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Golang Graph

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Goraph is a golang package provides basic graph structures and algorithms.

Goraph is NOT concurrent safe.

Current implemented(√) and planned(×) algorithms:

Algorithm BFS DFS TopologicalSort Kruskal Prim Dijkstra Yen Kisp BellmanFord FloydWarshall EdmondsKarp
Complex O(V+E) O(V+E) O(V+E) O(ElogE) O(E+VlogV)¹ O(E+VlogV)¹ O(KV(E+VlogV)) O(KVlogV) O(VE) O(V3) O(VE2)
Status × × × × × × × ×
¹ With Fibonacci heap.

##Algorithms Introduction

  • BFS: breadth first search.

  • DFS: depth first search.

  • TopologicalSort: is a linear ordering of a directed graph's vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering.

  • Kruskal: is a minimum-spanning-tree algorithm which finds an edge of the least possible weight that connects any two trees in the forest.

  • Prim: is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a weighted undirected graph

  • Dijkstra: computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a graph with non-negative edge cost.

  • Yen: computes K-shortest loopless paths between two vertex in a graph with non-negative edge cost.

  • Kisp: computes K-shortest independent paths between two vertex in a graph with non-negative edge cost.

  • BellmanFord: computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph with positive or negative edge weights.

  • FloydWarshall: computes all-pairs shortest paths in a weighted graph with positive or negative edge weights (but with no negative cycles).

  • EdmondsKarp: computes the maximum flow in a flow network(graph).

##Requirements #####Download this package and its dependency

go get
go get

#####Implements Vertex interface of this package if you want to use AddVertexWithEdges(optional):

type Vertex interface {
	Id() Id
	Edges() []Edge

type Edge interface {
	Get() (from Id, to Id, weight float64)

Supported Operations

  • Graph operations:
  • GetVertex: get a vertex by input id.
  • GetEdge: gets the edge between the two vertices by input ids.
  • GetEdgeWeight: gets the weight of the edge between the two vertices by input ids.
  • AddVertex: adds a new vertex into the graph.
  • AddEdge: adds a new edge between the vertices by the input ids.
  • UpdateEdgeWeight: updates the weight of the edge between vertices by the input ids.
  • DeleteVertex: deletes a vertex from the graph and gets the value of the vertex.
  • DeleteEdge: deletes the edge between the vertices by the input id from the graph and gets the value of edge.
  • AddVertexWithEdges: adds a vertex value which implements Vertex interface.
  • CheckIntegrity: checks if any edge connects to or from unknown vertex.
  • GetPathWeight: gets the total weight along the path by input ids.
  • DisableEdge: disables the edge for further calculation.
  • DisableVertex: disables the vertex for further calculation.
  • DisablePath: disables all the vertices in the path for further calculation.
  • Reset: enables all vertices and edges for further calculation.
  • Algorithm operations:
  • Dijkstra: gets the shortest path from one vertex to all other vertices in the graph.
  • Yen: gets top k shortest loopless path between two vertex in the graph.
  • Kisp: gets top k shortest independent path between two vertex in the graph.


package main

import (

type myVertex struct {
	id     string
	outTo  map[string]float64
	inFrom map[string]float64

type myEdge struct {
	from   string
	to     string
	weight float64

func (vertex *myVertex) Id() goraph.Id {

func (vertex *myVertex) Edges() (edges []goraph.Edge) {
	edges = make([]goraph.Edge, len(vertex.outTo)+len(vertex.inFrom))
	i := 0
	for to, weight := range vertex.outTo {
		edges[i] = &myEdge{, to, weight}
	for from, weight := range vertex.inFrom {
		edges[i] = &myEdge{from,, weight}

func (edge *myEdge) Get() (goraph.Id, goraph.Id, float64) {
	return edge.from,, edge.weight

func main() {
	//Dikjstra: The distance from S to T is  44
	//Dikjstra: The path from S to T is: T<-F<-E<-B<-S

	//Yen 1st: The distance from A to D is  2
	//Yen 1st: The path from A to D is:  [A D]
	//Yen 2nd: The distance from A to D is  3
	//Yen 2nd: The path from A to D is:  [A B C D]
	//Yen 3rd: The distance from A to D is  4
	//Yen 3rd: The path from A to D is:  [A B E D]

