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Releases: Unstructured-IO/unstructured


11 Oct 04:01
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  • Add document level language detection functionality. Adds the "auto" default for the languages param to all partitioners. The primary language present in the document is detected using the langdetect package. Additional param detect_language_per_element is also added for partitioners that return multiple elements. Defaults to False.
  • Refactor OCR code The OCR code for entire page is moved from unstructured-inference to unstructured. On top of continuing support for OCR language parameter, we also support two OCR processing modes, "entire_page" or "individual_blocks".
  • Align to top left when shrinking bounding boxes for xy-cut sorting: Update shrink_bbox() to keep top left rather than center.
  • Add visualization script to annotate elements This script is often used to analyze/visualize elements with coordinates (e.g. partition_pdf()).
  • Adds data source properties to the Jira, Github and Gitlab connectors These properties (date_created, date_modified, version, source_url, record_locator) are written to element metadata during ingest, mapping elements to information about the document source from which they derive. This functionality enables downstream applications to reveal source document applications, e.g. a link to a GDrive doc, Salesforce record, etc.
  • Improve title detection in pptx documents The default title textboxes on a pptx slide are now categorized as titles.
  • Improve hierarchy detection in pptx documents List items, and other slide text are properly nested under the slide title. This will enable better chunking of pptx documents.
  • Refactor of the ingest cli workflow The refactored approach uses a dynamically set pipeline with a snapshot along each step to save progress and accommodate continuation from a snapshot if an error occurs. This also allows the pipeline to dynamically assign any number of steps to modify the partitioned content before it gets written to a destination.
  • Applies max_characters=<n> argument to all element types in add_chunking_strategy decorator Previously this argument was only utilized in chunking Table elements and now applies to all partitioned elements if add_chunking_strategy decorator is utilized, further preparing the elements for downstream processing.
  • Add common retry strategy utilities for unstructured-ingest Dynamic retry strategy with exponential backoff added to Notion source connector.


  • Adds bag_of_words and percent_missing_text functions In order to count the word frequencies in two input texts and calculate the percentage of text missing relative to the source document.
  • Adds edit_distance calculation metrics In order to benchmark the cleaned, extracted text with unstructured, edit_distance (Levenshtein distance) is included.
  • Adds detection_origin field to metadata Problem: Currently isn't an easy way to find out how an element was created. With this change that information is added. Importance: With this information the developers and users are now able to know how an element was created to make decisions on how to use it. In order tu use this feature
  • Adds a function that calculates frequency of the element type and its depth To capture the accuracy of element type extraction, this function counts the occurrences of each unique element type with its depth for use in element metrics.


  • Fix zero division error in annotation bbox size This fixes the bug where we find annotation bboxes realted to an element that need to divide the intersection size between annotation bbox and element bbox by the size of the annotation bbox
  • Fix prevent metadata module from importing dependencies from unnecessary modules Problem: The metadata module had several top level imports that were only used in and applicable to code related to specific document types, while there were many general-purpose functions. As a result, general-purpose functions couldn't be used without unnecessary dependencies being installed. Fix: moved 3rd party dependency top level imports to inside the functions in which they are used and applied a decorator to check that the dependency is installed and emit a helpful error message if not.
  • Fixes category_depth None value for Title elements Problem: Title elements from chipper get category_depth= None even when Headline and/or Subheadline elements are present in the same page. Fix: all Title elements with category_depth = None should be set to have a depth of 0 instead iff there are Headline and/or Subheadline element-types present. Importance: Title elements should be equivalent html H1 when nested headings are present; otherwise, category_depth metadata can result ambiguous within elements in a page.
  • Tweak xy-cut ordering output to be more column friendly This results in the order of elements more closely reflecting natural reading order which benefits downstream applications. While element ordering from xy-cut is usually mostly correct when ordering multi-column documents, sometimes elements from a RHS column will appear before elements in a LHS column. Fix: add swapped xy-cut ordering by sorting by X coordinate first and then Y coordinate.
  • Fixes badly initialized Formula Problem: YoloX contain new types of elements, when loading a document that contain formulas a new element of that class
    should be generated, however the Formula class inherits from Element instead of Text. After this change the element is correctly created with the correct class
    allowing the document to be loaded. Fix: Change parent class for Formula to Text. Importance: Crucial to be able to load documents that contain formulas.
  • Fixes pdf uri error An error was encountered when URI type of GoToR which refers to pdf resources outside of its own was detected since no condition catches such case. The code is fixing the issue by initialize URI before any condition check.


