This is a simple web application that will be deployed to a server.
- Create a new repository on Github.
- Clone the repository.
- Create a new branch on Github. In this case the branches will be called "develop" and "main".
- Create a new child branch on Github. In this this case the child branches will be called "release".
- Jekyll will be used to create the website.
- The website will be deployed to the server using Github Actions.
- We will add a theme to the website. The theme used is called Minima
- Test the theme in the localhost.
- Push the changes to Github.
- Deploy the website to the server using Github pages.
- Test the website using the URL Github pages.
- Set up a new workflow on Github to create automatic PRs. The PR will look like this:
There are three workflows setup in this repository.
- Branches. This one deletes a released branch once a PR is accepted from the develop branch.
- Pages. Deploys the webpage to Github Pages using Jekyll.
- Creates an automatic PR to main once a change is pushed in the develop branch.