOASTCS_ABOVE_THRESHOLD', $above_threshold );
+ }
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedSniff.php
index 86e78db1..026045a2 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedSniff.php
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens;
- * Verifies functions which are marked as `@deprecated` have a `@codeCoverageIgnore` tag
+ * Verifies functions which are marked as `deprecated` have a `codeCoverageIgnore` tag
* in their docblock.
* @package Yoast\YoastCS
@@ -39,17 +39,27 @@ public function register() {
public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
- $find = Tokens::$methodPrefixes;
- $find[] = \T_WHITESPACE;
- $commentEnd = $stackPtr;
- do {
- $commentEnd = $phpcsFile->findPrevious( $find, ( $commentEnd - 1 ), null, true );
- } while ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['line'] === $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['line'] );
+ $ignore = Tokens::$methodPrefixes;
- if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] !== \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG
- || $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['line'] !== ( $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['line'] - 1 )
- ) {
+ for ( $commentEnd = ( $stackPtr - 1 ); $commentEnd >= 0; $commentEnd-- ) {
+ if ( isset( $ignore[ $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] ] ) === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] === \T_ATTRIBUTE_END
+ && isset( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['attribute_opener'] ) === true
+ ) {
+ $commentEnd = $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['attribute_opener'];
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] !== \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG ) {
// Function without (proper) docblock. Not our concern.
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CoversTagSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CoversTagSniff.php
index c5d26ee3..dfdff6c0 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CoversTagSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/CoversTagSniff.php
@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ class CoversTagSniff implements Sniff {
* Regex to check for valid content of a @covers tags.
- * Takes the WP naming conventions into account (up to a point).
- *
* @var string
- const VALID_CONTENT_REGEX = '(?:\\\\?(?:(?[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\\\\)*(?P>OOName)(?:|::<[!]?(?:public|protected|private)>|::(?(?!public$|protected$|private$)[a-z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*))?|::(?P>functionName)|\\\\?(?:(?P>OOName)\\\\)+(?P>functionName))';
+ const VALID_CONTENT_REGEX = '(?:\\\\?(?:(?[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*)\\\\)*(?P>OOName)(?:|::<[!]?(?:public|protected|private)>|::(?(?!public$|protected$|private$)(?P>OOName)))?|::(?P>functionName)|\\\\?(?:(?P>OOName)\\\\)+(?P>functionName))';
* Base error message.
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/FileCommentSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/FileCommentSniff.php
index 88289362..8dd34386 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/FileCommentSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/FileCommentSniff.php
@@ -39,14 +39,36 @@ class FileCommentSniff extends Squiz_FileCommentSniff {
public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
- $namespace_token = $phpcsFile->findNext( \T_NAMESPACE, $stackPtr );
- if ( $namespace_token === false ) {
- // No namespace found, fall through to parent sniff.
- return parent::process( $phpcsFile, $stackPtr );
- }
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
+ $namespace_token = $stackPtr;
+ do {
+ $namespace_token = $phpcsFile->findNext( Tokens::$emptyTokens, ( $namespace_token + 1 ), null, true );
+ if ( $namespace_token === false ) {
+ // No non-empty token found, fall through to parent sniff.
+ return parent::process( $phpcsFile, $stackPtr );
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $namespace_token ]['code'] === \T_DECLARE ) {
+ // Declare statement found. Find the end of it and skip over it.
+ $end = $phpcsFile->findNext( [ \T_SEMICOLON, \T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET ], ( $namespace_token + 1 ), null, false, null, true );
+ if ( $end !== false ) {
+ $namespace_token = $end;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $namespace_token ]['code'] !== \T_NAMESPACE ) {
+ // No namespace found, fall through to parent sniff.
+ return parent::process( $phpcsFile, $stackPtr );
+ }
+ // Stop searching if the next non-empty token wasn't a namespace token.
