Building onnx-mlir on Windows requires building some additional prerequisites that are not available by default.
Note that the instructions in this file assume you are using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition with ninja. It is recommended that you have the Desktop development with C++ and Linux development with C++ workloads installed. This ensures you have all toolchains and libraries needed to compile this project and its dependencies on Windows.
Run all the commands from a shell started from "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019".
Build protobuf as a static library.
REM Check out protobuf v21.12
set protobuf_version=21.12
git clone -b v%protobuf_version% --recursive
set root_dir=%cd%
md protobuf_build
cd protobuf_build
call cmake %root_dir%\protobuf\cmake -G "Ninja" ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%root_dir%\protobuf_install" ^
-Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF ^
call cmake --build . --config Release
call cmake --build . --config Release --target install
Before running CMake for onnx-mlir, ensure that the bin directory to this protobuf is before any others in your PATH:
set PATH=%root_dir%\protobuf_install\bin;%PATH%
If you wish to be able to run all the ONNX-MLIR tests, you will also need to install the matching version of protobuf through pip. Note that this is included in the requirements.txt file at the root of onnx-mlir, so if you plan on using it, you won't need to explicitly install protobuf.
python3 -m pip install protobuf==4.21.12
Install MLIR (as a part of LLVM-Project):
git clone -n
# Check out a specific branch that is known to work with ONNX-MLIR.
cd llvm-project && git checkout e8be3bea2ce0ec51b614cd7eb7d5d3a1e56d9524 && cd ..
set root_dir=%cd%
md llvm-project\build
cd llvm-project\build
call cmake %root_dir%\llvm-project\llvm -G "Ninja" ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%root_dir%\llvm-project\build\install" ^
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="mlir;clang;openmp" ^
call cmake --build . --config Release
call cmake --build . --config Release --target install
call cmake --build . --config Release --target check-mlir
The following environment variables can be set before building onnx-mlir (or alternatively, they need to be passed as CMake variables):
- MLIR_DIR should point to the mlir cmake module inside an llvm-project build or install directory (e.g., c:/repos/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir).
This project uses lit (LLVM's Integrated Tester) for unit tests. When running CMake, we can specify the path to the lit tool from LLVM using the LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT define, as in the example below. If MLIR_DIR points to an install directory of llvm-project, LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT is required and %lit_path% should point to a valid lit. It is not required if MLIR_DIR points to a build directory of llvm-project, which will contain lit.
To build ONNX-MLIR, use the following commands:
git clone --recursive
set root_dir=%cd%
md onnx-mlir\build
cd onnx-mlir\build
call cmake %root_dir%\onnx-mlir -G "Ninja" ^
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%root_dir%\protobuf_install ^
-DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=%lit_path% ^
-DMLIR_DIR=%root_dir%\llvm-project\build\lib\cmake\mlir ^
call cmake --build . --config Release
After the above commands succeed, an onnx-mlir
executable should appear in the Debug/bin
or Release/bin
Check this page for helpful hints.