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"Ikrehpeb haslrikpeb ikpecem sara nives" # Stop acting like a child
"akmac pano nives ralret umsab lravriv" # a pasta of small snakes with mice meatballs
"Yoo no gud fite so gif up." # You are no good in a fight, so give up. (mispronounced)
"do gud" # [do|does] good (mispronounced)
"a's no gud" # is no good (mispronounced)
"ain' gud" # ain't good (mispronounced)
"Korath flame stong." # [The] Korath flame is strong. (mispronounced)
"Can hav" 3 # Can have (mispronounced)
"yoo ded mor" # you dead more (mispronounced)
"'oo wil" 3 # You will (mispronounced)
"blak muusic shee's" # blank music sheets (mispronounced)
"Wee taek yur" # We take your (mispronounced)
"Te" # The (mispronounced)
"blong to u'." # belong to us (mispronounced)
"sammon" 1 # salmon (mispronounced)
"inernal govment docmants" # internal government documents (mispronounced)
"Ot" # My
"Tomik 'aga feralit 'aga te" # My skin draws me to
"rasi it maka makpes" # fish en papillote
"Far Upugf Enrel Ugt" # Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (Buddhist religious chant)
"Far Uhudf Elrep Uds" # Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (Buddhist religious chant)
"Capitalise that proper noun. Use American English for consistency. For goodness' sake, that needs a comma!"
"Diamond Grey"
"Grey Wolf"
` "The Grey Goose."`
` He smiles sadly. "Skaldgar always had a nose for good folks. Anyways, he told me he had a nephew named Helm who worked at the Norn spaceport. Find 'im and he can get'cha and this stone where it needs to go." The young man than looks you in the eye and gives a slow respectful nod, "For Ol' Skaldgar, may he be findin' ore in hel."`
` Cygnet strokes his mustache. "Tod Copper. Tod Copper. Tell you what, that name doesn' ring a bell. Heck, I don' even keep track of names 'less I get someone impor'ant. If ya lookin' for someone in particular to buy, can I get a description?"`
goto shotdown
label shotdown
" Grat"
` The uneventful journey to the boiling ice river of Slidr is suddenly interrupted when a deep tremor followed by a thunderous boom shakes the Ice-Crawler to its core and causes it to slip on the disturbed ice and snow. Somewhere outside, subsequent rumble starts to build rapidly. After Hjlod regains control of the crawler, she immediately veers away from the noise. "That vas Nifel-quake, and loud noise was avalanche, or landslide, maybe both. This is not good."`
` By the time you are on your feet, Hjlod has already gathered up numerous supplies and is preparing to open the hatch and dig her way to the surface. She looks at you. "Nothing to vorry about. Happens all time. Vell, not really. First time this happen, but Hjlod not let you die, probably. I can lead us to settlement not far from here."`
` Hjlod abruptly stops and glares at you. "You are fool. You vill certainly die, and you endanger me in process. This is no game, valk only vhere I valk or die."`
` Evening and exhaustion approach hand in hand, and as the last sun sets, you're not sure how much farther you can go. "There!" Hjlod breaks the silence of hours as she points at the weak flicker of light in the twilight landscape. "This is good," she admits hoarsely as you both stumble toward the light. "Ve vould have not survived night."`
` "I just vant to thank you." Hjlod's gray-blue eyes glitter in the morning light. "I alvays say Hjlod keep tourist safe. But yesterday you save Hjlod. I vill not forgot, know this."`
`There are no signs of Hjlod when you arrive at the mostly empty spaceport. You spend a few minutes wandering around before you see her heading down the hall toward you. "Sorry to be late, you vould not believe all paper-vork they had for me. I think they aren't happy about Ice-Crawler."`
` You ask her if she's worried you've been compromised - that you might be working against the Skadenga's best interests. Hjlod shakes her head. "No. Future is set. Vhat vill, vill be. You are given task to tell us vhere to go, ve go vhere you say. The rest is just noise.`
` "Sounds like herbalist box. Ondurdis had one long before I vas born. Gave it to liar. It not important though, not Setstokkr."`
` Hjlod nods. "Hrithfjall sounds like good place. I vill tell Ondurdis.`
` Hjlod nods. "The Skadenga have alvays been guides, pathfinders. I vill tell Ondurdis.`
` "Vhen you were gone, thing, or assembly, vas held. Ondurdis called in all Skadenga from all villages across Nifel. You must find transportation for 2,200 folk. That is what Ondurdis told me to tell you."`
` Hjlod takes a deep, calming breath. "I call because you are our only hope. They vill not let us leave. They vill not let us be. They vill steal our souls." She points a shaky finger at you. "Take us back to Nifel. All those who are left. Take us home. Ve know the cold vill get us eventually. But better to live on a dying vorld as Skadenga than to live here as nothing."`
` Hjlod grimaces. "Once they know you are here, they vill collect us. Come back here in an hour. Any longer than that, and ve vill be gone." She slumps down on the ground as you exit the dark, dirty tunnel where the remaining Skadenga cling to their fleeting identity.`
` "Ve have 52 people that need off this vorld right now." Hjlod hesitates a moment, and then adds, "I know how much you like money. Ve have pooled all our savings together and vill pay you <payment> for this job." She grabs a ragged duffle bag and a group gather around her. "The rest vill meet us at your ship. Ve move now."`
` Hjlod frowns. "It's Arnson's family isn't it? I told him he vas too far."`
` "I do not know vhy you sent us to that place. But I am happy to be home. So go, and maybe one day I vill not hate to see you again."`
`A familiar woman is waiting for you outside your ship. Although it's been more than seven years since you've last seen her, you recognize Hjlod instantly. Her eyes are brighter than when last you parted, and she has the same lopsided grin that you remember. "<first>, I saw your ship landing, and thought I vould say hello."`
