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  • AWS Serverless (Lambda) function that interacts with ResearchHub's ElasticSearch instance
  • Build using the Serverless Framework
  • Supports unit testing and debugging with Visual Studio Code


  1. Install Serverless Framework globally
npm install -g serverless
  1. Install NPM modules
npm install
  1. Obtain Temporary AWS credentials for UoA (Note: only valid for 1 hour): Running and testing locally will not succeed without AWS credentials. Instructions for accessing the credentials are on the Auckland Uni wiki.
  • Generated credentials are located in ~/.aws/credentials. Take note of the profile name for the credentials. Currently "saml" is the default profile at the time of writing this.
  • Passing in the aws credentials to the deploy and test commands can be done by adding arguments after a double dash to the run/test commands. This applies to any npm command. e.g.
  • Deploying with the default sandbox stage and saml profile: npm run deploy -- --aws-profile saml

Run locally

To run locally simply execute:

npm start -- --aws-profile <profile> --stage <stage>

Debug Locally

Inside Visual Studio Code hit F5 and select Debug as config file. Attach breakpoints as desired.


To run all unit tests once simply execute:

npm test -- --aws-profile <profile> --stage <stage>

Test and watch for changes

To run all unit tests and have them watch your files for changes:

npm run testw -- --aws-profile <profile> --stage <stage>

Deploy to AWS

To deploy to AWS execute:

  • By default it deploys to the dev stage if you don't provide a stage parameter
npm deploy -- --aws-profile <profile> --stage <stage>

Get info about existing deployment

To get information about the currently deployed endpoints, region, stage, layers and other things, execute:

sls info

For info on a specific stage, and AWS account profile, use the profile and stage flags. e.g.:

sls info --stage test --aws-profile uoa-its-nonprod

Invoke a deployed Lambda function running on AWS

sls invoke -f hub-search-proxy


Local Development

  • npm deploy and npm test will not run successfully without AWS credentials. These can be accessed on the Auckland Uni wiki here
  • Make sure that the credentials are located in ~/.aws/credentials and take note of the profile for the credentials. Currently saml is the default profile at the time of writing this.
  • If you wish to test with non-dev configurations you will also need to specify the --stage option as either sandbox (sandbox account), dev, test (nonprod account) or prod (prod account).
  • Passing in the aws credentials to the deploy and test commands can be done by adding arguments after a double dash to the run/test commands. This applies to any npm command.
  • Deploying with the default dev stage and saml profile: npm run deploy -- --aws-profile saml
  • Running tests with non-prod stage environment variables. npm run test -- --aws-profile saml --stage test
    • Environmental variables can be set in env/ which is used by serverless when deploying/testing lambda function.