Orix is a Food Delivery App
Splash Screen:
Login/Signup Screen: Login using email id and password / Enter full name, email, and set a password..
Home Screen:
The homepage consists of the following elements:
Categories Section: User can select different categories of food on which restaurants are filtered in lower section.
Profile Icon: See complete profile comprising your details as entered during signup. _ See a list of your past orders. _ You can Track your order on Map or re-order once your order is delivered.
Restaurants: A list of restaurants with their Ratings and Categories is show in the lower section , you can scroll and select a specific restaurants based on your food requirement
Track Order Screen:
- React Native
- Google Firebase
- Cloud Firestore
- Building a connected App for Delivery persons to Track Live Orders
- Building a connected App for Restaurants to manage orders and stuffs.
- Payment Integration
- Adding more features in app like search feature , using promo codes , recommendations of food ,Adding a favourite screen Notifying user about New deals etc.