The Extensive de-novo TE Annotator (EDTA
) is applied to annotate TEs which includes LTRharvest_parallel
. This pipeline is integrated in current directory ./workflow/Snakefile
and the final TE.gff3 is as input file for following gene annotation (Figure 1).
The gene annotation pipeline:
Homology-based prediction
83 public RNA-seq dataset including various tissues from BIG, CER, PIM groups are mapped to assembly using
and subsequently assembled into transcripts bystringtie
. Then,TACO
is applied to merge all stringtie gtf. Proteins from SwissProt Viridiplantae, LA2093, DM v6.1, Ath, ITAG4.0 are integrated and remove redundant proteins by
. ESTs are retrieved from the NCBI. -
Ab initio prediction
are applied to predict gene structure. -
Integration homology-based and ab initio prediction
The integrated gene models with AED values < 0.5 are retained
The TEs and protein-coding gene annotation pipeline is deposited in current directory 1.Repeat_gene_annotaion
To configure this workflow, you can modify config/config.yaml
according to needs, following the explanations provided in the file:
- Add samples to
. Only the columnsample
is mandatory, but any additional columns can be added. - For each sample, add one or more sequencing units (runs, lanes or replicates) to the unit sheet
. For each unit, define platform, and either one (columnfq1
) or two (columnsfq1
) FASTQ files (these can point to anywhere in your system).
Figure 1. Overview of the genome annotation pipeline.
To discover novel transcripts located in the intergenic region of SL5.0, , which based on on a single step that encompasses all transcript construction, is used. A total of 332 RNA-seq sequences are equipped.
Build SL5.0 genome index by STAR
STAR --runThreadN 20 \
--runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir /your_path/STAR/genome.index \
--genomeSAindexNbases 13
--genomeFastaFiles /your_path/SL5.0.genome.fa \
--sjdbGTFfile /your_path/genome.annotation.gtf \
--sjdbOverhang 149
Map the 332 RNA-seq clean data
STAR --runThreadN 20 --genomeDir /your_path/STAR/genome.index \
--readFilesCommand gunzip -c --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--outFileNamePrefix sample --outSAMattrIHstart 0 \
--readFilesIn ./clean_fq/{sample}_1.fq.gz ./clean_fq/{sample}_2.fq.gz
is used to identify the intergenic region (
source activate RNA
in_gtf=system.file('extdata/SL5.0.annotation.gtf', package='pram')
pram::runPRAM( in_gtf, in_bamv,pred_out_gtf,method='plst',stringtie='~/anaconda3/envs/RNA/bin/stringtie')
Filter the potential transposable elements, according to information from pram.fasta.rexdb.dom.tsv to remove the potential transposable elements
source /public10/home/sci0009/miniconda3/bin/activate edta
TEsorter pram.fasta -p 64
is used to predict the likely coding regions in remains
TransDecoder.Predict -t target_transcripts.fasta
Homolog annotation of 46 tomato genes by using UniProtKB/SwissProt
~/anaconda3/bin/diamond makedb --in swissprot.fasta -d swissprot
~/anaconda3/bin/diamond blastp --more-sensitive -d swissprot -q 46_genome_protein.fasta -k 20 -e 0.00001 -o swissprot.xml -f 5
python idmapping.tb.gz swissprot_sprot.go
The motifs and domains of predicted genes were predicted using InterProScan
source activate interproscan
for i in `less /public10/home/sci0010/project/17.function/all_prot/MM/MM.pep.fa.split/id`; do echo "/public10/home/sci0009/software/InterProscan/interproscan-5.48-83.0/ -i /public10/home/sci0010/project/17.function/all_prot/MM/MM.pep.fa.split/${i} -o tsv/${i} -goterms -iprloo1kup -pa -f TSV -dp -cpu 2 &";done >
sbatch -p amd_io
/public10/home/sci0009/software/InterProscan/interproscan-5.48-83.0/ -i /public10/home/sci0010/project/17.function/all_prot/SL5/SL5.pep.fa.split/SL5.pep.part_001.fa -o tsv/SL5.pep.part_001.fa -goterms -iprloo1kup -pa -f TSV -dp -cpu 2