+ break;
+ } while ( true );
$next_non_empty = $phpcsFile->findNext( Tokens::$emptyTokens, ( $namespace_token + 1 ), null, true );
if ( $next_non_empty === false
|| $tokens[ $next_non_empty ]['code'] === \T_SEMICOLON
@@ -60,7 +82,7 @@ public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
$comment_start = $phpcsFile->findNext( \T_WHITESPACE, ( $stackPtr + 1 ), $namespace_token, true );
- if ( $tokens[ $comment_start ]['code'] === \T_DOC_COMMENT_OPEN_TAG ) {
+ if ( $comment_start !== false && $tokens[ $comment_start ]['code'] === \T_DOC_COMMENT_OPEN_TAG ) {
'A file containing a (named) namespace declaration does not need a file docblock',
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagSniff.php
index f09ecabf..b3b102e8 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagSniff.php
@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@ protected function process_class( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
$name = $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName( $stackPtr );
- if ( \substr( $name, -4 ) !== 'Test' ) {
+ if ( \substr( $name, -4 ) !== 'Test'
+ && \substr( $name, -8 ) !== 'TestCase'
+ && \substr( $name, 0, 4 ) !== 'Test'
+ ) {
// Not a test class.
if ( isset( $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['scope_closer'] ) ) {
// No need to examine the methods in this class.
@@ -74,21 +77,30 @@ protected function process_class( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
- // @todo: Once PHPCS 3.5.0 is out, replace with call to new findCommentAboveOOStructure() method.
- $find = [
+ // @todo: Once PHPCSUtils is out, replace with call to new findCommentAboveOOStructure() method.
+ $ignore = [
$commentEnd = $stackPtr;
- do {
- $commentEnd = $phpcsFile->findPrevious( $find, ( $commentEnd - 1 ), null, true );
- } while ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['line'] === $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['line'] );
+ for ( $commentEnd = ( $stackPtr - 1 ); $commentEnd >= 0; $commentEnd-- ) {
+ if ( isset( $ignore[ $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] ] ) === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
- if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] !== \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG
- || $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['line'] !== ( $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['line'] - 1 )
- ) {
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] === \T_ATTRIBUTE_END
+ && isset( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['attribute_opener'] ) === true
+ ) {
+ $commentEnd = $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['attribute_opener'];
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] !== \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG ) {
// Class without (proper) docblock. Not our concern.
@@ -126,41 +138,48 @@ protected function process_class( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
protected function process_function( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
- // @todo: Once PHPCS 3.5.0 is out, replace with call to new findCommentAboveOOStructure() method.
- $find = Tokens::$methodPrefixes;
- $find[] = \T_WHITESPACE;
+ // @todo: Once PHPCSUtils is out, replace with call to new findCommentAboveFunction() method.
+ $ignore = Tokens::$methodPrefixes;
$commentEnd = $stackPtr;
- do {
- $commentEnd = $phpcsFile->findPrevious( $find, ( $commentEnd - 1 ), null, true );
- } while ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['line'] === $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['line'] );
+ for ( $commentEnd = ( $stackPtr - 1 ); $commentEnd >= 0; $commentEnd-- ) {
+ if ( isset( $ignore[ $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] ] ) === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
- if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] !== \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG
- || $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['line'] !== ( $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['line'] - 1 )
- ) {
- // Function without (proper) docblock. Not our concern.
- return;
- }
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] === \T_ATTRIBUTE_END
+ && isset( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['attribute_opener'] ) === true
+ ) {
+ $commentEnd = $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['attribute_opener'];
+ continue;
+ }
- $commentStart = $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['comment_opener'];
+ break;
+ }
$foundTest = false;
$foundCovers = false;
$foundCoversNothing = false;
- foreach ( $tokens[ $commentStart ]['comment_tags'] as $tag ) {
- if ( $tokens[ $tag ]['content'] === '@test' ) {
- $foundTest = true;
- continue;
- }
- if ( $tokens[ $tag ]['content'] === '@covers' ) {
- $foundCovers = true;
- continue;
- }
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] === \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG ) {
+ $commentStart = $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['comment_opener'];
- if ( $tokens[ $tag ]['content'] === '@coversNothing' ) {
- $foundCoversNothing = true;
- continue;
+ foreach ( $tokens[ $commentStart ]['comment_tags'] as $tag ) {
+ if ( $tokens[ $tag ]['content'] === '@test' ) {
+ $foundTest = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $tag ]['content'] === '@covers' ) {
+ $foundCovers = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( $tokens[ $tag ]['content'] === '@coversNothing' ) {
+ $foundCoversNothing = true;
+ continue;
+ }
@@ -170,16 +189,29 @@ protected function process_function( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
+ $method_props = $phpcsFile->getMethodProperties( $stackPtr );
+ if ( $method_props['is_abstract'] === true ) {
+ // Abstract test method, not implemented.
