Different links for articles, videos and repos about c++ development
- https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp
- https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp
- https://github.com/YarikTH/devmap
- Hedley Hedley is single a C/C++ header you can include in your project to enable compiler-specific features while retaining compatibility with all compilers.
- dbg-macro A dbg(…) macro for C++
- {{inja}} Inja is a template engine for modern C++, loosely inspired by jinja for python.
- clipp easy to use, powerful & expressive command line argument parsing for modern C++
- cmake-examples
- debugbreak
- scnlib type safe scanf analog for c++
- backward-cpp stacktrace library from google
- p-ranav/indicators Progress bars for c++
- tabulate Table Maker for Modern C++ (console gui)
- random Wrapper around c++ random generator
- C++React A reactive programming library for C++11
- nholthaus/units a compile-time, header-only, dimensional analysis and unit conversion library built on c++14 with no dependencies.
- type-lite type - Strong types for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
- mio memory mapping library
- cpp-compile-overhead repo to check header-only libraries performance
- De-fragmenting C++: Making exceptions more affordable and usable - Herb Sutter
- CppCon 2018: Nir Friedman “Wise Enum: A C++ Smart Enum For All Your Reflective Enum Needs”
- More Modern CMake - Deniz Bahadir - Meeting C++ 2018
- The Nightmare of Move Semantics for Trivial C++ Classes - Nicolai Josuttis
- CppCon 2017: Nir Friedman “What C++ developers should know about globals (and the linker)”
- The surprisingly high cost of static-lifetime constructors
- Держим дизайн системы под контролем, используя изолированное юнит-тестирование
- Managing Decoupling
- Managing Coupling
- Managing Coupling Part 2 — Polling, Callbacks and Events
- A Pragmatic Approach to Performance
- Image preview and video preview in the readme https://github.com/DamirDenis-Tudor/2D_Tank_Simulator