rxloop = Redux + redux-observable.
RxJS-based predictable state management container, ultra-lightweight "Redux + redux-observable" architecture.
- Facilitate the abstract front-end domain model, free choice of multi-state or single state tree;
- Easy to learn and use: Only four apis, friendly to Redux and RxJS;
- Isolation side effects: using the asynchronous processing capabilities of RxJS, free combination, cancel AJAX and other asynchronous calls in the Pipes;
- Extensions RxJS: rxloop can be cascaded into RxJS data pipelines, eventually distributing multiple data pipes.
Via npm:
$ npm install @rxloop/core
Or yarn
$ yarn add @rxloop/core
Or introduced through CDN
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@rxloop/[email protected]/dist/rxloop.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
var app = rxloopCore();
name: 'user',
state: { name: 'wxnet' }
import rxloop from '@rxloop/core';
// Create a globally unique app in one application
const app = rxloop();
// In the application,
// you can create multiple business models,
// such as the following user and counter models
name: 'user',
state: { name: 'wxnet' }
name: 'counter',
state: {
counter: 0,
reducers: {
inc(state) {
return {
counter: state.counter + 1
dec(state) {
return {
counter: state.counter - 1
// Subscribe to the status of the counter model at the View level,
// When the model state changes,
// use View layer framework-related methods to synchronize View updates,
// such as React's setState method
app.stream('counter').subscribe((state) => {
// this.setState(state);
// In the view layer,
// you can dispatch an action via the dispatch method
// Action updates the model state via pipes or reducers
type: 'counter/inc',
type: 'counter/inc',
type: 'counter/dec',
For more features such as asynchronous requests, cancellation requests, etc., you can read through the documentation 👇.