Learn how contributing to Open Source Software (OSS) helps you, and how to contribute.
OSS development == Real world development
Work on projects that matter
Build an independently verifiable resume
Work with and learn from Really Smart PeopleTM
Collaborative, team-based work
Produce deliverables for end-users
Develop good practices on using good tools:
SCM - Git, SVN, Hg
Build - make, Maven, Gradle, Rake
CI - Jenkins, Go, Travis, Teamcity
Issue management - Bugzilla, JIRA, Mantis, Trac, Redmine
Review contributions - Gerrit, GitHub, Bitbucket
User documentation - Asciidoc, Docbook, Publican
Good open source projects:
Do not exist for vanity
Target a particular problem or set of related problems
Provide solutions for businesses and individuals
They’re integral to today’s computing infrastructure.
Many open source projects are sponsored by foundations and large companies.
Contributions associate you with their work and culture.
Contributions also signal your knowledge about the problem and its solutions.
From the Annual Linux Development Report 2013
Nearly 10,000 developers from more than 1,000 companies
Contributions from 1,100 developers from 225 companies in 2012
with growing numbers from mobile and embedded industries.
Top 10 organizations sponsoring development, from the Annual Linux Development Report 2013
Red Hat
Texas Instruments
Vision Engraving Systems Consultants
Wolfson Microelectronics
Contributions are independently verifiable and undisputable facts.
Why does it matter?
Independently Verifiable
The burden of proof is not always on you.
Contributions are public: they can be examined and verified by others.
Contributions can be verified in release notes, mailing list archives, bug trackers, commit logs, and more.
Projects guarantee all accredidation is accurate.
An accepted contribution has added value to the project.
Your code speaks for itself.
… a real-world portfolio of work gives you an edge when applying for jobs. Contributing to an open source project provides you with that real-world portfolio …
Smart people tend to work with other smart people.
An OSS project with smart people draws and fosters others.
Many of them will be glad to help you learn. Take them up on it.
Very high quality of discussion. No bike-shedding.
Learning takes many forms:
Understanding and fixing bugs.
Performing code reviews or having your code reviewed.
Deliberation over ideas.
Designing and implementing new features.
If you are engaged in the project, you will be learning.
Choose a project to contribute to.
Preferably one that you already use.
Become very familiar with it.
Get involved on mailing lists, IRC, etc.
Discover problem areas. Use the issue tracker.
Learn about the processes. Some projects require contributions in only one form.
Discuss on resolving issues and adding features.
Submit a patch.
Be courteous.
Communicate well. Be accurate with technical and project-specific jargon.
Learn the political waters. Every project has them.
Remember that you will make mistakes. Learn from them!
Be persistent. Continued contributions build respect.
Become a committer. You can do anything now !
…within reason :)
Become very knowledgeable in an subject area. Create demand for you.
Be open to new opportunities:
Presenting at conferences
Reviewing books about the project, or even authoring them.
Supporting related projects that build on yours.
Consulting for companies part/full-time.
To create the world’s largest and most dynamic community for open software-defined storage
Starts as an attempt to build supercomputers using commodity hardware
Storage becomes a bigger challenge and focus shifts to GlusterFS
GlusterFS starts getting noticed and people start using it
Better management arrives and adoption of GlusterFS increases
Red Hat becomes the primary sponsor for the Gluster community
Grows into a community for open source, software-defined storage
GlusterFS is
an open source, distributed, clustered, parallel, scale-out … filesystem
runs on commodity hardware
fully posix compliant
user friendly :)
easily extensible
…and much more.
Install and use GlusterFS
Join #gluster IRC channel on freenode.net
Subscribe to the gluster-users mailing list
Interact with other users and give feedback
File bugs
Join #gluster-dev on freenode and the [email protected] mailing list
Pick something you want to work on:
If you want to do something not present in the above two places, start a discussion and get it on there
Read the development workflow document at http://gluster.org/simpledevworkflow
Contribute code!
Register on http://forge.gluster.org - the home of Open Source software-defined storage development
Contribute to a project of your choice
…or start your own project and announce it to the community
Kickstart your contributions with this small contest
Visit http://titanpad.com/gluster-misspellings and pick something to fix
Fix it and submit the fix
Show the submission at the Red Hat booth
Win goodies!!