+ return;
+ }
if ( $foundCovers === true || $foundCoversNothing === true ) {
// Docblock contains one or more @covers tags.
- $phpcsFile->addError(
- 'Each test function should have at least one @covers tag annotating which class/method/function is being tested. Tag missing for function %s()',
- $stackPtr,
- 'Missing',
- [ $name ]
- );
+ $msg = 'Each test function should have at least one @covers tag annotating which class/method/function is being tested.';
+ $data = [ $name ];
+ if ( $tokens[ $commentEnd ]['code'] === \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG ) {
+ $msg .= ' Tag missing for function %s().';
+ $code = 'Missing';
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg .= ' Test function %s() does not have a docblock with a @covers tag.';
+ $code = 'NoDocblock';
+ }
+ $phpcsFile->addError( $msg, $stackPtr, $code, $data );
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/Files/FileNameSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/Files/FileNameSniff.php
index 816e56fd..8fa26823 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/Files/FileNameSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/Files/FileNameSniff.php
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
- $error = 'Interface file names should be based on the interface name without the plugin prefix and should have "-interface" as a suffix. Expected %s, but found %s.';
+ $error = 'Interface file names should be based on the interface name without the plugin prefix and should have "-interface" as a suffix. Expected "%s", but found "%s".';
$error_code = 'InvalidInterfaceFileName';
// Don't duplicate "interface" in the filename.
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
case \T_TRAIT:
- $error = 'Trait file names should be based on the trait name without the plugin prefix and should have "-trait" as a suffix. Expected %s, but found %s.';
+ $error = 'Trait file names should be based on the trait name without the plugin prefix and should have "-trait" as a suffix. Expected "%s", but found "%s".';
$error_code = 'InvalidTraitFileName';
// Don't duplicate "trait" in the filename.
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
else {
$has_function = $phpcsFile->findNext( \T_FUNCTION, $stackPtr );
if ( $has_function !== false && $file_name !== 'functions' ) {
- $error = 'Files containing function declarations should have "-functions" as a suffix. Expected %s, but found %s.';
+ $error = 'Files containing function declarations should have "-functions" as a suffix. Expected "%s", but found "%s".';
$error_code = 'InvalidFunctionsFileName';
if ( \substr( $expected, -10 ) !== '-functions' ) {
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ public function process( File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
// Throw the error.
- if ( $file_name !== $expected ) {
+ if ( $expected !== '' && $file_name !== $expected ) {
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ObjectNameDepthSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ObjectNameDepthSniff.php
index a03dd77e..872ff12b 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ObjectNameDepthSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ObjectNameDepthSniff.php
@@ -85,7 +85,14 @@ public function process_token( $stackPtr ) {
- $parts = \explode( '_', $object_name );
+ $snakecase_object_name = \ltrim( $object_name, '_' );
+ // Handle names which are potentially in CamelCaps.
+ if ( \strpos( $snakecase_object_name, '_' ) === false ) {
+ $snakecase_object_name = self::get_snake_case_name_suggestion( $snakecase_object_name );
+ }
+ $parts = \explode( '_', $snakecase_object_name );
$part_count = \count( $parts );
@@ -110,13 +117,28 @@ public function process_token( $stackPtr ) {
// Check if the class is deprecated.
- $find = [
+ $ignore = [
- $comment_end = $this->phpcsFile->findPrevious( $find, ( $stackPtr - 1 ), null, true );
+ $comment_end = $stackPtr;
+ for ( $comment_end = ( $stackPtr - 1 ); $comment_end >= 0; $comment_end-- ) {
+ if ( isset( $ignore[ $this->tokens[ $comment_end ]['code'] ] ) === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( $this->tokens[ $comment_end ]['code'] === \T_ATTRIBUTE_END
+ && isset( $this->tokens[ $comment_end ]['attribute_opener'] ) === true
+ ) {
+ $comment_end = $this->tokens[ $comment_end ]['attribute_opener'];
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
if ( $this->tokens[ $comment_end ]['code'] === \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG ) {
// Only check if the class has a docblock.
