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Sebastian Krätzig
Jan 6, 2022
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Zabbix TeamSpeak Template

CI Tests

This repository allows you to monitor your TeamSpeak servers using Zabbix.

"Zabbix is a mature and effortless enterprise-class open source monitoring solution for network monitoring and application monitoring of millions of metrics." -

I would like to share this with you - the community - in order to further improve it together and build something great.

Table of Contents


  • Zabbix server (version 5.0 or 5.2)
  • Linux based TeamSpeak server (version 3.0 or newer)
  • Linux package sudo on the Linux host, where the TeamSpeak server is running on


  • ServerQuery protocol raw (telnet)

Monitored Data


The template is fetching a lot of information. For the full list, please check the template by your own.

Below some interesting items:

  • TS3 Instance Platform (eg. Linux)
  • TS3 Instance Build (eg. 1608128225)
  • TS3 Instance Version (eg. 3.13.3)
  • TS3 Instance Uptime (eg. 100 days, 10:20:21)
  • TS3 Latest Available Version (eg. 3.13.5)
  • TS3 Clients online (eg. 61 Clients)
  • TS3 Instance Database Version (eg. 34)
  • TS3 Instance Permissions Version (eg. 24)
  • TS3 Instance ServerQuery Port reachable (eg. Up (1))
  • TS3 License Type (eg. Activation License)
  • TS3 License Max. Slots (eg. 512)
  • TS3 License Max. Virtual Servers (eg. 10)
  • TS3 License Expiry Datetime (eg. Thu Jul 22 00:00:00 2021)
  • TS3 Virtual Server (total) (eg. 9 Virtual Servers)
  • TS3 Virtual Server (online) (eg. 7 Virtual Servers)
  • TS3 Virtual Server (offline) (eg. 2 Virtual Servers)
  • TS3 Process ID (PID) active (eg. 1)


The template contains multiple triggers in order to alert in case of issues. For the full list, please check the template by your.

Below some interesting trigger examples:

  • TS3 Instance has been restarted
  • TS3 Instance has been crashed
  • TS3 Instance ServerQuery port is unreachable
  • TS3 Instance version changed (3.13.3 => 3.13.5)
  • TS3 Instance reaches usage of max. slots (>80 %)
  • TS3 Instance is not on the latest version
  • TS3 Instance Flood Time of 300 is too high


This section guides you through the installation of this template.

Install Python

The Python script, which you will later install on the Zabbix server requires Python 3.

Please install the respective Linux package:

# Example for Debian
apt-get update
apt-get install python3

Configure sudo

The Python script is executing some shell commands, which require root permissions. Due to this, these commands are being executed using sudo.

Please install the respective Linux package:

# Example for Debian
apt-get update
apt-get install sudo

Next, allow the Zabbix user to execute the required commands by the Python script. You can manage this in a dedicated sudoers file for example: /etc/sudoers.d/99-zabbix-user

# Required for UserParameters teamspeak
zabbix ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/kill -0 *
zabbix ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/du -sb *

PS: You might also want to add zabbix ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nmap to this file to allow Zabbix to run the script Detect operating system from the web interface. ;)

User Parameters

This template also gathers some information using the active Zabbix agent. Therefore, you need to configure the required User Parameters on the host, where the Zabbix agent should execute some shell commands. The required user parameters by this template can be found in the zabbix_agentd.d/ folder.

  1. Connect using SSH to your host, where your TeamSpeak server is running on
  2. Identify the path of your Include folder: grep -Ei "^Include" /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
  3. Install all user parameters from the zabbix_agentd.d/ folder into your user parameter (Include) folder (default: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/)
    cd /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
  4. Ensure, that the permissions of these scripts are set correctly
    chown root:root -R /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
    chmod 644 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/*.conf
    chmod 755 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/*.sh
  5. Restart the Zabbix agent to load the configuration of these new user parameters
    sudo systemctl restart zabbix-agent.service

External Scripts

First of all, you need to install all external scripts, which are used by this template. Those can be found in the external_scripts/ folder.