05 Oct 02:18
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  • Adds XLSX document level language detection Enhancing on top of language detection functionality in previous release, we now support language detection within .xlsx file type at Element level.
  • bump unstructured-inference to 0.6.6 The updated version of unstructured-inference makes table extraction in hi_res mode configurable to fine tune table extraction performance; it also improves element detection by adding a deduplication post processing step in the hi_res partitioning of pdfs and images.
  • Detect text in HTML Heading Tags as Titles This will increase the accuracy of hierarchies in HTML documents and provide more accurate element categorization. If text is in an HTML heading tag and is not a list item, address, or narrative text, categorize it as a title.
  • Update python-based docs Refactor docs to use the actual unstructured code rather than using the subprocess library to run the cli command itself.
  • Adds data source properties to SharePoint, Outlook, Onedrive, Reddit, and Slack connectors These properties (date_created, date_modified, version, source_url, record_locator) are written to element metadata during ingest, mapping elements to information about the document source from which they derive. This functionality enables downstream applications to reveal source document applications, e.g. a link to a GDrive doc, Salesforce record, etc.
  • Adds Table support for the add_chunking_strategy decorator to partition functions. In addition to combining elements under Title elements, user's can now specify the max_characters=<n> argument to chunk Table elements into TableChunk elements with text and text_as_html of length characters. This means partitioned Table results are ready for use in downstream applications without any post processing.
  • Expose endpoint url for s3 connectors By allowing for the endpoint url to be explicitly overwritten, this allows for any non-AWS data providers supporting the s3 protocol to be supported (i.e. minio).
  • change default hi_res model for pdf/image partition to yolox Now partitioning pdf/image using hi_res strategy utilizes yolox_quantized model isntead of detectron2_onnx model. This new default model has better recall for tables and produces more detailed categories for elements.
  • XLSX can now reads subtables within one sheet Problem: Many .xlsx files are not created to be read as one full table per sheet. There are subtables, text and header along with more informations to extract from each sheet. Feature: This partition_xlsx now can reads subtable(s) within one .xlsx sheet, along with extracting other title and narrative texts. Importance: This enhance the power of .xlsx reading to not only one table per sheet, allowing user to capture more data tables from the file, if exists.
  • Update Documentation on Element Types and Metadata: We have updated the documentation according to the latest element types and metadata. It includes the common and additional metadata provided by the Partitions and Connectors.


  • Fixes partition_pdf is_alnum reference bug Problem: The partition_pdf when attempt to get bounding box from element experienced a reference before assignment error when the first object is not text extractable. Fix: Switched to a flag when the condition is met. Importance: Crucial to be able to partition with pdf.
  • Fix various cases of HTML text missing after partition
    Problem: Under certain circumstances, text immediately after some HTML tags will be misssing from partition result.
    Fix: Updated code to deal with these cases.
    Importance: This will ensure the correctness when partitioning HTML and Markdown documents.
  • Fixes chunking when detection_class_prob appears in Element metadata Problem: when detection_class_prob appears in Element metadata, Elements will only be combined by chunk_by_title if they have the same detection_class_prob value (which is rare). This is unlikely a case we ever need to support and most often results in no chunking. Fix: detection_class_prob is included in the chunking list of metadata keys excluded for similarity comparison. Importance: This change allows chunk_by_title to operate as intended for documents which include detection_class_prob metadata in their Elements.