$comment_start = $this->tokens[ $comment_end ]['comment_opener'];
diff --git a/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameSniff.php b/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameSniff.php
index 3cca3676..7f1f5e77 100644
--- a/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameSniff.php
+++ b/Yoast/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameSniff.php
@@ -60,14 +60,6 @@ class ValidHookNameSniff extends WPCS_ValidHookNameSniff {
public $recommended_max_words = 4;
- /**
- * Whether this is the first text string passed to the `transform()`
- * method, i.e. the text string which should have the prefix.
- *
- * @var bool
- */
- private $remove_prefix = false;
* The prefix found (if any).
@@ -83,6 +75,17 @@ class ValidHookNameSniff extends WPCS_ValidHookNameSniff {
private $first_string = '';
+ /**
+ * The quote style used for the prefix part of the hook name.
+ *
+ * A double quoted string without variable interpolation will be tokenized as
+ * `T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING`, but due to the double quotes, will still need
+ * for namespace separators to be escaped, i.e. double-slashed.
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $prefix_quote_style = '';
* Process the parameters of a matched function.
@@ -101,9 +104,9 @@ public function process_parameters( $stackPtr, $group_name, $matched_content, $p
* Reset the properties which help manage this each time a new function call
* is encountered.
- $this->remove_prefix = true;
- $this->found_prefix = '';
- $this->first_string = '';
+ $this->found_prefix = '';
+ $this->first_string = '';
+ $this->prefix_quote_style = '';
@@ -115,12 +118,22 @@ public function process_parameters( $stackPtr, $group_name, $matched_content, $p
$found_prefix = '';
if ( isset( Tokens::$stringTokens[ $this->tokens[ $first_non_empty ]['code'] ] ) ) {
- $content = \trim( $this->strip_quotes( $this->tokens[ $first_non_empty ]['content'] ) );
+ $this->prefix_quote_style = $this->tokens[ $first_non_empty ]['content'][0];
+ $content = \trim( $this->strip_quotes( $this->tokens[ $first_non_empty ]['content'] ) );
foreach ( $this->validated_prefixes as $prefix ) {
- if ( \strpos( $content, $prefix ) === 0 ) {
+ if ( \strpos( $prefix, '\\' ) === false
+ && \strpos( $content, $prefix ) === 0
+ ) {
$found_prefix = $prefix;
+ $prefix = \str_replace( '\\\\', '[\\\\]+', \preg_quote( $prefix, '`' ) );
+ if ( \preg_match( '`^' . $prefix . '`', $content, $matches ) === 1 ) {
+ $found_prefix = $matches[0];
+ break;
+ }
@@ -132,6 +145,8 @@ public function process_parameters( $stackPtr, $group_name, $matched_content, $p
+ $this->found_prefix = $found_prefix;
// Do the WPCS native hook name check.
@@ -154,60 +169,28 @@ public function process_parameters( $stackPtr, $group_name, $matched_content, $p
* @param string $string The target string.
* @param string $regex The punctuation regular expression to use.
- * @param string $transform_type Whether to a partial or complete transform.
+ * @param string $transform_type Whether to do a partial or complete transform.
* Valid values are: 'full', 'case', 'punctuation'.
* @return string
protected function transform( $string, $regex, $transform_type = 'full' ) {
if ( empty( $this->validated_prefixes ) ) {
- $this->remove_prefix = false;
return parent::transform( $string, $regex, $transform_type );
+ if ( $this->first_string === '' ) {
+ $this->first_string = $string;
+ }
// Not the first text string.
- if ( $this->remove_prefix === false
- && $string !== $this->first_string
- ) {
+ if ( $string !== $this->first_string ) {
return parent::transform( $string, $regex, $transform_type );
// Repeated call for the first text string.
