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Simple i18n library with type defs and some in-string type syntax.

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This package started as a module in several projects,
becoming a standalone more out of a desire to not reproduce code as much as possible!

This module is a PureESM package,
desiring to stay as current as possible in addition to maintaining maximum coverage & code exercise.

This is an implementation and refactor of this project.s


There are 2 parameters:

  • map of locales w/ string,string objects.
  • locale you want to use right now

What this lets you do is feed in all the values you use, maybe from a shareable json, shared config, or some sort of dynamically imported list.

Some things we support:

  • Template replacement for dynamic labels
  • Strings or Numbers being replaced
  • Allows you to still "i18n" strings that aren't yet added to your list
  • Passing an object to populate with warnings
  • Type suggesting & fractional digit bounding.

Some goals:

  • Staying as small as possible. I want to do this with no extraneous (or ideally no at all) dependencies.
  • Keeping your experience consistent. As part of this, I leverage semantic-release

Some things I want to add:

  • adding a warning.json or some sort of shareable output for strings that have been run through the system that haven't been translated
  • Even more coverage
  • Anything the community needs to make your i18n experience easier!

Some examples are in the src/test/i18n.spec.js file.


import use from 'i18n-string-templates';

const locales = {
  en: {
    sample: 'sample',
    '{0} debates {1}': '{0} debattes {1}',
  zh: {
    sample: '样本',
    '{0} debates {1}': '{0}与{1}辩论',

// with english
let i18n = use(locales, 'en');
console.log(i18n`sample`); // outputs: sample
console.log(i18n`${'joe'} debates ${'tom'}`); // outputs: joe debattes tom
console.log(i18n`john needs ${241/12}:n(3) units of blood`) //outputs: john needs 20.083 units of blood

// with something else, like Simplified Chinese
i18n = use(locales, 'zh');
console.log(i18n`sample`); // outputs: 样本
console.log(i18n`${'约翰'} debates ${'刘易斯'}`); // outputs: 约翰与刘易斯辩论
console.log(i18n`john needs ${241/12}:n(3) units of blood`) //outputs: john needs 20.083 units of blood

// with a warnings object that you can access
const warnings = { untranslated: {} };
i18n = use(locales, 'en', { warnings });
console.log(i18n`non-extant`); // outputs: non-extant
console.log(JSON.stringify(warnings.untranslated)); //outputs: {"non-extant":"non-extant"}

Specifying "types"

We include a rudimentary "type" forcing syntax for forcing a type on a template parameter.

Suffix Type
:s String
:n(x) Number


  • Node 14+
  • You're using a Pure ESM package. You cannot require() this package.

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