29 Sep 06:10
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  • Better detection of natural reading order in images and PDF's The elements returned by partition better reflect natural reading order in some cases, particularly in complicated multi-column layouts, leading to better chunking and retrieval for downstream applications. Achieved by improving the xy-cut sorting to preprocess bboxes, shrinking all bounding boxes by 90% along x and y axes (still centered around the same center point), which allows projection lines to be drawn where not possible before if layout bboxes overlapped.
  • Improves partition_xml to be faster and more memory efficient when partitioning large XML files The new behavior is to partition iteratively to prevent loading the entire XML tree into memory at once in most use cases.
  • Adds data source properties to SharePoint, Outlook, Onedrive, Reddit, Slack, and DeltaTable connectors These properties (date_created, date_modified, version, source_url, record_locator) are written to element metadata during ingest, mapping elements to information about the document source from which they derive. This functionality enables downstream applications to reveal source document applications, e.g. a link to a GDrive doc, Salesforce record, etc.
  • Add functionality to save embedded images in PDF's separately as images This allows users to save embedded images in PDF's separately as images, given some directory path. The saved image path is written to the metadata for the Image element. Downstream applications may benefit by providing users with image links from relevant "hits."
  • Azure Cognitive Search destination connector New Azure Cognitive Search destination connector added to ingest CLI. Users may now use unstructured-ingest to write partitioned data from over 20 data sources (so far) to an Azure Cognitive Search index.
  • Improves salesforce partitioning Partitions Salesforce data as xlm instead of text for improved detail and flexibility. Partitions htmlbody instead of textbody for Salesforce emails. Importance: Allows all Salesforce fields to be ingested and gives Salesforce emails more detailed partitioning.
  • Add document level language detection functionality. Introduces the "auto" default for the languages param, which then detects the languages present in the document using the langdetect package. Adds the document languages as ISO 639-3 codes to the element metadata. Implemented only for the partition_text function to start.
  • PPTX partitioner refactored in preparation for enhancement. Behavior should be unchanged except that shapes enclosed in a group-shape are now included, as many levels deep as required (a group-shape can itself contain a group-shape).
  • Embeddings support for the SharePoint SourceConnector via unstructured-ingest CLI The SharePoint connector can now optionally create embeddings from the elements it pulls out during partition and upload those embeddings to Azure Cognitive Search index.
  • Improves hierarchy from docx files by leveraging natural hierarchies built into docx documents Hierarchy can now be detected from an indentation level for list bullets/numbers and by style name (e.g. Heading 1, List Bullet 2, List Number).
  • Chunking support for the SharePoint SourceConnector via unstructured-ingest CLI The SharePoint connector can now optionally chunk the elements pulled out during partition via the chunking unstructured brick. This can be used as a stage before creating embeddings.


  • Adds links metadata in partition_pdf for fast strategy. Problem: PDF files contain rich information and hyperlink that Unstructured did not captured earlier. Feature: partition_pdf now can capture embedded links within the file along with its associated text and page number. Importance: Providing depth in extracted elements give user a better understanding and richer context of documents. This also enables user to map to other elements within the document if the hyperlink is refered internally.
  • Adds the embedding module to be able to embed Elements Problem: Many NLP applications require the ability to represent parts of documents in a semantic way. Until now, Unstructured did not have text embedding ability within the core library. Feature: This embedding module is able to track embeddings related data with a class, embed a list of elements, and return an updated list of Elements with the embeddings property. The module is also able to embed query strings. Importance: Ability to embed documents or parts of documents will enable users to make use of these semantic representations in different NLP applications, such as search, retrieval, and retrieval augmented generation.