- if ( $this->remove_prefix === false
- && $string === $this->first_string
- ) {
- if ( $this->found_prefix !== '' ) {
- $string = \substr( $string, \strlen( $this->found_prefix ) );
- }
- return $this->found_prefix . parent::transform( $string, $regex, $transform_type );
- }
- // First call for first text string.
- if ( $this->remove_prefix === true ) {
- $this->first_string = $string;
- foreach ( $this->validated_prefixes as $prefix ) {
- if ( \strpos( $string, $prefix ) === 0 ) {
- $string = \substr( $string, \strlen( $prefix ) );
- $this->found_prefix = $prefix;
- /*
- * Handle case where the prefix is the only content in a single quoted string,
- * which would necessitate an extra backslash to escape the end backslash.
- * I.e. 'Yoast\WP\Plugin\\'.
- */
- if ( $string === '\\' ) {
- $string = '';
- $this->found_prefix .= '\\';
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- // Don't do this again until the next time the sniff gets triggered.
- $this->remove_prefix = false;
+ if ( $this->found_prefix !== '' ) {
+ $string = \substr( $string, \strlen( $this->found_prefix ) );
return $this->found_prefix . parent::transform( $string, $regex, $transform_type );
@@ -255,6 +238,30 @@ public function verify_yoast_hook_name( $stackPtr, $parameters ) {
else {
$this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Hook name prefix type', 'new\style' );
+ /*
+ * Check whether the namespace separator slashes are correctly escaped.
+ */
+ if ( $this->prefix_quote_style === '"' ) {
+ \preg_match_all( '`[\\\\]+`', $this->found_prefix, $matches );
+ if ( empty( $matches ) === false ) {
+ $counter = 0;
+ foreach ( $matches[0] as $match ) {
+ if ( $match === '\\' ) {
+ ++$counter;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $counter > 0 ) {
+ $this->phpcsFile->addWarning(
+ 'When using a double quoted string for the hook name, it is strongly recommended to escape the backslashes in the hook name (prefix). Found %s unescaped backslashes.',
+ $first_non_empty,
+ 'EscapeSlashes',
+ [ $counter ]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc
index b686e7a0..d9165e9e 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc
@@ -53,4 +53,39 @@ class SomeThing {
* @deprecated x.x
public function missingCodeCoverageIgnore() {}
+ /**
+ * @deprecated x.x
+ * @codeCoverageIgnore
+ */
+ #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
+ private static function withAttributeCorrectDocblock() {}
+ /**
+ * @deprecated x.x
+ */
+ #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
+ #[AnotherAttribute]
+ public function withAttributesMissingCodeCoverageIgnore() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock which can't be found as the inline comments for the attribute confuse the sniff.
+ */
+ #[fietsbel] // added a fietsbel decorator
+ public function unreachableDocblockTrailingComment() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock which can't be found as the inline comments for the attribute confuse the sniff.
+ */
+ // I added a fietsbel decorator
+ #[fietsbel]
+ public function unreachableDocblockInlineCommentAboveAttribute() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock which is found as the comment is within the attribute itself.
+ *
+ * @deprecated x.x
+ */
+ #[fietsbel /*comment*/]
+ public function inlineCommentWithinAttribute() {}
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc.fixed b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc.fixed
index a8a80c8d..572e5dca 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc.fixed
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.inc.fixed
@@ -53,4 +53,39 @@ class SomeThing {
* @deprecated x.x
public function missingCodeCoverageIgnore() {}
+ /**
+ * @deprecated x.x
+ * @codeCoverageIgnore
+ */
+ #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
+ private static function withAttributeCorrectDocblock() {}
+ /**
+ * @deprecated x.x
+ */
+ #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
+ #[AnotherAttribute]
+ public function withAttributesMissingCodeCoverageIgnore() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock which can't be found as the inline comments for the attribute confuse the sniff.
+ */
+ #[fietsbel] // added a fietsbel decorator
+ public function unreachableDocblockTrailingComment() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock which can't be found as the inline comments for the attribute confuse the sniff.
+ */
+ // I added a fietsbel decorator
+ #[fietsbel]
+ public function unreachableDocblockInlineCommentAboveAttribute() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock which is found as the comment is within the attribute itself.
