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31 lines (29 loc) · 1.37 KB


File metadata and controls

31 lines (29 loc) · 1.37 KB

This is a short hack to convert the data from EDCS into a CSV. Select the search result and paste into word.

  1. Copy paste the selection from EDCS with formatting
  2. Replace “^l” with |
  3. Replace “Publikation: “ with nothing, to delete
  4. Replace “Datierung: “ with nothing, to delete
  5. Replace “ bis ” with |
  6. Replace “ EDCS-ID: “ with |
  7. Replace “Provinz: “ with nothing to delete
  8. Replace “ Ort: ” with |
  9. Replace “Inschriftengattung / Personenstatus: “ with nothing to delete
  10. Replace “Material: ” with noting to delete
  11. Clean the EDCS conventions. Replace all: “[6]” to “[- - - - -]” “[3]” to “[- - -]” “[3” to “[- - - “ “3]” to “ - - -]”
  12. Ctrl A  Ctrl X  Ctrl V without formatting. (This deletes the links and images)
  13. Enter the headers line: Reference|Date start|Date end|EDCS-ID|Provincia|Place|Text|Attributes|Material|Commentary
  14. Ctrl A  Ctrl C
  15. open new excel sheet
  16. Ctrl V into field A1
  17. Open tab Data
  18. Select Text to Columns
  19. Select Delimited and Next
  20. Check the box “Other” and enter |
  21. Next and finish to get the data into columns

As some inscriptions have more information than others there are columns with different types of data. When converting the rows and columns into a table we can order and curate the data.