	//Kisp 1st: The distance from A to D is  5
	//Kisp 1st: The path from A to D is:  [C E F H]
	//Kisp 2nd: The distance from A to D is  11
	//Kisp 2nd: The path from A to D is:  [C D F G H]
	//Kisp 3rd: The distance from A to D is  +Inf
	//Kisp 3rd: The path from A to D is:  []

func Dijkstra() {
	graph := goraph.NewGraph()
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"S", map[string]float64{"B": 14}, map[string]float64{"A": 15, "B": 14, "C": 9}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"A", map[string]float64{"S": 15, "B": 5, "D": 20, "T": 44}, map[string]float64{"B": 5, "D": 20, "T": 44}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"B", map[string]float64{"S": 14, "A": 5, "D": 30, "E": 18}, map[string]float64{"S": 14, "A": 5, "D": 30, "E": 18}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"C", map[string]float64{"S": 9, "E": 24}, map[string]float64{"E": 24}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"D", map[string]float64{"A": 20, "B": 30, "E": 2, "F": 11, "T": 16}, map[string]float64{"A": 20, "B": 30, "E": 2, "F": 11, "T": 16}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"E", map[string]float64{"B": 18, "C": 24, "D": 2, "F": 6, "T": 19}, map[string]float64{"B": 18, "C": 24, "D": 2, "F": 6, "T": 19}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"F", map[string]float64{"D": 11, "E": 6, "T": 6}, map[string]float64{"D": 11, "E": 6, "T": 6}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"T", map[string]float64{"A": 44, "D": 16, "E": 19, "F": 6}, map[string]float64{"A": 44, "D": 16, "E": 19, "F": 6}})

	dist, prev, _ := graph.Dijkstra("S")
	fmt.Println("Dikjstra: The distance from S to T is ", dist["T"])
	fmt.Print("Dikjstra: The path from S to T is: T")
	node := prev["T"]
	for node != nil {
		fmt.Printf("<-%s", node)
		node = prev[node]

func Yen() {
	graph := goraph.NewGraph()
	graph.AddVertex("A", nil)
	graph.AddVertex("B", nil)
	graph.AddVertex("C", nil)
	graph.AddVertex("D", nil)
	graph.AddVertex("E", nil)
	graph.AddEdge("A", "B", 1, nil)
	graph.AddEdge("B", "C", 1, nil)
	graph.AddEdge("C", "D", 1, nil)
	graph.AddEdge("A", "D", 2, nil)
	graph.AddEdge("B", "E", 2, nil)
	graph.AddEdge("E", "D", 1, nil)
	dist, path, _ := graph.Yen("A", "D", 3)
	fmt.Println("Yen 1st: The distance from A to D is ", dist[0])
	fmt.Println("Yen 1st: The path from A to D is: ", path[0])
	fmt.Println("Yen 2nd: The distance from A to D is ", dist[1])
	fmt.Println("Yen 2nd: The path from A to D is: ", path[1])
	fmt.Println("Yen 3rd: The distance from A to D is ", dist[2])
	fmt.Println("Yen 3rd: The path from A to D is: ", path[2])

func Kisp() {
	graph := goraph.NewGraph()
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"C", map[string]float64{"D": 3, "E": 2}, map[string]float64{}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"D", map[string]float64{"F": 4}, map[string]float64{"C": 3, "E": 1}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"E", map[string]float64{"D": 1, "F": 2, "G": 3}, map[string]float64{"C": 2}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"F", map[string]float64{"G": 2, "H": 1}, map[string]float64{"D": 4, "E": 2}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"G", map[string]float64{"H": 2}, map[string]float64{"E": 3, "F": 2}})
	graph.AddVertexWithEdges(&myVertex{"H", map[string]float64{}, map[string]float64{"F": 1, "G": 2}})
	dist, path, _ := graph.Kisp("C", "H", 3)
	fmt.Println("Kisp 1st: The distance from A to D is ", dist[0])
	fmt.Println("Kisp 1st: The path from A to D is: ", path[0])
	fmt.Println("Kisp 2nd: The distance from A to D is ", dist[1])
	fmt.Println("Kisp 2nd: The path from A to D is: ", path[1])
	fmt.Println("Kisp 3rd: The distance from A to D is ", dist[2])
	fmt.Println("Kisp 3rd: The path from A to D is: ", path[2])




goraph source code is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.