+ *
+ * @deprecated x.x
+ */
+ #[fietsbel /*comment*/]
+ public function inlineCommentWithinAttribute() {}
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.php b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.php
index e28989dc..225d1cae 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.php
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CodeCoverageIgnoreDeprecatedUnitTest.php
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ public function getErrorList() {
41 => 1,
50 => 1,
55 => 1,
+ 69 => 1,
+ 90 => 1,
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc
index 419d2c6b..326e26b3 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ class ClassNameTest {
* @covers \Class_name::method_name
* @covers Name\Space\Class_Name::method_name
* @covers \Name\Space\Class_name::method_name
+ * @covers global_function
+ * @covers self::method_name
* Incorrect:
- * @covers global_function
* @covers ::global_func()
* @covers Name\Space\func_name()
* @covers My_Class {}
- * @covers self::method_name
* @covers My_Class::another_method_name()
* @covers Name\Space\My_Class::another_method_name()
@@ -153,4 +153,15 @@ class ClassNameTest {
* @param int $int Description.
public function testDuplicateCoversTagFixable($int) {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock.
+ *
+ * Correct:
+ * @covers ::GlobalFunction
+ * @covers ClassName::MethodName
+ * @covers \Classname::MethodName
+ * @covers \Name\Space\ClassName::MethodName
+ */
+ public function testRecognizingNamesNotFollowingWPNamingConventions() {}
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc.fixed b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc.fixed
index f355236f..53a0b1a0 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc.fixed
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.inc.fixed
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ class ClassNameTest {
* @covers \Class_name::method_name
* @covers Name\Space\Class_Name::method_name
* @covers \Name\Space\Class_name::method_name
+ * @covers global_function
+ * @covers self::method_name
* Incorrect:
- * @covers global_function
* @covers ::global_func
* @covers Name\Space\func_name
* @covers My_Class
- * @covers self::method_name
* @covers My_Class::another_method_name
* @covers Name\Space\My_Class::another_method_name
@@ -152,4 +152,15 @@ class ClassNameTest {
* @param int $int Description.
public function testDuplicateCoversTagFixable($int) {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock.
+ *
+ * Correct:
+ * @covers ::GlobalFunction
+ * @covers ClassName::MethodName
+ * @covers \Classname::MethodName
+ * @covers \Name\Space\ClassName::MethodName
+ */
+ public function testRecognizingNamesNotFollowingWPNamingConventions() {}
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.php b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.php
index b4a2c1b1..08be552c 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.php
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/CoversTagUnitTest.php
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ class CoversTagUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest {
public function getErrorList() {
return [
- 34 => 1,
- 35 => 1,
36 => 1,
37 => 1,
38 => 1,
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/FileCommentUnitTest.11.inc b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/FileCommentUnitTest.11.inc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ae010d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/FileCommentUnitTest.11.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * @copyright 2018 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
+ */
+ * Class docblock.
+ */
+class Testing {
+ public function test() {
+ echo namespace\SomeClass::$static_property; // This is not a namespace declaration, but use of the namespace operator.
+ }
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/FileCommentUnitTest.12.inc b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/FileCommentUnitTest.12.inc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0afacb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/FileCommentUnitTest.12.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 1,
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ public function getWarningList( $testFile = '' ) {
switch ( $testFile ) {
case 'FileCommentUnitTest.4.inc':
case 'FileCommentUnitTest.6.inc':
+ case 'FileCommentUnitTest.14.inc':
return [
2 => 1,
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.inc b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.inc
index 555aec50..63123a2b 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.inc
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.inc
@@ -103,3 +103,54 @@ class ClassNameTest {
public function annotatedTestHasCoversTag() {}
+ * @covers ClassName
+ */
+class ClassLevelCoversWithAttributeTest {
+ /**
+ * Docblock.
+ */
+ public function testMissingCoversTag() {}
+class ClassWithMethodsWithAttributesTest {
+ /**
+ * Docblock.
+ */
+ #[AttributeA]
+ #[AttributeB]
+ public function testMissingCoversTag() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock.
+ *
+ * @covers ::globalFunction
+ */
+ #[AttributeA]
+ public function testHasCoversTag() {}
+class TestPrefixNotSuffix {
+ /**
+ * Docblock.