` She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small wooden box, similar to the one you saw displayed at Asgard years ago. "I have been thinking," Hjlod says. "Maybe all this vas vill of Skade. Maybe you took us to Asgard to make us stronger, to make us better. It is bitter lesson, but I understand it now."`
` She points to a small wooden craft up ahead. "I built her," she says with pride. "No more Ice-Crawler for Hjlod. I am sailor now. I take curious tourist out now and again. Much safer than Ice-Crawler, except when we capsize." She shrugs and grins. "Perhaps someday you'll be my tourist again. This time, I promise no accidents. Also, there are no Ice-Slugs to worry about." She pauses for a moment. "There are Shark-Kraken though. But don't worry. Hjlod vill take care of you."`
object "Sies Upi"
planet "Sies Upi"
description `Sies Upi is one of the most recently colonized planets of the Gegno Vi. This hot, dry, and harsh world serves as more of an outpost than it does a colony, but nevertheless the Vi have found ways to create manageable living conditions for their settlers.`
` "What part of non-negotiable did you not understand? You're pushing your luck, Captain <last>. I didn't expect you to be such a petty money pincher."`
` She gives you a little smile and nods. "If you come across someone and have difficulty getting them to trust you, try telling them 'Luf e ow, vai, luf e eh.'"`
` She gives you a very serious look and nods. "If you come across any others and have difficulty getting them to trust you, try telling them 'Luf e ow, vai, luf e eh.'"`
ship Geocoris "Vai e Lur"
` "Uh, luf e ow, vai, luf e eh?"`
` "No wait! Luf e ow, vai, luf e eh?"`
` Torrey breaks out into a brilliant grin. "Well, that's great news, then. You'll find Irene at the militia base on <destination> - that's Gunnery Sergeant Irene Brower. I do appreciate this. You'll be paid upon receipt of the package, too, lest you think my appreciation is all I can give."`
`You arrive at the militia base on <destination>, and ask at the gate for Gunnery Sergeant Irene Brower. After a few minutes, a compact young woman with close-cropped blonde hair appears and walks over. When she sees the package at your feet, her face splits into a lopsided grin and her steps quicken. "I see you've brought me a package; this must be from Torrey! She said she was sending something."`
`As you step out of your ship, you spot a familiar face: Irene Brower, the gunnery sergeant you delivered a care package to before the war, though she seems to have master sergeant insignia now. She's on crutches, with what looks like a brand-new prosthetic leg. When she spots you, her pained face brightens. "Hey, I know you! You brought me that package from Tor before. Thanks!" She shifts her weight, then winces and shifts it back.`
log "Minor People" "Torrey and Irene" `Torrey Dupont, an activist, is friends with SMDP militia NCO Irene Brower. You delivered a package for them.`
` The old man narrows his eyes at you and his mouth falls slightly open like he's trying to make sense of a puzzle. Finally he says, "What's the bits between a fella's legs gotta do with anything? I already said, 'Ser' is just what decent folk call each other; ain't nothing more to it. Don't matter if you're a guy, gal, or anything else. Hel, I reckon I'd even call an elf 'Ser' if they done me a good turn.`
` The old man gives you a gruff nod and says, "Ah, I see. Can be confusing for a newcomer, I s'pose. What's 'tween a fella's legs gots nothing to do with it. Just like I said before, 'Ser' is just what decent folk call each other; ain't nothing more to it. Don't matter if you're a guy, gal, or anything else. Hel, I reckon I'd even call an elf 'Ser' if they done me a good turn.`
planet Independance
description `Independance, originally named for a document of emancipation for an ancient nation on old Earth, became of interest to the Confederated Councils when they began to consider plans for a defense against an invasion. One such plan involved deploying "cloud bunkers" into the gas giants of the Outer Rim from which an uprising could be staged against a foreign occupier. Independance, given its fitting name and position near Alvorada, was chosen as the testing site for this project.`
description ` Of the few prototype bunkers that were deployed, none ever survived the surface of Independance; the Councils simply didn't have the technology for such an ambitious project. The official who proposed the plan was shortly shuffled out of the Politburo, and what remained of the bunkers were left quietly in the depths of the gas giant.`
object Independance
system Currus
link Currus
"i' amazin" # is amazing (mispronounced)
* Care Package 2a has been replaced with a new mission, FW Deep Memorial, a set of missions and events that offers regardless of the player's choices, but which has a branch if Brower dies during the attack.
` He smiles sadly. "Skaldgar always had a nose for good folks. Anyways, he told me he had a nephew named Helm who worked at the Norn spaceport. Find 'im and he can get'cha and this stone where it needs to go." The young man then looks you in the eye and gives a slow respectful nod, "For Ol' Skaldgar, may he be findin' ore in hel."`
` "Oh yes." He shifts his weight on the stool. "I'm old enough to remember hayipp bread, yur ki bread - you name it. Hayipp is a grain, similar to your human 'corn,' which creates a wholesome ruddy brown flour when milled. The bread was hearty, yet exquisite." You note the wistful look on his face. "Yur ki is a milk, sourced from livestock we raise. You may have seen some on Newhome; I'm told your kind has a similar animal called 'sheep.' Bread made from yur ki is rich and decadent. It is among my favorite foods to have for breakfast." He pauses for a moment and looks a bit downcast. "Acorn bread was once a rare sight in Hai cuisine. Far too sweet. But, since humans have joined us on our planets, all they want is acorn bread. The high demand has displaced all of the traditional breads that I grew up with from high traffic areas such as this spaceport restaurant. I miss having them easily available."`
"Love's Labour Lost"