qContainers is a container library for Fortran language. It enables to store any internal Fortran data type and any derived data type to the container. The library wraps a subset of containers from qLibc library for C language.
Following containers are implemented currently:
- Containers for Key/Value pairs
- Tree Table (qtreetbl) --- in binary tree (left-leaning red-black tree) data structure.
- Hash Table (qhashtbl) --- in hash-based data structure.
- Containers for Objects
- List (qlist) --- Doubly Linked List.
- Vector (qvector) --- implements a growable array of elements.
The library uses some features of Fortran 2003, therefore, a relatively new compiler version is required. Compiler directives, like NO_ARG_CHECK in case of Gfortran, are used to enable storing of any type to the containers. The containers were tested with Gfortran, Intel, PGI and Oracle Fortran compilers.
qContainers is published under 2-clause BSD license known as Simplified BSD License. Please refer the LICENSE.txt document included in the repository for more details.
All container APIs have a consistent look and feel. Type-bound procedures are used to make the use of the containers more convenient.
An example below illustrates how it looks like.
subroutine colors()
use qtreetbl_m
implicit none
type(qtreetbl_t) :: col
integer :: val(3)
integer :: ret_val(3)
integer :: ns
logical :: found
! Determine the size in bytes we need to save
ns = storage_size(val) / 8 * size(val)
! Create a new tree-table
call col%new(ns)
! Put some values
val = [255, 0, 0]
call col%put("red", val)
val = [0, 255, 0]
call col%put("green", val)
! Retrieve value
call col%get("red", ret_val, found)
print *, "red color = ", ret_val
end subroutine
Read INSTALL.md file.
There is no separate documentation available currently. However, the library has rather extensive test-cases from which users can learn how to use the library.
You can contribute to this project by reporting bugs, suggesting new features, implementing new features/containers, writing documentation/tutorial or simply by spreading the word about it.