- Blip
- BlipStreamer
- Characters
- DropShadow
- HelpText
- HelpTextStreamer
- Marker
- MarkerStreamer
- MarkerTypes
- Ped
- PedStreamer
- PlayerLabel
- Prop
- PropStreamer
- TextLabelStreamer
- VirtualAPI
Blip class that stores all data related to a single blip.
Blip Color code, can also be found on the ALTV wiki
The text to display on the blip in the map menu
Scale of the blip, 1 is regular size.
Whether this blip can be seen on the minimap from anywhere on the map, or only when close to it(it will always show on the main map).
ID of the sprite to use, can be found on the ALTV wiki
Destroy this blip.
This method has no parameters.
Create Dynamic Blip.
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
color | System.Int32 | |
scale | System.Single | |
shortRange | System.Boolean | |
spriteId | System.Int32 | |
position | System.Numerics.Vector3 | |
dimension | System.Int32 | |
range | System.UInt32 |
Create static blip without any range limit
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
color | System.Int32 | |
scale | System.Single | |
shortRange | System.Boolean | |
spriteId | System.Int32 | |
position | System.Numerics.Vector3 | |
dimension | System.Int32 | |
range | System.UInt32 |
Destroy a dynamic blip
Name | Type | Description |
blip | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.Blip | The blip to destroy |
Setzt Character für eine bestimmbare Zeit auf doppelte Aufsammelmenge
Name | Type | Description |
charId | System.Int32 | |
isFastFarm | System.Boolean | |
fastFarmTime | System.Int32 |
Class to hold drop shadow data.
HelpText class that stores all data
Set/get the HelpText text.
Destroy this textlabel.
This method has no parameters.
Create a new HelpText.
The newly created dynamic textlabel.
Name | Type | Description |
text | System.String | The text to be displayed. |
Destroy all HelpText.
This method has no parameters.
Destroy HelpText by it's ID.
True if successful, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicTextLabelId | System.UInt64 | The ID of the text label. |
Destroy an HelpText.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicTextLabel | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.HelpText | The text label instance to destroy. |
Get all HelpText.
A list of dynamic textlabels.
This method has no parameters.
Get a HelpText by it's ID.
The dynamic textlabel or null if not found.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicTextLabelId | System.UInt64 | The ID of the textlabel. |
DynamicMarker class that stores all data related to a single marker.
Whether the marker should bob up and down.
Set marker color.
Represents a heading on each axis in which the marker should face, alternatively you can rotate each axis independently with Rotation and set Direction axis to 0.
Whether the marker should be drawn onto the entity when they enter it.
Whether the marker should rotate on the Y axis towards the player's camera.
Set or get the current marker's type(see MarkerTypes enum).
Whether the marker should rotate on the Y axis(heading).
Set or get the current marker's rotation (in degrees).
Set scale of the marker.
Set a texture dictionary, pass null to remove.
Texture name, only applicable if TextureDict is set. pass null to reset value.
Destroy this marker.
This method has no parameters.
Create(markerType,position,scale,rotation,direction,color,bobUpDown,faceCamera,rotate,textureDict,textureName,drawOnEnter,dimension,streamRange) method
Create a new dynamic marker
Name | Type | Description |
markerType | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.MarkerTypes | The type of marker to spawn. |
position | System.Numerics.Vector3 | The position at which the marker should spawn at. |
scale | System.Numerics.Vector3 | The scale of the marker. |
rotation | System.Nullable{System.Numerics.Vector3} | The rotation of the marker. |
direction | System.Nullable{System.Numerics.Vector3} | The direction of the marker. |
color | System.Nullable{AltV.Net.Data.Rgba} | The color of the marker. |
bobUpDown | System.Int32 | Whether the marker should bob up and down. |
faceCamera | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | Whether the marker should face the entity's camera. |
rotate | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | Whether the marker should rotate on the Y axis only. |
textureDict | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | An optional texture dictionary to apply to the marker. |
textureName | System.String | An optional texture name to apply to the marker. |
drawOnEnter | System.String | Whether it should draw the marker onto an entity that intersects with it. |
dimension | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | The dimension of the marker |
streamRange | System.UInt32 | Stream distance of the marker, default is 100. |
Destroy a dynamic marker by it's ID.
True if successful, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicMarkerId | System.UInt64 | The ID of the marker. |
Destroy a dynamic marker.