  1. Connect using SSH to your Zabbix monitoring server
  2. Identify the path of your ExternalScripts folder: grep -Ei "^externalscript" /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
  3. Install all scripts from the external_scripts/ folder into your ExternalScripts folder (default: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts)
    cd /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/
  4. Ensure, that the permissions of these scripts are set correctly
    chown root:root -R /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/
    chmod 755 /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/*


Next, import all Zabbix templates/:

  1. Login with administrative permissions to your Zabbix server web interface
  2. Go to Configuration -> Templates
  3. Click on Import
  4. Select the template from this repository
  5. Mark the required options in import rules
  6. Confirm the import by clicking on Import

For further information, you might want to take a look at the official Zabbix documentation:

Configuration / Usage

First of all, you should ensure, that your IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6, if applicable) of your Zabbix monitoring server are whitelisted for the TeamSpeak ServerQuery. Otherwise the Python script may get blocked due to too many connections and executing commands.

  1. Connect using SSH to your host, where a TeamSpeak server is running on
  2. Edit the ServerQuery White-/Allowlist (default: query_ip_whitelist.txt or query_ip_allowlist.txt)
  3. Ensure, that all your Zabbix server IPv4 addresses are listed in this list (eg.
  4. Ensure, that all your Zabbix server IPv6 addresses are listed in this list (eg. 2001:db8::1/128)
  5. Save the file

No restart of the TeamSpeak instance is required. TeamSpeak detects the change and automatically loads the changes.

Now, you can start monitoring your TeamSpeak servers.

  1. Login with administrative permissions to your Zabbix server web interface
  2. Go to Configuration -> Hosts
  3. Add a new host by clicking on Create host or edit an existing host by clicking on the hosts name
  4. Open the tab Templates
  5. In the field Link new templates enter teamspeak and select the template Template App TeamSpeak 3
  6. Click on Update in order to assign this template to the host
  7. Open the tab Macros
  8. Add the required macros by the template with their respective values (see next section for available macros)
  9. Click on Update to save the configured macros

Now, your TeamSpeak server should be already monitored. Verify this by checking the latest monitoring data:

  1. Login with administrative permissions to your Zabbix server web interface
  2. Go to Monitoring -> Latest data
  3. Select or enter TeamSpeak 3 Server as Application
  4. Click on Apply to see all available data for this specific application

Note: The item TS3 Full XML will be always empty as it only contains the XML data from the Python script, parses it and immediately discards it afterwards.

After a few minutes should have some monitoring data like the TS3 Instance Version, TS3 Instance Uptime or TS3 License Expiry Datetime.

Available Macros

Hint: Currently, the Python script does only support the raw protocol for the connection. Support for ssh is prepared, but not implemented yet.

Macro Default Value Description
{$TS3_INSTANCE_HOME_DIR} /home/teamspeak The root directory, where the TeamSpeak server is installed. The should be located there.
{$TS3_QUERY_IP} The IP address, which is listening for the ServerQuery interface.
{$TS3_QUERY_PORT} 10011 The port, which is listening for the ServerQuery interface.
{$TS3_QUERY_PROTOCOL} raw The protocol, which should be used by the ServerQuery commands. Possible values: raw (telnet; unsecure), ssh (ssh; encrypted)
{$TS3_QUERY_USER} serveradmin The ServerQuery user, which is allowed to gather all information.
{$TS3_QUERY_PASSWORD} empty The password of the previous configured ServerQuery user.

How to contribute

Any improvements to the Zabbix TeamSpeak monitoring template are welcome. Simply create a merge request with your improvements.


Open list of contributors


Zabbix TeamSpeak Template is free software and is made available free of charge. Your donation, which is purely optional, supports me at improving the software as well as reducing my costs of this project. If you like the software, please consider a donation. Thank you very much!

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