A named entity recognition model for Arabic text to recognize persons, locations, and organizations
This a model that aims at recognizing different entities (persons, locations, organizations, and generic miscellaneous) in a given Arabic text using natural language processing techniques and with the help of Long-Short Term Memory recurrent neural network. The model scored 94.8% accuracy on test data.
The dataset used was the AQMAR Arabic Wikipedia Named Entity Corpus that was provided by Behrang Mohit, Nathan Schneider, Rishav Bhowmick, Kemal Oflazer, and Noah Smith as part of the AQMAR project.
The dataset is a collection of Arabic Wikipedia pages about different topics. Each topic is in a separate text file that contains one Arabic word per line and its entity tag.
The entity tags are:
- B-PER and I-PER for persons
- B-LOC and I-LOC for locations
- B-ORG and I-ORG for organizations
- B-MIS and I-MIS for generic miscellaneous
- O which means out of the problem context
العصر B-MIS1
الذهبي I-MIS1
للإسلام O
تمتد O
لغاية O
القرن O
الرابع O
عشر O
و O
الخامس O
عشر O
الميلادي O
. O
The cleaning process was split into two operations; cleaning tags, and cleaning the text itself.
According to the dataset documentation:
Each article was tagged by 1 of 2 annotators. Annotators were encouraged to devise up to 3 article-specific entity classes to supplement the traditional four (PERson, ORGanization, LOCation, and generic MIScellaneous); these custom categories are summarized below each article.
This resulted in more tags that we aren’t interested in such as: B-ENGLISH, or MISX (where X is a digit) that means different entity across topics.
A function was created to normalize all tags and fix misspelled tags as well.
Arabic text cleaning is bigger than cleaning normal Latin text due to more letter forms, and more punctuation and tashkeel (تشكيل) characters. Cleaning Steps:
- Remove Tashkeel
- Remove Longation
- Normalizing Arabic words by removing/replacing some characters.
After some investigations it was found that the provided dataset suffers from an unbalanced data problem. The tags that we are interested in combined represent 12.7% only of the whole data, while the remaining 87.3% are tagged as ‘O’.
But this problem is due to the nature of data itself; a normal Arabic sentence would contain two or three nouns at most and the rest of the sentence is just verbs, adjectives, or other out of the problem context words.
Thus, I had to be very careful while choosing the right sequence size for the LSTM model. I have 2,687 sentences and the max sentence length was 290 words. After applying some recleaning process the max sentence length became 271 words, and 83% of the sentences are 40 words or less. So, I chose 40 to be the sequence length.
The model consist of embedding layer, one LSTM layer, and a distributed output layer. For the embedding layer, I used AraVec (300d) model weights. AraVec was provided by Abu Bakr Soliman, Kareem Eissa, and Samhaa R.El-Beltagy.
The model scored nearly 94.75 for all train, validation, and test data. Check model summary below:
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
embedding (Embedding) (None, 40, 300) 5244300
lstm (LSTM) (None, 40, 300) 721200
time_distributed (TimeDistr (None, 40, 9) 2709
Total params: 5,968,209
Trainable params: 723,909
Non-trainable params: 5,244,300
lstm_predict('منشئ المسجد هو أحمد بن طولون مؤسس الدولة الطولونية في مصر والشام، تعود أصوله إلى قبيلة التغزغز التركية، وكانت أُسرته تقيم في بخاري.')
منشئ : O
المسجد : O
هو : O
أحمد : B-PER
بن : I-PER
طولون : I-PER
مؤسس : O
الدولة : B-LOC
الطولونية : O
في : O
مصر : O
والشام، : B-LOC
تعود : O
أصوله : O
إلى : O
قبيلة : O
التغزغز : O
التركية، : O
وكانت : O
أُسرته : O
تقيم : O
في : O
بخاري. : B-LOC
Tags: Python, Numpy, Regex, LSTM, RNN, NN, AraVec, Gensim, TensorFlow