Name | Type | Description |
marker | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.Marker | The marker instance to destroy. |
Destroy all created dynamic markers.
This method has no parameters.
Get all created dynamic markers.
A list of dynamic markers.
This method has no parameters.
Get a dynamic marker by it's ID.
The dynamic marker or null if not found.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicMarkerId | System.UInt64 | The ID of the marker. |
Marker types.
Set or get the current ped model.
Create Ped
This method has no parameters.
DynamicTextLabel class that stores all data related to a single textlabel
Set/get textlabel center, if true the textlabel will be centered.
Set/get textlabel's color.
Set/get textlabel's drop shadow.
Set/get textlabel's edge color.
Set/get textlabel's font type.
Set/get textlabel proportional.
Set/get or get the current textlabel's scale.
Set/get the textlabel's text.
Destroy this textlabel.
This method has no parameters.
DynamicObject class that stores all data related to a single object
Get or set the object's dynamic state. Some objects can be moved around by the player when dynamic is set to true.
Freeze an object into it's current position. or get it's status
Set the light color of the object, use null to reset it to default.
Set or get LOD Distance of the object.
Set or get the current object's model.
Set/get an object on fire, NOTE: does not work very well as of right now, fire is very small.
Set or get the current object's rotation (in degrees).
Get or set the current texture variation, use null to reset it to default.
Set/get visibility state of object
Create(model,position,rotation,dimension,isDynamic,frozen,lodDistance,lightColor,onFire,textureVariation,visible,streamRange) method
Create a new dynamic object.
The newly created dynamic object.
Name | Type | Description |
model | System.String | The object model name. |
position | System.Numerics.Vector3 | The position to spawn the object at. |
rotation | System.Numerics.Vector3 | The rotation to spawn the object at(degrees). |
dimension | System.Int32 | The dimension to spawn the object in. |
isDynamic | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | (Optional): Set object dynamic or not. |
frozen | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | (Optional): Set object frozen. |
lodDistance | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | (Optional): Set LOD distance. |
lightColor | System.Nullable{System.UInt32} | (Optional): set light color. |
onFire | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.Rgb | (Optional): set object on fire(DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY YET!) |
textureVariation | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | (Optional): Set object texture variation. |
visible | System.Nullable{Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.TextureVariation} | (Optional): Set object visibility. |
streamRange | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | (Optional): The range that a player has to be in before the object spawns, default value is 400. |
Destroy all created dynamic objects.
This method has no parameters.
Get all created dynamic objects.
A list of dynamic objects.
This method has no parameters.
Get the dynamic object that's closest to a specified position.
The closest dynamic object to the specified position, or null if none found.
Name | Type | Description |
pos | System.Numerics.Vector3 | The position from which to check. |
Create(text,position,dimension,center,color,scale,dropShadow,edge,font,proportional,streamRange) method
Create a new dynamic textlabel.
The newly created dynamic textlabel.
Name | Type | Description |
text | System.String | The text to be displayed. |
position | System.Numerics.Vector3 | The position to spawn it at. |
dimension | System.Int32 | The dimension to spawn it in. |
center | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | Center the textlabel. |
color | System.Nullable{AltV.Net.Data.Rgba} | The color of the textlabel. |
scale | System.Nullable{System.Single} | The scale of the textlabel. |
dropShadow | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.DropShadow | The drop shadow of the textlabel. |
edge | System.Nullable{AltV.Net.Data.Rgba} | The edge color of the textlabel. |
font | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The font type of the textlabel. |
proportional | System.Nullable{System.Boolean} | Whether to set textlabel proportional. |
streamRange | System.UInt32 | Stream range, default is 30. |
Destroy all created dynamic textlabels.
This method has no parameters.
Destroy a dynamic text label by it's ID.
True if successful, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicTextLabelId | System.UInt64 | The ID of the text label. |
Destroy a dynamic text label.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicTextLabel | Altv_Roleplay.EntityStreamer.PlayerLabel | The text label instance to destroy. |
Get all created dynamic textlabels.
A list of dynamic textlabels.
This method has no parameters.
Get a dynamic text label by it's ID.
The dynamic textlabel or null if not found.
Name | Type | Description |
dynamicTextLabelId | System.UInt64 | The ID of the textlabel. |
Permet d'effectuer un appel API 100% Thread-Safe via le taskmanager interne de alt:V
Name | Type | Description |
function | System.Action |