  • Fixes a metadata source serialization bug Problem: In unstructured elements, when loading an elements json file from the disk, the data_source attribute is assumed to be an instance of DataSourceMetadata and the code acts based on that. However the loader did not satisfy the assumption, and loaded it as a dict instead, causing an error. Fix: Added necessary code block to initialize a DataSourceMetadata object, also refactored DataSourceMetadata.from_dict() method to remove redundant code. Importance: Crucial to be able to load elements (which have data_source fields) from json files.
  • Fixes issue where unstructured-inference was not getting updated Problem: unstructured-inference was not getting upgraded to the version to match unstructured release when doing a pip install. Solution: using pip install unstructured[all-docs] it will now upgrade both unstructured and unstructured-inference. Importance: This will ensure that the inference library is always in sync with the unstructured library, otherwise users will be using outdated libraries which will likely lead to unintended behavior.
  • Fixes SharePoint connector failures if any document has an unsupported filetype Problem: Currently the entire connector ingest run fails if a single IngestDoc has an unsupported filetype. This is because a ValueError is raised in the IngestDoc's __post_init__. Fix: Adds a try/catch when the IngestConnector runs get_ingest_docs such that the error is logged but all processable documents->IngestDocs are still instantiated and returned. Importance: Allows users to ingest SharePoint content even when some files with unsupported filetypes exist there.
  • Fixes Sharepoint connector server_path issue Problem: Server path for the Sharepoint Ingest Doc was incorrectly formatted, causing issues while fetching pages from the remote source. Fix: changes formatting of remote file path before instantiating SharepointIngestDocs and appends a '/' while fetching pages from the remote source. Importance: Allows users to fetch pages from Sharepoint Sites.
  • Fixes badly initialized Formula Problem: YoloX contain new types of elements, when loading a document that contain formulas a new element of that class
    should be generated, however the Formula class inherits from Element instead of Text. After this change the element is correctly created with the correct class
    allowing the document to be loaded. Fix: Change parent class for Formula to Text. Importance: Crucial to be able to load documents that contain formulas.
  • Fixes Sphinx errors. Fixes errors when running Sphinx make html and installs library to suppress warnings.
  • Fixes a metadata backwards compatibility error Problem: When calling partition_via_api, the hosted api may return an element schema that's newer than the current unstructured. In this case, metadata fields were added which did not exist in the local ElementMetadata dataclass, and __init__() threw an error. Fix: remove nonexistent fields before instantiating in ElementMetadata.from_json(). Importance: Crucial to avoid breaking changes when adding fields.
  • Fixes issue with Discord connector when a channel returns None Problem: Getting the jump_url from a nonexistent Discord channel fails. Fix: property jump_url is now retrieved within the same context as the messages from the channel. Importance: Avoids cascading issues when the connector fails to fetch information about a Discord channel.
  • Fixes occasionally SIGABTR when writing table with deltalake on Linux Problem: occasionally on Linux ingest can throw a SIGABTR when writing deltalake table even though the table was written correctly. Fix: put the writing function into a Process to ensure its execution to the fullest extent before returning to the main process. Importance: Improves stability of connectors using deltalake


20 Sep 02:30
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  • Adds data source properties to Airtable, Confluence, Discord, Elasticsearch, Google Drive, and Wikipedia connectors These properties (date_created, date_modified, version, source_url, record_locator) are written to element metadata during ingest, mapping elements to information about the document source from which they derive. This functionality enables downstream applications to reveal source document applications, e.g. a link to a GDrive doc, Salesforce record, etc.
  • DOCX partitioner refactored in preparation for enhancement. Behavior should be unchanged except in multi-section documents containing different headers/footers for different sections. These will now emit all distinct headers and footers encountered instead of just those for the last section.
  • Add a function to map between Tesseract and standard language codes. This allows users to input language information to the languages param in any Tesseract-supported langcode or any ISO 639 standard language code.



  • *Fixes an issue that caused a partition error for some PDF's. Fixes GH Issue 1460 by bypassing a coordinate check if an element has invalid coordinates.


