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Scientific publication venues for ledger science

Johan Pouwelse edited this page Oct 14, 2020 · 66 revisions


Conference Notes / Key words / Relevance Deadline
Usenix NSDI General networked systems 10.09.2020
ICISSP Identity and Trust Management, Distributed Ledgers and Blockchain Technologies and Applications 14.09.2020
DICG Our workshop, Distributed algorithms, Trust and reputation systems, Decentralization 21.09.2020
P2P Financial Systems Economics, financial systems 25.09.2020
EuroSys General computer systems, distributed systems 09.10.2020
AAMAS Multi-agent Systems, Markets, Auctions and Non-Cooperative Game Theory, Social Choice 09.10.2020
SIGMETRICS Quantitative measurements, evaluations of systems/algorithms 16.10.2020 / 29.01.2021
Special Issue on Blockchain for Peer-to-Peer Computing Blockchain, peer-to-peer systems 30.10.2020
STOC Theory, distributed algorithms 06.11.2020
Usenix ATC Systems ~ ??.01.2021
ACM HPDC High-performance Distributed computing, networks ~ ??.01.2021
IFIP Networking Network architectures, modelling, analysis 07.01.2021
ICALP Theory, distributed computing 12.02.2020
DISCOTEC - DAIS Distributed applications, blockchains ~ ??.02.2021
SIGCOMM Networks, networked systems ~ ??.02.2021
EUROPAR General distributed computing ~ ??.02.2021
ACM SPAA Distributed algorithms, data structures ~ ??.02.2021
PODC Theory, distributed computing, blockchains ~ ??.02.2021
DEBS Distributed computing, ledgers, blockchains ~ ??.03.2021
ICCCN Computer networks (design and implementation) 20.03.2020
FOCS Theory, distributed computing 14.04.2020
ESA Theory, algorithms, distributed computing 29.04.2020
ISPDC Distributed architectures, applications and algorithms 11.05.2020
DISC Theory, distributed computing, blockchain protocols, game-theoretic approaches 14.05.2020
SAGT Game theory, trust/reputation systems 19.05.2020
OSDI Operating systems, distributed systems 27.05.2020
IEEE Globecom General networking systems 29.05.2020
SRDS Distributed systems 29.05.2020
Middleware Systems, networking, P2P, blockchains 03.06.2020
ICDCS Distributed algorithms, distributed systems, blockchains 15.06.2020
ISAAC General algorithms, including distributed 29.06.2020
CoNEXT Network architectures, content distribution 29.06.2020
ICDCN General distributed computing 03.07.2020
Siam SODA Algorithmic aspects of CS, discrete algorithms, distributed computing, networks 13.07.2020
SSS Self-stabilization, distributed data structures, P2P networks 03.08.2020
IEEE INFOCOM Computer communications, networking, P2P networks 15.08.2020
OPODIS General distributed systems: distributed algorithms, computing, blockchains 05.09.2020
IEEE NCA Network computing, including blockchains 07.09.2020


Journal special issues(OLD):


Broad and for systems research in general:

  • March 6, 2020 COINS (IoT conference, might be a target for TrustChain re-sell?)

Specifically on distributed ledgers or networking:

Prior events: