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Visage · GitHub license npm version

Visage is a collection of components for showcasing Ready Player Me avatars and 3D on the web!

Built with three.js, react-three-fiber, drei, three-stdlib and react.


Visage is available as an npm package.

npm install @readyplayerme/visage

Make sure to install peer-dependencies if your project doesn't already include them:

npm install @react-three/drei@9.79.3 @react-three/fiber@8.13.5 @react-three/postprocessing@2.15.0 three@0.154.0 three-stdlib@2.23.13 suspend-react@0.1.3 postprocessing@6.32.2

Documentation & examples

You can find all code examples of the components and their documentation on our GitHub page.

Here is the first one to get you started:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Avatar } from '@readyplayerme/visage';

const modelSrc = '';

function App() {
  return (
    <Avatar modelSrc={modelSrc} />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));


Props such as modelSrc, animationSrc, poseSrc and onLoadedAnimation.src are validated before rendering on the scene. Animation source props support both .glb and .fbx formats. All other props mentioned before only support .glb.

Examples on supported resource formats:

  • URL resources
    • relative /headwear.glb
    • absolute
  • Base64 strings
    • data:application/octet-stream;base64
    • data:model/gltf-binary;base64
  • Binary input such as model/gltf-binary


Visage is MIT licensed.