Todo Management Project
This application is designed to help users effectively manage their tasks and stay organized. It provides features for creating, editing, deleting, prioritizing tasks, and setting deadlines and reminders.
Task Creation: Users can input task details, including titles, descriptions, due dates, and priorities.
Task Search: Users can get task details by ID, and title about added tasks and keep reminding themselves.
Task Editing: Existing tasks can be modified to update information or change their status.
Task Deletion: Completed or unnecessary tasks can be removed from the list.
Task In-Completion Tracking: Implemented a feature to mark incomplete tasks as incompleted and track progress.
Task Completion Tracking: Implemented a feature to mark tasks as completed and track progress.
Security: Robust security measures are in place to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
User Profiles: Allow users to create profiles with personalized settings and preferences.
Tech Stack :
DEPENDENCIES ADDED -> Spring Web, Lombok, MySQL Driver, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, ModelMapper
Getting Started :
Clone the Repository: Download the project from [GitHub repository link].
Set Up Dependencies: Ensure that all required dependencies are added to your project's build configuration.
Configure Database: Create a MySQL database and configure the connection details in the application's properties file.
Run the Application: Start the application using your preferred IDE or build tool.
Access the API: Use Postman or a similar tool to interact with the application's RESTful APIs.