- ❌ = Feature not yet implemented
- ✅ = Feature Implemented
- 🍈 = Implemented in frontend only
- 🍑 = Implemented in backend only
- 🚱 = Feature is untested or needs polish
- 👺 = OUT OF SCOPE, go away, I have no more spare time to give 😢
- ✅ Multiple games
- ✅ Multiple WS clients per game
- ✅ Persist gamestate
- ✅ Handle loss of connection
- ✅ Track round number
- ✅ Undo
- ❌ Player-specific view
- ✅ Update setup to do all required tasks
- ✅ Choose speaker at start of game
- ✅ Reveal initial objectives
- ❌ UI for setting table order
- ❌ Faction specific setups for planets & techs
- ✅ planets
- ❌ agents
- ✅ techs
- ❌ show starting techs & units
- ✅ Planets
- ✅ Resource Tracking
- ✅ Planet attachments (PoK)
- ❌ Score
- ✅ Objectives (Stage I and II)
- ✅ Custodians (Mecatroll rex)
- ✅ Manually adding score
- ✅ Secret Objectives (normally up to 3)
- ❌ Buttons to score non-status phase objective when they happen.
- ✅ Support for the Throne
- ✅ Imperial
- ❌ Agendas
- ❌ Mutiny (Multiple players, add or remove VPs)
- ❌ Incentive Programs (Draws new objective cards)
- ❌ Classified Document Leaks (make a secret objective public)
- ❌ Seed of an empire (Give 1 VP to player(s) with most/least victory points)
- ❌ (LAW) Political Censure (Player gains 1 vp and can't play action cards)
- ❌ Relics
- ❌ Obsidian (Draw and have 1 extra secret objective) :: Note we don't track the cap atm so technically it is not required to be implemented?
- ✅ Shard of the Throne (Player with this card has 1 extra VP)
- ✅ Crown of Emphydia (Purge to gain 1 VP)
- ❌ Winning the game (when reaching the winning score).
- ❌ Action cards
- ✅ Actions
- ❌ Other relevant ones
- ❌ Tech actions.
- ❌ Time tracking
- ✅ Pause timekeeping
- ✅ Time spent / player
- ❌ Time spent / phase
- ❌ Show breakdown while playing
- ❌ Show breakdown in post-game view
- ❌ Make sure everything works and isn't horribly broken by undo
- ✅ Take multiple turns
- ❌ Separation between base/PoK/codexes
- ❌ PoK
- ❌ Exploration
- ✅ Exploration cards (attachments only are handled)
- ✅ Frontier cards
- ✅ Relics
- ✅ Factions (argent, empyrean, mahact, naaz-rokha, nomad, titans of ul, vuilrath)
- ✅ Leaders (agents, commanders, heroes)
- ❌👺 Mechs (probably not relevant?)
- ✅ Increases player limit to 8
- ✅ 31 new systems
- ✅ 8 new techs (psycoarch, bio stims, dark energy tap, sling ray, scanlink drone network, predictive intelligence, ai dev algos, self assembly)
- ❌ alliances ( use other players commanders)
- ✅ 40 new objectives
- ✅ 20 new action cards
- ✅ 13 agendas removed
- ✅ 13 new agendas
- ❌ updated diplo strat card
- ❌ updated construction strat card
- ❌ Exploration
- ❌ Codex I
- ❌ updated techs: (magmus reactor, wormhole generator, yin spinner, magan defence grid, x-89)
- ❌ promissary notes (stymie, war funding, cybernetic enhancements, acquiessence, greyfire)
- ✅ new action cards (blitz, counterstroke, fighter conscription, forward supply base, ghost squad, hack election, harness energy, impersonation, insider info, master plan, plagiarize, rally, reflective shielding, scramble frequency, solar flare, war machine)
- ❌ updated components: (diplo strat card, hypermetabolism, gravity rifts, rerolls during combat, retreating infantry)
- ❌ Codex II
- ✅ 3 new relics (PoK), (dynamis core, JR-XS455-O, nano forge)
- ❌👺 pax nomina (game mode with teams)
- ❌ Codex III
- ✅ updated leaders: (naalu collective agent, commander, xxcha kingdom hero, yin brotherhood agent, commander, hero)
- ❌👺 updated mech naalu collective
- ❌ updated secret objectives (fight with precision, make an example of their world, turn their fleets to dust)
- ✅ 6 new frontier cards
- ✅ council keleres faction
- ❌ PoK
- ✅ Strategy cards (speaker handling etc)
- ✅ Real names for things (currently we only use the ID for e.g objectives)
- ✅ Planets
- ✅ Objectives
- ✅ Factions
- ✅ Techs
- ✅ Planet Attachments
- ✅ Agendas
- ✅ Agenda Elect Options
- ✅ For or Against
- ✅ Player
- ✅ Planet
- ✅ Objective
- ✅ Agenda
- ✅ Action Cards
- ❌ Descriptions for things
- ❌ Planets
- ❌ Objectives
- ❌ Factions
- ❌ Techs
- ❌ Planet Attachments
- 🍑 Agendas
- ❌ Action Cards
- 🍑 Leaders
- ❌ Status phase
- ✅ Score objectives
- ✅ Reveal objectives
- ❌ Display number of action cards to draw & tokens to receive.