16 Sep 01:27
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  • Support for better element categories from the next-generation image-to-text model ("chipper"). Previously, not all of the classifications from Chipper were being mapped to proper unstructured element categories so the consumer of the library would see many UncategorizedText elements. This fixes the issue, improving the granularity of the element categories outputs for better downstream processing and chunking. The mapping update is:
    • "Threading": NarrativeText
    • "Form": NarrativeText
    • "Field-Name": Title
    • "Value": NarrativeText
    • "Link": NarrativeText
    • "Headline": Title (with category_depth=1)
    • "Subheadline": Title (with category_depth=2)
    • "Abstract": NarrativeText
  • Better ListItem grouping for PDF's (fast strategy). The partition_pdf with fast strategy previously broke down some numbered list item lines as separate elements. This enhancement leverages the x,y coordinates and bbox sizes to help decide whether the following chunk of text is a continuation of the immediate previous detected ListItem element or not, and not detect it as its own non-ListItem element.
  • Fall back to text-based classification for uncategorized Layout elements for Images and PDF's. Improves element classification by running existing text-based rules on previously UncategorizedText elements.
  • Adds table partitioning for Partitioning for many doc types including: .html, .epub., .md, .rst, .odt, and .msg. At the core of this change is the .html partition functionality, which is leveraged by the other effected doc types. This impacts many scenarios where Table Elements are now propery extracted.
  • Create and add add_chunking_strategy decorator to partition functions. Previously, users were responsible for their own chunking after partitioning elements, often required for downstream applications. Now, individual elements may be combined into right-sized chunks where min and max character size may be specified if chunking_strategy=by_title. Relevant elements are grouped together for better downstream results. This enables users immediately use partitioned results effectively in downstream applications (e.g. RAG architecture apps) without any additional post-processing.
  • Adds languages as an input parameter and marks ocr_languages kwarg for deprecation in pdf, image, and auto partitioning functions. Previously, language information was only being used for Tesseract OCR for image-based documents and was in a Tesseract specific string format, but by refactoring into a list of standard language codes independent of Tesseract, the unstructured library will better support languages for other non-image pipelines and/or support for other OCR engines.
  • Removes UNSTRUCTURED_LANGUAGE env var usage and replaces language with languages as an input parameter to unstructured-partition-text_type functions. The previous parameter/input setup was not user-friendly or scalable to the variety of elements being processed. By refactoring the inputted language information into a list of standard language codes, we can support future applications of the element language such as detection, metadata, and multi-language elements. Now, to skip English specific checks, set the languages parameter to any non-English language(s).
  • Adds xlsx and xls filetype extensions to the skip_infer_table_types default list in partition. By adding these file types to the input parameter these files should not go through table extraction. Users can still specify if they would like to extract tables from these filetypes, but will have to set the skip_infer_table_types to exclude the desired filetype extension. This avoids mis-representing complex spreadsheets where there may be multiple sub-tables and other content.
  • Better debug output related to sentence counting internals. Clarify message when sentence is not counted toward sentence count because there aren't enough words, relevant for developers focused on unstructureds NLP internals.
  • Faster ocr_only speed for partitioning PDF and images. Use unstructured_pytesseract.run_and_get_multiple_output function to reduce the number of calls to tesseract by half when partitioning pdf or image with tesseract
  • Adds data source properties to fsspec connectors These properties (date_created, date_modified, version, source_url, record_locator) are written to element metadata during ingest, mapping elements to information about the document source from which they derive. This functionality enables downstream applications to reveal source document applications, e.g. a link to a GDrive doc, Salesforce record, etc.
  • Add delta table destination connector New delta table destination connector added to ingest CLI. Users may now use unstructured-ingest to write partitioned data from over 20 data sources (so far) to a Delta Table.
  • Rename to Source and Destination Connectors in the Documentation. Maintain naming consistency between Connectors codebase and documentation with the first addition to a destination connector.
  • Non-HTML text files now return unstructured-elements as opposed to HTML-elements. Previously the text based files that went through partition_html would return HTML-elements but now we preserve the format from the input using source_format argument in the partition call.
  • Adds PaddleOCR as an optional alternative to Tesseract for OCR in processing of PDF or Image files, it is installable via the makefile command install-paddleocr. For experimental purposes only.
  • Bump unstructured-inference to 0.5.28. This version bump markedly improves the output of table data, rendered as metadata.text_as_html in an element. These changes include:
    • add env variable ENTIRE_PAGE_OCR to specify using paddle or tesseract on entire page OCR
    • table structure detection now pads the input image by 25 pixels in all 4 directions to improve its recall (0.5.27)
    • support paddle with both cpu and gpu and assume it is pre-installed (0.5.26)
    • fix a bug where cells_to_html doesn't handle cells spanning multiple rows properly (0.5.25)
    • remove cv2 preprocessing step before OCR step in table transformer (0.5.24)