+ */
+ function testSomething() {}
+abstract class ContainsTestMethodsTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Docblock - this concrete test should have a covers tag.
+ */
+ function testSomething() {}
+ /**
+ * Docblock - this abstract method can be ignored.
+ */
+ abstract function testToBeImplementedInChildClass();
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.php b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.php
index 201f9b65..123a5d30 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.php
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Commenting/TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest.php
@@ -22,8 +22,12 @@ class TestsHaveCoversTagUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest {
public function getErrorList() {
return [
- 59 => 1,
- 88 => 1,
+ 49 => 1,
+ 59 => 1,
+ 88 => 1,
+ 126 => 1,
+ 142 => 1,
+ 150 => 1,
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTest.php b/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTest.php
index 2de8fd24..f885e01a 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTest.php
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTest.php
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class FileNameUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest {
'some-class.inc' => 0,
'wpseo-some-class.inc' => 1, // Prefix 'wpseo' not necessary.
'yoast-plugin-some-class.inc' => 1, // Prefix 'yoast-plugin' not necessary.
+ 'yoast.inc' => 0, // Class name = prefix, so there would be nothing left otherwise.
'class-wpseo-some-class.inc' => 1, // Prefixes 'class' and 'wpseo' not necessary.
'excluded-CLASS-file.inc' => 1, // Lowercase expected.
@@ -57,10 +58,10 @@ class FileNameUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest {
'excluded-interface-file.inc' => 0,
// Trait file names.
- 'outline-something-trait.inc' => 0,
+ 'outline-mything-trait.inc' => 0,
'different-trait.inc' => 1, // Filename not in line with trait name.
- 'outline-something.inc' => 1, // Missing '-trait' suffix.
- 'yoast-outline-something.inc' => 1, // Prefix 'yoast' not needed.
+ 'outline-mything.inc' => 1, // Missing '-trait' suffix.
+ 'yoast-outline-mything.inc' => 1, // Prefix 'yoast' not needed.
'no-duplicate-trait.inc' => 0, // Check that 'Trait' in trait name does not cause duplication in filename.
'excluded-trait-file.inc' => 0,
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTests/classes/yoast.inc b/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTests/classes/yoast.inc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..375a8fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Files/FileNameUnitTests/classes/yoast.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+phpcs:set Yoast.Files.FileName oo_prefixes[] yoast
+ 1,
- 22 => 1,
- 23 => 1,
- 33 => 1,
- 42 => 1,
- 43 => 1,
- 58 => 1,
- 70 => 1,
- 75 => 1,
- 78 => 1,
- 79 => 1,
+ 21 => 1,
+ 22 => 1,
+ 23 => 1,
+ 33 => 1,
+ 42 => 1,
+ 43 => 1,
+ 58 => 1,
+ 73 => 1,
+ 87 => 1,
+ 92 => 1,
+ 95 => 1,
+ 96 => 1,
+ 105 => 1,
+ 112 => 1, // False positive due to acronym.
+ 114 => 1,
+ 115 => 1,
+ 116 => 1,
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.inc b/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.inc
index c5d0e34e..80882350 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.inc
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.inc
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ do_action( 'Yoast\WP\Plugin\hook_' . $type . 'Yoast\WP\Plugin\hook' ); // Error
apply_filters( 'Yoast\WP\Plugin\\' . $type . '_' . $sub, $var ); // Warning at severity 3 compound name.
// Test handling of escaped slash in double quotes string.
-$var = apply_filters( "Yoast\WP\Plugin\\{$obj->prop['type']}_details", $var ); // Warning at severity 3 compound name.
+$var = apply_filters( "Yoast\\WP\\Plugin\\{$obj->prop['type']}_details", $var ); // Warning at severity 3 compound name.
// phpcs:enable
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ do_action(
// phpcs:set Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName prefixes[] Yoast\WP\Plugin,yoast_plugin
-do_action( "Yoast\WP\Plugin\some_{$variable}_hook_name"); // Warning at severity 3.
+do_action( "Yoast\\WP\\Plugin\\some_{$variable}_hook_name"); // Warning at severity 3.
do_action( 'yoast_plugin_some_' . 'hook_' . 'name' ); // Warning at severity 3 + warning wrong prefix.
