- Conversion of onnx yolov7 model (object detector) to tflite format
- Making predictions by using onnx model
- Make predictions by using tflite model
- Python =
- Packages included in
file - Anaconda for an easy installation (not necessary)
- Clone this repo
- Clone original repo of yolov7:
$ git clone https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolov7.git
- Create and activate a virtual environment:
$ conda create -n yolo7 python=3.9 anaconda;
$ conda activate yolo7
- Install packages into the virtual environment:
$ cd yolov7-tflite-conversion;
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Additional installation may be necessary - for onnx export:
$ pip --quiet install onnx onnxruntime onnxsim
$ pip install onnx-tf
- You may also install full torch and tensorflow packages from official websites.
Note: in this repo an enveronment.yaml file is also included, which was produced by conda export manager. Above steps could be also reproduced by using only the following command:
$ conda env create --file environment.yaml
- Go to original repo of yolov7 and download pytorch model, e.g.:
$ wget https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolov7/releases/download/v0.1/yolov7.pt
- Convert pytorch yolo model to onnx format (from original repo):
$ python export.py --weights yolov7.pt --grid --end2end --simplify --topk-all 100 --iou-thres 0.65 --conf-thres 0.35 --img-size 640 640 --max-wh 640
3.) Move produced onnx yolov7 model to models
directory of this repo.
4.) Convert the onnx model to tflite by using converter/convert_to_tflite.py
5.) Add arbitrary video or image to data directory (which you want to make predictions on).
6.) Make inference with the onnx model by using onnx_predict.py
or with tflite model by using tflite_predict.py