  • Adds element metadata via category_depth with default value None.
    • This additional metadata is useful for vectordb/LLM, chunking strategies, and retrieval applications.
  • Adds a naive hierarchy for elements via a parent_id on the element's metadata
    • Users will now have more metadata for implementing vectordb/LLM chunking strategies. For example, text elements could be queried by their preceding title element.
    • Title elements created from HTML headings will properly nest


  • add_pytesseract_bboxes_to_elements no longer returns nan values. The function logic is now broken into new methods
    _get_element_box and convert_multiple_coordinates_to_new_system
  • Selecting a different model wasn't being respected when calling partition_image. Problem: partition_pdf allows for passing a model_name parameter. Given the similarity between the image and PDF pipelines, the expected behavior is that partition_image should support the same parameter, but partition_image was unintentionally not passing along its kwargs. This was corrected by adding the kwargs to the downstream call.
  • Fixes a chunking issue via dropping the field "coordinates". Problem: chunk_by_title function was chunking each element to its own individual chunk while it needed to group elements into a fewer number of chunks. We've discovered that this happens due to a metadata matching logic in chunk_by_title function, and discovered that elements with different metadata can't be put into the same chunk. At the same time, any element with "coordinates" essentially had different metadata than other elements, due each element locating in different places and having different coordinates. Fix: That is why we have included the key "coordinates" inside a list of excluded metadata keys, while doing this "metadata_matches" comparision. Importance: This change is crucial to be able to chunk by title for documents which include "coordinates" metadata in their elements.


11 Sep 19:28
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  • Update all connectors to use new downstream architecture
    • New click type added to parse comma-delimited string inputs
    • Some CLI options renamed


11 Sep 02:31
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  • Updated documentation: Added back support doc types for partitioning, more Python codes in the API page, RAG definition, and use case.
  • Updated Hi-Res Metadata: PDFs and Images using Hi-Res strategy now have layout model class probabilities added ot metadata.
  • Updated the _detect_filetype_from_octet_stream() function to use libmagic to infer the content type of file when it is not a zip file.
  • Tesseract minor version bump to 5.3.2


  • Add Jira Connector to be able to pull issues from a Jira organization
  • Add clean_ligatures function to expand ligatures in text


  • partition_html breaks on <br> elements.
  • Ingest error handling to properly raise errors when wrapped
  • GH issue 1361: fixes a sortig error that prevented some PDF's from being parsed
  • Bump unstructured-inference
    • Brings back embedded images in PDF's (0.5.23)


04 Sep 02:10
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  • Removed PIL pin as issue has been resolved upstream
  • Bump unstructured-inference
    • Support for yolox_quantized layout detection model (0.5.20)
  • YoloX element types added


  • Add Salesforce Connector to be able to pull Account, Case, Campaign, EmailMessage, Lead


  • Bump unstructured-inference
    • Avoid divide-by-zero errors swith safe_division (0.5.21)


01 Sep 04:30
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  • Bump unstructured-inference
    • Combine entire-page OCR output with layout-detected elements, to ensure full coverage of the page (0.5.19)


  • Add in ingest cli s3 writer


  • Fix a bug where xy-cut sorting attemps to sort elements without valid coordinates; now xy cut sorting only works when all elements have valid coordinates


31 Aug 02:14
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  • Adds text as an input parameter to partition_xml.
  • partition_xml no longer runs through partition_text, avoiding incorrect splitting
    on carriage returns in the XML. Since partition_xml no longer calls partition_text,
    min_partition and max_partition are no longer supported in partition_xml.
  • Bump unstructured-inference==0.5.18, change non-default detectron2 classification threshold
  • Upgrade base image from rockylinux 8 to rockylinux 9
  • Serialize IngestDocs to JSON when passing to subprocesses



  • Fix a bug where mismatched elements and bboxes are passed into add_pytesseract_bbox_to_elements