- ❌ Agenda Phase (see below)
- ❌ Handle game end
- ❌ Personal views
- ✅ Frontend only personal views
- ✅ URL stored views
- ✅ Limit views to the current person
- ❌ Backend tracked personal views
- ❌ Personal undo
- ✅ Frontend only personal views
prio 0:
- ✅ Reveal agendas
- ✅ Skip vote / Force outcome (must include ability to discard agenda with no effect, i.e. 'Deadly Plot')
prio 1:
- ✅ Vote on objectives
- ❌ Speaker tiebreak
- ❌ Error handling for invalid agendas. (Should frontend filter these away or should the BE provide a filtered list or just report the error?)
prio 2:
- ❌ Secret objective scoring
- ✅ Track laws in play
- ✅ Repeal laws
- ❌ VPs from agenda cards (see "Score" bullet point)
- ❌ Show available votes (soft limit)
- ❌ Show voting order (but allow votes in any order)
- ✅ Veto (can be solved with Undo, but messes up time tracking)
Abilities that give extra votes (with a soft cap on castable votes, these aren't required)
- ❌ Argent Flight 'Zeal'
- ❌ Technology 'Predictive Intelligence'
- ❌ Action Card 'Distinguished Councillor' (play after voting)
- ❌ Action Card 'Bribery' (play after speaker votes)
- ❌ The Council Keleres Hero
Abilities that take away votes (affected players can abstain instead)
- ❌ Nekro Virus 'Galactic Threat'
- ❌ Action Card 'Assasinate Representative'
- ❌ Action Card 'Ancient Burial Sites'
- ❌ Action Card 'Deadly Plot'
- ❌ 'Rider' Action Cards
- ❌ Relic: 'Maw of Worlds'
- ❌ The Council Keleres Promisary
Abilities that affect voting order (with no limit on voting order, this is not required)
- ❌ Argent Flight 'Zeal'
- ❌ Action Card 'Hack Election'
Abilities that change outcome (can use force outcome feature instead)
- ❌ Action Card 'Confusing Legal Text'
- ❌ Action Card 'Confounding Legal Text'
- ❌ Action Card 'Deadly Plot'
Abilities that should be shown in GUI but does not need to affect logic
- ❌ The Mahact Gene Sorcerers 'Genetic Recombination' (affected player just casts votes normally)
- ❌ The Xxcha Kingdom faction veto (use regular veto)
- ❌ The Nomad 'Future Sight' (reminder to take 1 trade good)
- ❌ The Naalu Collective Agent (reminder to look at agenda deck)
- ❌ The Council Keleres Promisary (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ The Council Keleres Hero (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ Action Card 'Construction Rider' (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ Action Card 'Diplomacy Rider' (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ Action Card 'Leadership Rider' (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ Action Card 'Trade Rider' (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ Action Card 'Warfare Rider' (reminder to perform effect)
- ❌ Action Card 'Sanctions' (reminder to perform effect)
When vote is over (can use "admin view" instead)
- ❌ Action Card 'Politics Rider' (change speaker)
- ❌ Action Card 'Imperial Rider' (1 VP)
- ❌ Action Card 'Technology Rider' (research 1 tech)
- ❌ Nekro Virus 'Galactic Threat' (research 1 tech)
- ❌ Secret Objective 'Dictate Policy' (3 or more laws in play)
- ❌ Secret Objective 'Drive the Debate' (player is elected by agenda)
- ❌ Make things pretty (FE)
- ❌ Add ways of viewing full information in FE (e.g. seing what techs, action cards etc does rather than just their names)
- ❌ Add cheatsheets for things
- ❌ Strategy card abilities
- ❌ Add "current player/next player" view somehow
- ❌ Make things pretty (BE)
- ❌ Go over all technologies and see if we have missed any interactions
- ❌ Go over all action cards and see if we have missed any interactions
- ❌ Go over all objective cards and see if we have missed any interactions
- ❌ Go over all planets and see if we have missed any interactions
- ❌ Go over all factions and see if we have missed anything
- ❌ Test play with both this and OG ti-assistant