@@ -118,7 +118,27 @@ do_action_ref_array( 'yoast_plugin_some_hook_name_which_is_too_long', $var ); //
do_action( 'Yoast\WP\Plugin\some_hook_name', $var ); // Error.
-// Reset to default settings.
-// phpcs:set Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName prefixes[]
+// Reset word maximums.
// phpcs:set Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName max_words 4
// phpcs:set Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName recommended_max_words 4
+ * Test handling of double slashes in prefixes.
+ * - Double slashes in single quoted strings are generally not needed, but will not cause problems.
+ * - Single slashed in double quoted strings could be problematic, so escaping the slashes is recommended.
+ */
+// Correct (single quoted).
+apply_filters( 'Yoast\WP\Plugin\hookname', $var); // OK.
+apply_filters( 'Yoast\\WP\\Plugin\\hookname', $var); // OK.
+// Correct (double quoted).
+apply_filters( "Yoast\\WP\\Plugin\\hook{$name}", $var); // OK, warning at severity 3 for word count.
+apply_filters( "Yoast\\WP\\Plugin\\hookname", $var); // OK.
+// Incorrect (double quoted - the `\` needs to be escaped).
+apply_filters( "Yoast\WP\Plugin\hookname", $var); // Warning, missing escaping x 3.
+apply_filters( "Yoast\WP\\Plugin\hook{$name}", $var); // Warning, missing escaping x 2 + warning at severity 3 for word count.
+// Reset to default settings.
+// phpcs:set Yoast.NamingConventions.ValidHookName prefixes[]
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.php b/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.php
index 1133dba0..b49dd619 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.php
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/NamingConventions/ValidHookNameUnitTest.php
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ public function getWarningList() {
107 => 1,
110 => 2,
111 => 1,
+ 136 => 1, // Severity: 3.
+ 140 => 1,
+ 141 => 2, // Severity: 3 + 5.
diff --git a/Yoast/Tests/Yoast/AlternativeFunctionsUnitTest.php b/Yoast/Tests/Yoast/AlternativeFunctionsUnitTest.php
index 78c4b149..702eade0 100644
--- a/Yoast/Tests/Yoast/AlternativeFunctionsUnitTest.php
+++ b/Yoast/Tests/Yoast/AlternativeFunctionsUnitTest.php
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
* @package Yoast\YoastCS
* @since 1.3.0
+ *
+ * @covers YoastCS\Yoast\Sniffs\Yoast\AlternativeFunctionsSniff
class AlternativeFunctionsUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest {
diff --git a/Yoast/ruleset.xml b/Yoast/ruleset.xml
index 48d80d8a..8e61b473 100644
--- a/Yoast/ruleset.xml
+++ b/Yoast/ruleset.xml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
Ref: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards/wiki/Customizable-sniff-properties#minimum-wp-version-to-check-for-usage-of-deprecated-functions-classes-and-function-parameters
@@ -160,6 +160,15 @@
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index a35d9b5a..6b6febd8 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5.0",
- "wp-coding-standards/wpcs": "^2.2.0",
+ "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.6.0",
+ "wp-coding-standards/wpcs": "^2.3.0",
"phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-wp": "^2.1.0",
- "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.5 || ^0.6.2 || ^0.7"
+ "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.5 || ^0.6.2 || ^0.7",
+ "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "^1.3.1",
+ "php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "^0.5.0"
"require-dev": {
- "phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "^9.2.0",
+ "phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "^9.3.5",
"roave/security-advisories": "dev-master",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^4.0 || ^5.0 || ^6.0 || ^7.0",
- "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "^1.2",
- "php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "^0.5",
"phpcsstandards/phpcsdevtools": "^1.0"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
diff --git a/phpunit.xml.dist b/phpunit.xml.dist
index f8172fb7..a3416a92 100644
--- a/phpunit.xml.dist
+++ b/phpunit.xml.dist
@@ -4,7 +4,21 @@
- colors="true">
+ colors="true"
+ forceCoversAnnotation="true"
+ >
+ ./Yoast/Tests/
+ Yoast/Sniffs/