diff --git a/pages/wg/dei.md b/pages/wg/dei.md index 1a2df8d83..a7be63cf9 100644 --- a/pages/wg/dei.md +++ b/pages/wg/dei.md @@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ set_last_modified: true The US-RSE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) working group is dedicated to supporting DEI through education, outreach, and more as described in [our mission statement]({{ site.baseurl }}/about/dei-mission). Those interested in contributing to this goal are encouraged to join in our bi-weekly Zoom meetings. +# Getting involved + To get involved with the DEI working group, visit the [`#dei-discussion`](https://usrse.slack.com/messages/dei-discussion) channel on the US-RSE slack, or contact the DEI working group list. +Suggestions for media, other resources (such as guides), speakers, and +future activities can also be submitted through this form: +[Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Suggestions](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtCVAmJnUQCKnIXdn93xN5e9_zCQkrVdQsnPOiSBIcptma6w/viewform) # Work Products @@ -33,6 +38,18 @@ The US-RSE DEI working group hosts monthly DEI Media Club discussions in which w These are announced via the [`#events`](https://usrse.slack.com/messages/events) and [`#dei-discussion`](https://usrse.slack.com/messages/dei-discussion) channels on the US-RSE slack, as well as in monthly newsletters, and are hosted virtually via Zoom. +## Resources for DEI in RSE + +As part of its efforts, the US-RSE DEI working group is developing +a curated collection of resources for improving diversity, equity, +and inclusion specifically within the research software engineering community. +The list of resources can be found here: +[RSE-specific DEI resources](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRwwTmM29KHDXd7s5clv1EcwITxPMNi7yIyaBUS_rwvJw87yHqgMDJU-kANFZQ1W2y3sz9GHoizmh7v/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true) + +Please feel free to suggest additional media +and other resources through this form: +[Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Suggestions](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtCVAmJnUQCKnIXdn93xN5e9_zCQkrVdQsnPOiSBIcptma6w/viewform) + ## US-RSE Spanish Webpage Translation The US-RSE DEI working group is spearheading an effort to translate the US-RSE webpage into Spanish in order to broaden accessibility to a wider audience. This is an ongoing effort. To get involved, visit the [`#dei-discussion`](https://usrse.slack.com/messages/dei-discussion) channel on the US-RSE slack.